My Experience with ADI, Atlas Defense Industries.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Let me play devils advocate. If you join and org and they ask for your Facebook and Linkedin info... do you freely give it them to them?

Most people I know would nope out of an on-boarding interview for a guild or org at that point.

There are 6000 ADI members who like the fact that they have all their personal information, they must be aware that this thing is bound to happen right?
No and HELL NO!!!

The people I personally know and have high regard for in my industry have my LinkedIn info. I don’t take invites from strangers. The only people who I am connected to outside of my industry are my sister in law, ex-brother in law, and my best friend from high school.

if a prospective employer asked for my Facebook account, twitter account, etc. I would not give it to them (don’t have one). If they asked for my linkedin account, I would not give them that either. If they know me, they already have it. If they don’t, they will get it when I know them, not before. They can google me if needed.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
No and HELL NO!!!

The people I personally know and have high regard for in my industry have my LinkedIn info. I don’t take invites from strangers. The only people who I am connected to outside of my industry are my sister in law, ex-brother in law, and my best friend from high school.

if a prospective employer asked for my Facebook account, twitter account, etc. I would not give it to them (don’t have one). If they asked for my linkedin account, I would not give them that either. If they know me, they already have it. If they don’t, they will get it when I know them, not before. They can google me if needed.
This 💯
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Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
Privacy on the internet is an illusion. That being said, there is no reason to go streaking around, showing off all your personal everythings to everyone.

Doc Teal's rubric on piracy: The only good pirate is a dead pirate, except for TESTies, who always get patched up for free.
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Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Drama sucks..

With that caveat, ADI was my first org in game. As a retired military guy, the idea of working with a number of others like myself was Extremely appealing. There is an efficiency that I have not found anywhere outside the military. In ADI, I found a few of those people. BUT, critically, not in the leadership.

After the third public run in with JayC (and sycophants) chastising me for helping a new person with HOTAS setup, I quit. Org policy was that if it was not an 'official' binding arrangement, you were NOT ALLOWED to discuss it. The rub was that at that time, NO official setup had been presented, provided, endorsed or even hinted at. Yes, these experiences were uglier than the words indicate.

They do collect a ton of info on new recruits. Stuff that has no business in a business, let alone a game. I work for a Fortune 100 company, and the screening for this job was less invasive. (For those who might ask, No, I did not provide all they wanted, nor did I HAVE all they wanted. INFOSEC is a paranoid field.)

There is much more I could say, some positive, mostly negative. My final words on the subject are, if this was Eve I'd blacklist any dealings with them. Not to punish the members, but to inhibit that Org's influence until it implodes. In SC, I expect the behaviour of the ADI leadership to provide some.. interesting.. stories.

Enough from me.
Ayeteeone out.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
There is much more I could say, some positive, mostly negative. My final words on the subject are, if this was Eve I'd blacklist any dealings with them. Not to punish the members, but to inhibit that Org's influence until it implodes. In SC, I expect the behaviour of the ADI leadership to provide some.. interesting.. stories.
You raise a good point. We tend to lump "ADI" as ALL the members, but 5990 of them have nothing to do with this.


Oct 18, 2019
RSI Handle
It is simply my hope that this does not happen to anyone else again. Thank you all for the responses. If I could, I would block all members of ADI and Jay from my experience. I do not wish ADI any ill will. I just wish they would have enough common sense to remove the tyrant they have for a leader. I know you are watching this. Find a happier place to be, instead of tolerating such an angry person. You will not win with such an explosive violent person at the head of your group. Make no mistake. If you get in his way, he will do the same to you.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
In some games I played in the past I dealt with organizations that were that extreme in wanting personal information but it seemed creepy to me plus jobs I had at the time were quite strict about how we handled some of the information that was being demanded, so I never stuck around with them.
It amazed me how many people acted like it was completely normal for the leadership to expect that level of personal detail to be provided and quite a few made comments about it making them actually feel more secure with the organization (crazy right?)


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Having just read this insanity again, WHAT?
Lets be completely fair here for a minute.

When somebody gets ejected from TEST for being an ass, they post pretty horrible things about me that might not be accurate.

Ive been accused of:

- Being a psychopath
- Trying to start a cult
- Egomania
- Delusions of grandeur

All of this is true. I not sure what my point was.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Lets be completely fair here for a minute.

When somebody gets ejected from TEST for being an ass, they post pretty horrible things about me that might not be accurate.

Ive been accused of:

- Being a psychopath
- Trying to start a cult
- Egomania
- Delusions of grandeur

All of this is true. I not sure what my point was.
Did they accuse you of not actually liking Auroras and beer?
If so, then we must rise up to immolate the heathens!!!


Space Marshal
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Having experienced my own recent WTF moment in mmo crazies. I can assure you, power can go to people's heads. Best thing you can do is turn your back on that bullshit and walk away from it. It is seriously amazing how much someone can go full crazy town just because they have that thin monitor screen "shielding" them from reprisal. Don't dump fuel on the fire, just walk away.


Oct 18, 2019
RSI Handle
The claim by the OP about real money trading is pure speculation at this point.
An early incarnation of the webpage talked about sales and satisfied customers. It was in the middle of construction. UEC was not mentioned anywhere on the site at the time. Maybe they changed their stance.
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Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Well let's be honest about something, there's 3 sides to every story, there's your side, their side and the truth. We've only heard one side which gives us very little to go on.

I will say one thing, if a "leader" of the ADI org did threaten somebody as described... it's a matter of time until he/she is put in their place. I've had people try to threaten me in the past, the key is to document the conversation meticulously, record any phone calls (easy on android) and send it to your attorney. You'll be amazed how fast the biggest bully turns into the biggest pussy when you make it legal.
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