My SC Experience and overall thoughts about this journey have changed..... Let me explain

Dorian Grey

Space Marshal
Feb 7, 2015
RSI Handle
I have been a backer since 2013 and joined Test in 2015. I have put a lot of faith and hopes and dreams(AND CASH) in this game and before 3.3.5+ I was on the group that logged in to see the new changes and logged back out because I felt Meh! almost every time. The first day I logged into Olisar, got on my F7C, QT to Loreville and landed.... EVERYTHING changed. I have been playing non-stop since 3.3.5. The entire games feels like there have really been improvements. There are still a LOT of bugs (like me waiting for an account wipe because I was hit by the negative aECU bug) BUT I can feel and SEE the work being done, the improvements and most importantly, THE SHIPS THAT I PLEDGE for being realized in game ! There is STILL Improvement and with BUGS and all, it was a thrilling experience traveling from Levski to Lorveile in a Cutlass with Barely any fuel to reach Loreville, NO CASH to refuel BUT I made it ! Granted, I have a ship on EVERY rest stop from Levski to Lorevile BUT I HAD FUN !. I CAN'T wait for 3.4 and 2019 have to offer. AND did I mentioned that MISC is tomorrow???? (I am going to break the bank) lol

Take Care and see you IN THE VERSE!
PS. My fleet profile will change tomorrow ! :P PPS. I am going to start streaming and posting videos on my Youtube channel!
H- Renstler
Forgot to add. that the concierge service really came through today. i hat a response to my issue in 18 hours !
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I am glad you enjoyed yourself. Objectively speaking star citizen still looks good and well going away for a long stretches is healthy as there is still a lot (mostly content) to add. Sorry but a new moon same but different to the old moon is not really new things to do. Hopefully careers will actually make progress this next year like we hope for 2018. If your into pvp then year the world is better.


Grand Admiral
Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
I feel exactly the same! I have never put in so much time in this game as have over the last few weeks. Its starting to feel like a real game. Its ssooooo much more playable now. I'm loving it. I'm actually thinking about getting a Mercury Star Runner now.


Space Marshal
Sep 7, 2015
RSI Handle
Sometimes the bugs can be the best part. I fell through an elevator a couple days ago and was exploring Lorville for about 30 minutes. Then I fell through another crack can died. I can wait until the feuling and salvage mechanics get added to the game. Those will make it a lot more interesting. I wish right now it was easier to find ship recks and grab all the stuff, not just the recovery missions.


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Well ya' all, I am in the same place! I haven't really played since 3.0 was released. And just yesterday I was telling @Shadow Reaper off line the same thing. I also notice the FPS is better now, as i have an underpowered machine, and so I need some help until I build something new! (and btw, cyber Monday didn't seem to have any screaming deals for motherboards and I-5or7 chips, so I still haven't upgraded). But, for the first time, I am logging in *every* night to take a quick trip! Love it! C-Ya in the Verse!

PS: which means a return to reading the TEST boards again, which I have been woefully neglectful in.
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