So, yeah...About a year ago my computer desk was on it's last legs and was in imminent danger of falling apart. Since then I've been using a rolling hospital-style dinner tray and a foldable tv dinner tray to hold my keyboard, mouse and monitor. My PC is on a little wheeled cart off of the floor at least and my HOTAS sits on top of that, unused due to lack of real room. What I'm looking for is a decent gaming desk that can hold maybe two monitors (perhaps with some sort of support arm) and my hotas setup, maybe with a keyboard tray for my mouse and kb. And it has to max out at around 52 inches wide. My PC I can keep on the floor as long as there's room to roll it under the desk. Does anyone know of some good brand names or models that would fill the role and last a while? I'm not very handy so building it from scratch myself is not likely to happen. It's just that, gaming off of cramped Tv trays isn't conducive to SC enjoyment lol