Need ideas - Apply within


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
So I will be dabbling in some content creation and would like some ideas. Obviously it will be TEST related, but I wanted to gauge the community here and see what yall come up with. It could be a machinima using SC, could be a real-life video about how to join TEST and recruit others, or a day in the life of a TESTie.

Let me know in a reply, what you think would be the best TEST video. Go into detail, explain the scenes, be specific.

I look forward to hearing what you all come up with! Cheers!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
So I will be dabbling in some content creation and would like some ideas. Obviously it will be TEST related, but I wanted to gauge the community here and see what yall come up with. It could be a machinima using SC, could be a real-life video about how to join TEST and recruit others, or a day in the life of a TESTie.

Let me know in a reply, what you think would be the best TEST video. Go into detail, explain the scenes, be specific.

I look forward to hearing what you all come up with! Cheers!
Baby steps.

Join an op, get cool footage of the op. Ships doing a linked Quantum jump, Third person view fly abouts, firefights... edited and set to exciting music.

Trying to do Machinima as a first attempt in content creation will take you 500hrs and you will give up before a final product is even reached.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Gotta get yourself a news van and start filming a Test-centric Onion-News-Network style show, straight-face reporting on bugs and whatnot as if they are unnatural phenomena within the game universe.

"Though their numbers have diminished, protests in support of equal opportunity seating arrangements for Banu and Tavarin citizens continue throughout the Stanton system this morning as clashes with security personnel have led Advocacy forces to employ man-in-man coverage at most major ports of entry. As tensions rise, many are lamenting the recent exodus of the Invictus fleet; Citing their absence as a catalyst for rising violence across Hurston and ArcCorp space. Demonstrations remain peaceful in the commercial heart of MicroTech, however, as local authorities have made a concentrated effort to de-militarize their standing guard and every effort has been made by local workers to uphold their stringent daily exercise routine. Without an end in sight, many lawmakers are petitioning for the Navy's return, but UEEN representatives have been reluctant to comment. More on this developing situation at 11."

...for example


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'd like to watch a video on how to fold clothes.

I've seen the things in shops all folded, I've even bought a few pre-folded but they just don't stay that way, and I feel like I am wasting a lot of drawer space just cramming my threads in there any old ways. Someone told me that if you fold a garment like how they are in the shops you can save up to 14% more space than just balling it up or chucking it in but I just can't seem to work out how to do it.

So yeah, a video about that please. It'd be really helpful.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I love sea stories. Could you do some sea stories set in 2950 with TEST and SC? There was the time a buddy and I were hanging out in the hangar bay and talking, leaned up against the bulkhead. Soon, a few marines got in a line behind us, waiting quietly. We got done talking and headed back to the shop and one of the marines asked us if we were going to leave our places in line. Apparently, they thought we were queued up for chow or something, lol. I'm sure you know a few yourself, Printimus.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
During Operation Desert Storm, the skipper kept us at sea for 47 days straight so he wouldn't have to give us a steel beach picnic and BEER. He was trying to avoid any alcohol-related incidents under his command. We finally pulled into Dubai on the 4th of July and we had been told there was no reason to go ashore as there was going to be a USO show on the Nimitz and good food on the mess decks in celebration of Independence Day. Soon as liberty was called away, I found myself in a long line of sailors stretching from the forward hangar bay to the fantail where they were checking IDs, haircuts, etc., before letting us get on the boats going in to the dock. I see some lieutenant come walking down the line escorting an absolutely gorgeous woman in full make-up and updo and she's looking at all us guys streaming off the carrier like rats leaving a sinking ship. When they were about 10 feet from me, that heavenly gal stops and says to the lieutenant, "Do they know there is going to be a USO show?" The lieutenant replies, "Oh, this is just a small part of the ships complement, most of the men are still here." She nods and they walk on. You could tell he was a born sailor by way he lied to that hottie without missing a beat. I went ashore and I don't remember what we were drinking, but it was probably Fosters. Watching hot girls dance or drinking beer? Beer wins again.


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
just record yourself playing games with people, but then like, edit things to seem cooler than it actually was :p
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
The boss' recent crash TEST video of one of our pilots flying into the dirt was fun!

Simple, small, annotated video snipets of TEST pilot life like that might be a good way to start. I bet many of us could be crash TEST candidates for your early works!

Thanks for having the courage to do this. Sometimes I think of doing the same but have so much going on (and also think I probably suck on camera) that I never get to it.
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Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
Baby steps.

Join an op, get cool footage of the op. Ships doing a linked Quantum jump, Third person view fly abouts, firefights... edited and set to exciting music.

Trying to do Machinima as a first attempt in content creation will take you 500hrs and you will give up before a final product is even reached.
Haha this is the story of my life. I stick to small unedited youtube clips to get my 'fix'
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm with Montoya suggestion: we have event every weekend and there are always something going on on discord, so just joing some guys and record the session, they cut and reassemble it to looks good.
WMK had done a good video once just recording a CFT session in space for exaple:
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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2019
RSI Handle
You could use your real life expertise and apply it into SC.
Such as Morphologist's - an architect reviews, does your real life profession give you a perspective on things others may not have?


Grand Admiral
Dec 14, 2019
RSI Handle
You could use your real life expertise and apply it into SC.
Such as Morphologist's - an architect reviews, does your real life profession give you a perspective on things others may not have?
That's a great idea.

As an aside: I did think, generally, we could have a repository of people willing to use their real life skills to help the group; we must have web designers, video editors, musicians, statisticians etc here.

Also, some of the resources already on the site (I'm thinking of the mining information) are superb, and deserve as wide an audience as we can find.
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Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Idea: The movie "Independence Day" but where the Aliens are the protagonist hired by a client to exterminate some really persistent and destructive pests from the universe.
Movie Name: Terrestrial Extermination Services Team (T.E.S.T.)

Contact my agent to discuss terms on the screenplay.

Edit: @Han Burgundy has exclusive rights on the book adaptation.
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