New donation drive for my Executive edition 600i


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
1. you are a troll who somehow found this thread randomly through google most likely.
2. you randomly post in an org's forum without a proper introduction or application, you could of at least brought beer
3. NECRO!!!!!
It's okay, we accept Necros and Spais and rejects here with open and loving arms...
Only the best! For GLORY!!!!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
1. you are a troll who somehow found this thread randomly through google most likely.
2. you randomly post in an org's forum without a proper introduction or application, you could of at least brought beer
3. NECRO!!!!!
It's okay, we accept Necros and Spais and rejects here with open and loving arms...
Only the best! For GLORY!!!!
View attachment 15743
Gentlemen, we have all missed the salient point of the post in question:
$27,000 for a limited play game that has no value but in your mind. thats Heresy!
"...that has no value but in your mind..."

An objects value being linked to its cognitive appearance of worth is true of almost all things of value: Even valuable rarities such as Gold and Diamonds, outside of the industrial setting where they have a use, are artificially limited to increase their value and where a supply suddenly appears, such as a country selling its gold reserve, the value of that commodity is immediately effected. Indeed it has occurred that a country only had to announce it intended to sell a portion of its reserve in favor of other investments to cause the price to tank.

The value of the Exec 600i is not, though, linked to this human cognitive function - None of the ships in the 'Verse are worth what a backer pledges for them - it's even spelt out when you place the order in the pledge store that the value of the digital asset pledged on is not equal to the value of the funds provided for access to it:

An RSI Aurora ES is $20.
It has a bed, closed cockpit, can fly planet to orbit, Quantum Drive to another planet and Jump Drive to another system and has an okay cargo capacity. The Drake Dragonfly is $40.
It can only function on the ground or has to be carried in to space where it cannot Quantum Drive to other planets or over long distances. It's cargo capacity is tiny, it can carry a second person but the Aurora can in it's bed, and the bed is also used to Log Out which is an essential feature that the Dragonfly does not have.

The Dragonfly is twice the price and half the utility. In any anyone's money the ES is the better investment as it is a more practical vehicle for a much lower price, in fact you could have two ES for the value of one Dragonfly... But the asset provided for the pledge of funds is a thanks for pledging those funds, not a purchase of that asset. The value of the pledge in return for the reward is set independently and, as already outlined, really has no bearing on the value of the funds provided to the continuing project.

So you do not pay $27,000 for the Exec 600i in the first place... but it's even more complicated that that, as you pay $0 for it: It is an additional perk for having pledged that much to the project, it is an item added to your account above and beyond the assets you provided the $27,000 to attain.

You may argue that to own an Exec 600i you need to spend X amount. That is not false. However look at it another way:

The Gladius is $90 in the pledge store. It's also available for 10 Referrals in the referral system If you spend $0 getting those 10 referrals that Gladius is costs $0. If you use some form of advertising to spread your referral code and end up spending $10 to attain that referral it is worth $100, even more expensive than the amount you would have paid to attain it the standard way. If you spend you own money on alt accounts to get the 10 referrals that's $45 a time at an eventual cost of $450.

So what is a Gladius worth?

As it, and all of the ships in the pledge store, will be eventually available to buy and own in the game without spending a single penny of IRL money beyond a single $45 dollar game package... I suppose it's worth nothing. They really are thanks for funding the project or performing another service like referring.

So what is a Exec 600i worth?

A horse can have the value of a kingdom given the right circumstances and other things can have their value modified with artificial availability and other means... but what is the value of a thank you?

Whatever those who are giving that thanks say it is, I suppose.

EDIT - Also, if the originator of the post is a Game Jerno/Student doing their dissertation looking for an easy point of research by just dropping an inflammatory comment into a community and seeing what bubbles to the surface, you'd be doing a lot better by either A) Reporting facts rather than internet peoples opinions 2) Reading up on and around the subject and becoming a point of authority on it or iii) going to the forums of He Who Should Not Be Given The Oxygen Of Publicity and seeing what they say there as it's likely to be just as useful as what we say and they'll stick to the subject: This is TEST, we chat shit theorycraft here.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I like the look of the "Executive" 600i, but I'm sure that I'd LOVE that look applied to an 890J & a BMM, especially if it is a full livery inside & out instead of just an exterior skin swap.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
Gentlemen, we have all missed the salient point of the post in question:

"...that has no value but in your mind..."

An objects value being linked to its cognitive appearance of worth is true of almost all things of value: Even valuable rarities such as Gold and Diamonds, outside of the industrial setting where they have a use, are artificially limited to increase their value and where a supply suddenly appears, such as a country selling its gold reserve, the value of that commodity is immediately effected. Indeed it has occurred that a country only had to announce it intended to sell a portion of its reserve in favor of other investments to cause the price to tank.
I disagree with your take on gold. Gold, no matter how much is in circulation, has a steady value. What fluctates is not the value of the gold, but the fiat currency by which we measure it. When we talk about gold used to be $300 per ounce and is now $1200 per ounce, we are not talking about an increase in the price of gold, but the devaluation of the dollar. I'd love to hear how I'm wrong, so please correct me.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
What if, instead of just donating, we simple send Montoya the money whenever we want to buy something new. He purchases it, and gifts it to us. He gets credit toward the shmexy ship, we get new ships, everyone wins. With 19,000 members, this shouldn't take too long.

Get a spreadsheet ready @Montoya. You're going to get flooded with orders.

Caveat, I haven't read the entire thread, so this may have been suggested.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
I didnt know 'shmexy' was a word!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I disagree with your take on gold. Gold, no matter how much is in circulation, has a steady value. What fluctates is not the value of the gold, but the fiat currency by which we measure it. When we talk about gold used to be $300 per ounce and is now $1200 per ounce, we are not talking about an increase in the price of gold, but the devaluation of the dollar. I'd love to hear how I'm wrong, so please correct me.
heh, fucked if I know :)
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I disagree with your take on gold. Gold, no matter how much is in circulation, has a steady value. What fluctates is not the value of the gold, but the fiat currency by which we measure it. When we talk about gold used to be $300 per ounce and is now $1200 per ounce, we are not talking about an increase in the price of gold, but the devaluation of the dollar. I'd love to hear how I'm wrong, so please correct me.
You're partially right. If gold prices were purely based upon the devaluation of the dollar then it would have a mostly steady increase in price over the years. But because gold is considered a rare commodity its value fluctuates based upon the demand and the current supply. In fact, the gold mines in Nevada lay off the miners when the gold prices drop to low as its no longer cost-effective, and when the prices climb like they are now they will process lower grade ore as it becomes profitable.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Many of you in discord say this is stupid and there is no good reason to have to raise $25,000 so I can get a 600i Executive Edition:

Your hesitation confuses me!

Do you expect me to fly around the verse in my stupid NORMAL colored 600i?

What kind of lame flex is that?

We already have $1 in funding, so just $24,999 to go!

Come on guys, we can do it!
Montoya needs an Executive 600i; this way he can take all the agro, while our Aurora's ram the enemy flagships.

TLDR; prime golden 600i
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