New Drake Cutlass WIP


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
...I just want CIG to show me that they want to up the guns on [the MIS] first :slight_smile:
Don't hold your breath, it's specialized for MISsiles

The MIS is not going to be a good solo ship - it's for fleet fights. You will want escorts to take care of enemy fighters while you spam missiles at the thrusters of much bigger ships to disable them.

The MIS will punch well above its weight as long as you can keep it alive. I intend to lose enough of them to make the LTI a good investment. But I'm going to have a lot of big ship kills to make up for my losses.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I've got a MIS too - it won't be great for solo but now theres two of us spamming mizzles at anything that moves. Maybe there will be 5 of us, or 10 of us imagine all those mizzles! :D


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Don't hold your breath, it's specialized for MISsiles

The MIS is not going to be a good solo ship - it's for fleet fights. You will want escorts to take care of enemy fighters while you spam missiles at the thrusters of much bigger ships to disable them.

The MIS will punch well above its weight as long as you can keep it alive. I intend to lose enough of them to make the LTI a good investment. But I'm going to have a lot of big ship kills to make up for my losses.
It may be for missiles, but CR originally wanted a second manned turret on the thing since it's supposed to be the fighting Freelancer :P

And when I say 'solo ship', I mean a ship that 1 person can do everything. Not really a ship to go out by yourself. I don't know how CIG is going to eventually implement different areas and how they will bring in aggressors but if they scale all of the fights, then any single seat ship should be fine alone. If they don't scale things too well, then this will be a very unfriendly game to people who can't start out with more than an Aurora.

10 MISes MISsileing around is going to be crazy though. We should just shorten more than 1 MIS to Missus. It will be like, "oh no, here come the Missus."

Still though, 10 MISsus in a convoy can transport a lot of cargo. Did someone order a lot of missiles?
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
2 MIS 1 MAX heavy shock and awe space truckin'
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't count Greycats, Rovers, or Dragonflies. They are vehicles because of their component sizes and none of them can fly. That's how I get away with 11/5 ships :smile:

I'm waaaaaay over budget though. $400 was my initial limit. Then it was $1,000. Now I'm Space Marshal Stevetank :/
Haha, over budget indeed. Me too my friend, me too.
But I do believe that I'm happy with my fleet.

For now.
We both say that, but you know that we're both going to have one before the game goes live. I just want CIG to show me that they want to up the guns on it first :slight_smile:
Ugh. Shush you.

Although... I do love the Freelancer


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
...And when I say 'solo ship', I mean a ship that 1 person can do everything. Not really a ship to go out by yourself...
I gotta believe there will always be an advantage to having human crew over an NPC crew - if not, CIG disincentivizes the social game.

So when I take the MISsus into harm's way I want TESTes manning the turret and shield/repair/power systems as I pilot and spew ze missiles.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I gotta believe there will always be an advantage to having human crew over an NPC crew - if not, CIG disincentivizes the social game.

So when I take the MISsus into harm's way I want TESTes manning the turret and shield/repair/power systems as I pilot and spew ze missiles.
Oh I'll be onboard for that flight. Tight pants and loose morals. Fuck yeah.
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Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
I gotta believe there will always be an advantage to having human crew over an NPC crew - if not, CIG disincentivizes the social game.

So when I take the MISsus into harm's way I want TESTes manning the turret and shield/repair/power systems as I pilot and spew ze missiles.
Definitely wanting a crew of TESTies on my ships. I only want solo play for doing small shopping lists before group play. Gotta grab 9 boxes of ammo and 6 Rattler 2's before the night starts and I don't want to have to haul around a posse just to do that. Transporting any large quantity or things or expensive things, I want to have a crew required. I just feel that there are some things that people should do on their own before a group event. Hopefully there will be places nearby that stock those essentials that I want / need.

Oh I'll be onboard for that flight. Tight pants and loose morals. Fuck yeah.
Pants are optional on all of my ships. They tend to slow down crew with huge brass balls. I don't want them slowing down because of pants requirements. Also, shotguns are required. I don't care if you're a hot nurse or a humble mechanic... or a hot mechanic or a humble nurse..., you'll be required to have a shotgun for your protection.

I have no idea what that means, FYI. Just spewing verbal diarrhea. Haha
It means that you are enthusiastic about spending time with your TESTies and you are ready to start the fun :D

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Pants are optional on all of my ships. They tend to slow down crew with huge brass balls. I don't want them slowing down because of pants requirements. Also, shotguns are required. I don't care if you're a hot nurse or a humble mechanic... or a hot mechanic or a humble nurse..., you'll be required to have a shotgun for your protection.
Look at you and all your logic, haha.
It means that you are enthusiastic about spending time with your TESTies and you are ready to start the fun :smile:
Well I do love my TESTes. And spending time with them. Especially one-on-one time. Or group play...
Yeah, I reckon you're right.:smile:
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The one problem that I have with the Freelancer is that it's not very solo friendly as you have to have a second person in the back for all the guns to be used.
The Lancers have a bigger problem. They have a terrible field of view. It is very easy for an opponent to hide outside your field of view and you should expect them to in a conflict. I would never want to be flying a Lancer in any sort of contest that includes proximity. Launching missiles from 7km out is fine, but the last thing you want is a fighter closing on your Lancer. That will get your ass shot off.

By contrast, the Cutlass has a wonderful, fighter-like view.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
The Lancers have a bigger problem. They have a terrible field of view. It is very easy for an opponent to hide outside your field of view and you should expect them to in a conflict. I would never want to be flying a Lancer in any sort of contest that includes proximity. Launching missiles from 7km out is fine, but the last thing you want is a fighter closing on your Lancer. That will get your ass shot off.

By contrast, the Cutlass has a wonderful, fighter-like view.
I actually don't have a problem finding things when flying a Freelancer, though I don't normally look out of the cockpit when I'm searching for targets. I just tab through them till I find one that I like. I search for the closest first and then go through the list real fast to see where they are or how far away they are. If the range says 4.5 km or so, then I don't worry. If the range says 2.5 km or lower, then I remember where they are. If the range says 999m or less, then I make them a priority.

I also memorize where asteroids are with a glance and can normally maneuver around them for a little while without looking. I don't have to keep glancing over and over again since I trust my short term memory. I hardly ever have to worry about collisions :)

The ship that I absolutely can't fly is the Andromeda. I cannot see out of the front when light from behind me makes the struts in the view line turn gray. It makes it impossible to see and I've run into 1 km wide asteroids because I just can't see them. Since the Freelancer has no struts in the view line, I can fly it just fine.

I do love that Cutlass view though.... so nice and so perfect. It's not even centered on the screen, but I like it anyways.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Aww man I am so happy I have a cutlass blue with lti and a dragonfly

Its just going to be THE ship for me in game

great visibility great versatility plus with my new thrust master ill have all the fixed guns on board

I plan on doing low quantity high value cargo or bounty hunting in game and its perfect for it
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So the count is the Cutlass Blue and Black will mount up to 10 Pyros, is that right? 8900 DPS across a field it is hard to miss at, once it is in range, of course? Can blow the shields off anything smaller than a Polaris in one second? and crush it in the second second?
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Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
So the count is the Cutlass Blue and Black will mount up to 10 Pyros, is that right? 8900 DPS across a field it is hard to miss at, once it is in range, of course? Can blow the shields off anything smaller than a Polaris in one second? and crush it in the second second?
6 pyros....
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
All we need is for them to fix the pyros so they actually work :|
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