New drunken Test anthem?!


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
So I was trolling around the SC forums and I stumbled across a response that stopped me in my tracks. I spent far too long reading and re-reading it, slowly growing to appreciate it's beauty. You see, for me, reading this particular bit of prose vividly brings back those times where I had just one beer too many (read: many beers too many). So without further ado, I present the works of a user named Genesis (handle name "Lorenki") on the SC forums...

Genesis/Lorenki said:
Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me, (with big yawning)
As plurdled gabbleblotchits, in midsummer morning
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,
Its earted jurtles, grumbling
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and stipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries.
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don't!
The post can be found (HERE).


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Vogon Poetry!?

*Clicks link*

*Doesn't load*

Yes, it was Vogon Poetry, so bad it's destroyed the webpage it was hosted on!

Here's a lullaby from Marvin the Paranoid Android:

"Now the world has gone to bed
Darkness won’t engulf my head
I can see by infra-red
How I hate the night
Now I lay me down to sleep
Try to count electric sheep
Sweet dream wishes you can keep
How I hate the night"


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Vogon Poetry!?

*Clicks link*

*Doesn't load*

Yes, it was Vogon Poetry, so bad it's destroyed the webpage it was hosted on!

Here's a lullaby from Marvin the Paranoid Android:

"Now the world has gone to bed
Darkness won’t engulf my head
I can see by infra-red
How I hate the night
Now I lay me down to sleep
Try to count electric sheep
Sweet dream wishes you can keep
How I hate the night"

Well now I feel a bit dense. I should have looked a bit further into it, let alone recognized it. Here I was though, thinking it was an original work instead of a quote. Yay me! I don't mind crow though. It's kind of delicious when breaded and deep fried...
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