New Roadmap is out!!


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Honestly I am in no hurry for them to add the Polaris to the game. I am glad its going to be at the tail end so that all the metrics and learning mistakes get made to other ships. Let the Polaris be the pinnacle of design and function.
Ohhh this is definitly my thought too. The more delayed it is, the more polished it will be (i hope).

I really want the Perseus cause it looks fun as hell, but they still need a bit of stuff before I think they'd do it justice. Even with as awesome as the Carrack came out I'm going to be upgrading mine. I just don't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
That would be a tough choice for me to choose between the 2 if i had to keep one only. They are both fun ships, not big crew requirements, and the possibilities of jobs done with those two is probably very wide. One potential jack of all trade, focus on exploration, and the other a strong brawler.

The only thing I wish they had done was make the main elevator be able to go to the ground. After all it has the suit locker and gun racks right there. Other then that I have no issue with it.
Please add an elevator !

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
The more delayed it is, the more polished it will be (i hope).
I generally subscribe to that. But, wow, the latest Q&A on some basic character animation progress, or lack thereof, is a tad bit depressing. Especially for such a well-funded development house. CIG needs to demonstrate real progress on basic blocking and tackling like this, and move away from the 'oh, our physicists were taken to code other stuff' line that each team uses, IMHO.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
That would be a tough choice for me to choose between the 2 if i had to keep one only. They are both fun ships, not big crew requirements
I feel the Carrack will take more people than everyone thinks. We already have a requirement of around 4-6. And that's without knowing what the modules will entail.

The medbed is nice, but I feel I can go out easier with a Hercules or do much more with an Endeavor.

I just want the Perseus for the giant guns! And people say it'll die easily with the same shields as a HH, but in the lore it was built before shields were even a thing. So I think its armor will be stronger than they realize.
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I just want the Perseus for the giant guns! And people say it'll die easily with the same shields as a HH, but in the lore it was built before shields were even a thing. So I think its armor will be stronger than they realize.
I hope so too it that will have big armor.

My problem with the Perseus, which almost led me to ask for a refund after i bought my Ambush pack, is that the guns are bespoke. And we knew that only after sale started, because the Q&A was released after the sale started 😡 I was hoping to get mine for sniping like with the Ares Ion 😢

I do not like the fact that guns are bespoke, especially since the ship is slow as hell according to brochure. It is a slow fat brawler, but i guess if your shields can overcome the pounding being in close range, and if you manage to stay close to target, the ennemy is pretty much toasted. But that will depend on the DPS of the ballistic repeaters. We know the approximate DPS of an S7 gun from the Ares Q&A, i guess it will be similar for a S7 ballistic repeater.

What is the range and damage of each gun on the Ares?

Exact numbers are subject to change due to balance and the introduction of larger ships and weapons, but if the ship was to be released tomorrow the damage would be over 2400 per second with a range of over 8 km.

I guess that this quote was for the S7 Laser gun on the Ion, because of the range.

A Perseus DPS would be Ares times 4, not counting torps and smaller turrets, so probably around 10k for the S7 only. That is better than the recharge rate of 2 FR-86 like on the Hammerhead.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
But that will depend on the DPS of the ballistic repeaters.
The little turrets are gatlings. The S7 are ballistic cannons. So they'll pack a huge punch! I'm not worried about its dps.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Yeah, somewhere i heard the range should be outside the HH engagement range
Quite sure it wil.
HH have an array of S4 weapons, the Perseus will have S7 weapons.
Considering that even now a S5 M7A laser cannon has a 6Km range (i think is the longest range weapon we have right now), I very likely see a S7 ballistic cannon have range of about 8-10 Km.

Oh, and seaking of new upcoming weapon:

here is the Ares S7 gatling.... noot sure about the square muzzle... I'm yet to see a square bullet to be fired by a weapon...
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