New Single Seater tank! Tumbril Storm and Lynx Rover - video


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Vice Admiral
Apr 15, 2022
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I'm giving the Storm a try or will if I'm still alive and functional when it gets in game.
According to ISC, it has finished Greybox, and into material\detail stage (or possibly LOD0), so it may not be too far away.

Looking at the roadmap, There's only one "unannounced" vehicle that the US Vehicle team are shown as currently working on (ISC stated it was the US team creating it), with work scheduled for completion in early August (Work on that vehicle started at the start of the year).


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
According to ISC, it has finished Greybox, and into material\detail stage (or possibly LOD0), so it may not be too far away.

Looking at the roadmap, There's only one "unannounced" vehicle that the US Vehicle team are shown as currently working on (ISC stated it was the US team creating it), with work scheduled for completion in early August (Work on that vehicle started at the start of the year).
You're describing the artwork. I'm worried about the software.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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@Montoya The 600i Explorer comes with (eventually) a exclusive Origin Rover w/ radar & scanners for surface exploration.
Is that not the G12? I always thought that was Origins rover?


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
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regarding the Tumbril Storm:

and my own opinion:

I'm no expert on real-world tanks, but i do know a few things, being over 30 years old and having served some time in the israeli military.

the Storm has a terrible design. not only is it bigger than it should be, as pointed out by the above video, it also places the driver seat in the front, with the exit hatch facing forward.
this is a major problem - normally, the front of the vehicle will be oriented towards the enemy. this means that you, as the driver of this vehicle, will put yourself in the line of fire.
your vehicle will take hits from the front, which is where you are seated. a well placed shot by the enemy will kill you and leave the rest of the vehicle much less damaged.

to further emphasize my point, I want to compare it to a real world example: the Merkava main battle tank of the israeli military forces. the design of the Merkava has the engine in the front; this is a design choice that means the engine takes all the damage from enemy fire. in this hypothetical scenario, the tank is then incapacitated, but its armor still protects the crew inside because the crew is in the rear half of the vehicle. they can then exit safely through the rear hatch and retreat from the fight with the tank providing hard cover for them.

not enough comparison for you? how about: cars. yes, cars. your car which you drive, most likely daily, is designed specifically with the engine in the front, because the engineer(s) who designed your car thought about the possibility of a frontal collision. your car is designed to absorb all the damage from a frontal collision, keeping you safe from all of it.

that means you don't die from damage that comes from the front.

this is not the case with the Tumbril Storm. if the Storm takes a hit, it will far too likely be from the front. the damage is going to hit the driver. and if that's you, you're basically dead right then and there. the light armor of the tank won't offer much protection.

but let's say, you somehow, by sheer miraculous luck, did survive the hit and the tank's systems took all the damage. congratulations, you survived a major blow and it only incapacitated your vehicle.

but now you're stuck.
you have 2 options:

you can either opt to stay in the vehicle - and this means you'll take another hit from the enemy. and you're a giant sitting duck because the tank is relatively big for its classification.

you will die. there is no saving you.

your other option? exit the vehicle through the front hatch - and expose yourself not just to cannon fire, but small arms fire as well.

you will die even faster. now you're definitely beyond saving.

tl;dr the tumbril storm is designed to make sure you fail and die. it's terrible.


Dec 10, 2022
RSI Handle
Anyone ever played Planetside 2? This is exactly like some of the light tanks in that game. I just had to get one :D
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