Newbie question: What does planning a Fleet means in SC?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
One thing I wanted to mention last week but didn't is, many people buy lots of multi-player ships because they specifically want to Captain those ships. However, I think the cream is going to float to the top. If you decide you want to captain a large ship, like a Polaris, Idris or Jav, I would suggest your first goal should not be to buy one but to crew one. Prove yourself able, willing, reliable and especially good at some part of the job and odds are good you'll end up Captaining the ship of your dreams without saving for it.

I think a couple years ago someone said there are now more than 70 Javs in TEST? If that's true and you are willing to put in the time and energy to simply manage a reliable crew, you will be fantastically valuable to those ship owners, and they will seek you out so their ship is being used and they can step in whenever they like without the headaches of managing such a crew. I'd bet the same is true of the many Reclaimers, StarGs, Pioneers, etc. So don't let ship costs get in the way of your hopes and dreams. In a sense, we already have too many ships (did I say that?) lots of ships, and what we need are crews for them. Players who don't invest the time with their big ships are gonna get lost on them and be highly ineffective. CIG wants to design big ships so that they require lots of skill to manage, and almost anyone with the will can learn that.

I was spitballing some combat scenarios last week and quickly came up with 10 completely different types of task force/battle groups for small numbers of ships based around unique purposes. Players who can manage such a small? group are going to thrive when SC becomes what it's intending to.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
One thing I wanted to mention last week but didn't is, many people buy lots of multi-player ships because they specifically want to Captain those ships. However, I think the cream is going to float to the top. If you decide you want to captain a large ship, like a Polaris, Idris or Jav, I would suggest your first goal should not be to buy one but to crew one. Prove yourself able, willing, reliable and especially good at some part of the job and odds are good you'll end up Captaining the ship of your dreams without saving for it.

I think a couple years ago someone said there are now more than 70 Javs in TEST? If that's true and you are willing to put in the time and energy to simply manage a reliable crew, you will be fantastically valuable to those ship owners, and they will seek you out so their ship is being used and they can step in whenever they like without the headaches of managing such a crew. I'd bet the same is true of the many Reclaimers, StarGs, Pioneers, etc. So don't let ship costs get in the way of your hopes and dreams. In a sense, we already have too many ships (did I say that?) lots of ships, and what we need are crews for them. Players who don't invest the time with their big ships are gonna get lost on them and be highly ineffective. CIG wants to design big ships so that they require lots of skill to manage, and almost anyone with the will can learn that.
While skill is important it's still dwarfed by the need for the captain to be likable. You will find more often groups of players following a captain who they enjoy hanging out with more so than one who has all of the skills to accomplish the mission but is an insufferable asshole.

I was spitballing some combat scenarios last week and quickly came up with 10 completely different types of task force/battle groups for small numbers of ships based around unique purposes. Players who can manage such a small? group are going to thrive when SC becomes what it's intending to.
It all depends on the task type. A lot of the activities will benefit from small groups that can get together often to accomplish tasks like the bunker and combat missions currently in the verse. Others like the larger combat missions (think raids into Vanduul space) will require far more logistics and support and while I hope they happen often will most likely be limited to a weekly event. Others like large-scale mining might be one of those ongoing activities while the numbers of players engaged might wax and wane it never really stops.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Others like the larger combat missions (think raids into Vanduul space) will require far more logistics and support and while I hope they happen often will most likely be limited to a weekly event.
I think we'll see a lot of weekly participation, but I would not be surprised to find some ships manned daily. Say a Jav wants 70 players. If you have 100 interested players that can all log into the ship with alts, that ship can stay on the frontier for weeks or months. You might only get 4 hours each night, or the same three times a week, but if the Captain and bridge crew make the time aboard interesting enough, players will start choosing their alt aboard over other things, and you could end up with daily involvement centered around a whole range of tasks. Especially if the players know the ship is in travel during off hours, and there's not much to do but learn the ship; odds are good they'll respond to daily missives "We're entering Banu space and will need two recon teams while we're refueling hydrogen on Geddon. Planetary surveyors report to Lieutenant Turkey Toes, stellar anomolies and wormhole teams report to Lieutenant Sour Pickle, etc. Damage Control will be pulling the plasma conduits for maintenance on deck 7 so stay clear. Turret practice is at 22:30 zulu, qualifications offered."

Yes, people and especially players that have so much calling for their attention will not really "obey commands", but they will respond to vision. If the play sounds interesting, they'll want to be there instead of somewhere else. Remember too, it is CIG's job to create drama, and all drama comes from conflict. I'm betting very mundane excursions like refueling in Banu space will be loaded with interesting surprises. That's where the excitement comes.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Is it bad that I never fly the loaner I have and really don't like it?
It's funny, I have one that I've never considered upgrading but I never fly it either. I can't' bring myself to upgrade it just yet... I mean we haven't blotted out the sun yet. I sometimes fly a C8X Pisces Expedition instead, because ships this size are only useful for me for being taxi's, and the Pisces can carry 2 other folks too and more folks = more fun. Especially if I forget how close Arc-L1 station is.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Is it bad that I never fly the loaner I have and really don't like it?
Nothing wrong with that as it could be you prefer missions that other ships are better suited or more aesthetically pleasing. My comment is more along the lines the Aurora is a very capable little ship, especially when running courier missions in the Stanton system.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, I've had a long sit down and a long look at my collection of ships and a long think about this... I can't tell you there is a specific answer, so here is mine:

I have come to the conclusion that, right now with the game still deep in development and things still being worked on and all...

I think planning a fleet at the moment for me, means Potential.


Personally, my collection covers 4 main angles:

The Basics. These are jack of all trades ships like the Aurora and Constellation, but also the dedicated fighters and the industry craft which will be the craft to to actually play the game with easier than some of the more unusual or overly specific craft available.

The Comforts. Craft like the 400i which you can just take out and experience the joy of messing about in the sand box without necessarily needing to grind up some dough, and in return for being fun to fly and experience, don't offer that much back in return in terms of being able to get things done like cargo run or combat missions.

The Rarities. Those limited availability ships that don't come along very often. The Glaive, the 350R, the ones you have to wait all year for the IAE to get your hands on and that are a pleasure to fly and own.

The Grand Plan. A cap ship and small group of support ships to manage the thing with.


I like to think these 4 angles cover every play style I may want to do in game. Others fleets may mean something else personal to them. Some may build with the intention of keeping a crew of real life players happy and entertained. Some may build for power with the intention to sweep all foes aside. Some may collect for the rarest hulls available. And some may just get the things they like the look of and enjoy using. For me, it's Potential and the ability to cover most of what I may want to do... messing about doing nothing plays a big part in that! :-)


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, I've had a long sit down and a long look at my collection of ships and a long think about this... I can't tell you there is a specific answer, so here is mine:

I have come to the conclusion that, right now with the game still deep in development and things still being worked on and all...

I think planning a fleet at the moment for me, means Potential.


Personally, my collection covers 4 main angles:

The Basics. These are jack of all trades ships like the Aurora and Constellation, but also the dedicated fighters and the industry craft which will be the craft to to actually play the game with easier than some of the more unusual or overly specific craft available.

The Comforts. Craft like the 400i which you can just take out and experience the joy of messing about in the sand box without necessarily needing to grind up some dough, and in return for being fun to fly and experience, don't offer that much back in return in terms of being able to get things done like cargo run or combat missions.

The Rarities. Those limited availability ships that don't come along very often. The Glaive, the 350R, the ones you have to wait all year for the IAE to get your hands on and that are a pleasure to fly and own.

The Grand Plan. A cap ship and small group of support ships to manage the thing with.


I like to think these 4 angles cover every play style I may want to do in game. Others fleets may mean something else personal to them. Some may build with the intention of keeping a crew of real life players happy and entertained. Some may build for power with the intention to sweep all foes aside. Some may collect for the rarest hulls available. And some may just get the things they like the look of and enjoy using. For me, it's Potential and the ability to cover most of what I may want to do... messing about doing nothing plays a big part in that! :-)

You've put way too much time into your group of ships. Or maybe my, they be pretty so I must buy them is just overly simplistic. It is after all how I ended up with a Gladius, Sabre, and Scorpius and I picked up a Nox because of the way it sounded in the promo video (it still is one of the best ways to kill yourself quickly). Not that I should take about practicality as I have been known to do carrier missions in a MSR which can be a pain to land anywhere near the pickup/drop site and I am sure it cost more in fuel than the reward is worth. But there is something about living out the Han Solo vibe that makes it worth it.

Anyways back on topic. I have nothing against those who go to great lengths to try and plan their ship manifest around design docs and tea leaf reading but all too often I come across a thread with their salty tears in regards to a ship that is not meeting their expectations or imagined game play loops and I have to wonder if its best to just wait until the dust settles. Even buying concept ships as more recently noted with the Carrack and Redeemer can significantly alter their look and role and even ships that are in the verse get changed like what will happen to the Reclaimer. So buy the Aurora game play package and wait for the release before vesting into other ship. Now if you have the cash to spend and don't mind supporting the fine people at CIG then by all means buy them jepgs but don't expect to be able to buy a jumpstart into the game world and you should be fine.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
It's funny, I have one that I've never considered upgrading but I never fly it either. I can't' bring myself to upgrade it just yet... I mean we haven't blotted out the sun yet. I sometimes fly a C8X Pisces Expedition instead, because ships this size are only useful for me for being taxi's, and the Pisces can carry 2 other folks too and more folks = more fun. Especially if I forget how close Arc-L1 station is.
I started with a Mustang. I've never owned an Aurora. The Mustang is long gone. The Aurora is a loaner with my Dragonfly.
The closest thing I have to a starter ship is my profession starter ship, a Hawk.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, I've had a long sit down and a long look at my collection of ships and a long think about this... I can't tell you there is a specific answer, so here is mine:

I have come to the conclusion that, right now with the game still deep in development and things still being worked on and all...

I think planning a fleet at the moment for me, means Potential.


Personally, my collection covers 4 main angles:

The Basics. These are jack of all trades ships like the Aurora and Constellation, but also the dedicated fighters and the industry craft which will be the craft to to actually play the game with easier than some of the more unusual or overly specific craft available.

The Comforts. Craft like the 400i which you can just take out and experience the joy of messing about in the sand box without necessarily needing to grind up some dough, and in return for being fun to fly and experience, don't offer that much back in return in terms of being able to get things done like cargo run or combat missions.

The Rarities. Those limited availability ships that don't come along very often. The Glaive, the 350R, the ones you have to wait all year for the IAE to get your hands on and that are a pleasure to fly and own.

The Grand Plan. A cap ship and small group of support ships to manage the thing with.


I like to think these 4 angles cover every play style I may want to do in game. Others fleets may mean something else personal to them. Some may build with the intention of keeping a crew of real life players happy and entertained. Some may build for power with the intention to sweep all foes aside. Some may collect for the rarest hulls available. And some may just get the things they like the look of and enjoy using. For me, it's Potential and the ability to cover most of what I may want to do... messing about doing nothing plays a big part in that! :-)
My fleet plan isn't as grand. ;) I also prefer specialized ships to Jack of All Trades.
It has four priorities.
Limit required crew. With one large crew ship in case of group play
Limit craft that need a carrier. (Previously limited to one.)
Bounty Hunter.
Org combat support.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
For the sake of completeness, my better half and I both play. This is our combined fleet. The Eclipse is a place holder, for what, I have no idea.

I'm also not sure the Cutlass Blues are as much use as originally intended, since I bought the Liberator.
fleetview (3).jpg
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