So to start off i am LOVING the game. Just add a player based economy and Multiplayer and its everything i could hope star citizen will be when its done. Which kinda gives me hope that Star Citizen isn't this pipe dream of a game some people say it might be.
With that said It feels like the biggest criticisms the game has is it didn't live up to the "HYPE". That it wasn't what people were thinking it would be. So my question is "What the Hell Did they think it was gonna be?".
This is excluding the Port and Running the game Issues people have complained about. Since i haven't had any of these problems really i can't speak on them. I can say i run a modest system with a 1st gen i7 8gz ram and a gtx 970 ftw (being the best part of my rig)
Did it live up to your expectations? What did you think it was gonna be like?
I thought it was gonna be a relaxing space exploring sim with survival elements a kin to Starbound only prettier and in 3D. Which i'd say is pretty much what it is. Ive also heard people grumble about lack of multiplayer. On this i say that i always thought it was pretty much gonna be a single player experience. From the day the Steam store updated to show its specs it clearly said SINGLE PLAYER. I always thought the multiplayer was more or so the abstract idea of naming your discoveries for others to find and see.Which again is what it does as far as i know, i haven't explored enough to come across another players system, since the odds of actually encountering another player statistically is not likely.
As far as multiplayer goes. Im sure it could always be added in down the line. Some one made multiplayer for Just Cause 2 after the fact so its always a possibility.
MFW they add it if they do
Another note. I feel like If you were to remove all of the Joke/Troll Negative reviews from the overall score on steam the game one be positive and not Mixed. I feel like the Steam review system is flawed and that reviews marked as "Funny" Should not be counted as Serious reviews and not affect the +/- Number so one could get a more realistic view of if a game is actually good.
Another another note. When ever i hear some one make a complaint that a game is repetitive or Boring All i can think of is What game isn't in theory whether its skyrim, GTA, A racing game, COD, or WOW. You still find yourself repeating the same actions. Thats kinda the core mechanic to most games. Its just different people like different things. Which brings it back to "What did you expect?".
With that said It feels like the biggest criticisms the game has is it didn't live up to the "HYPE". That it wasn't what people were thinking it would be. So my question is "What the Hell Did they think it was gonna be?".
This is excluding the Port and Running the game Issues people have complained about. Since i haven't had any of these problems really i can't speak on them. I can say i run a modest system with a 1st gen i7 8gz ram and a gtx 970 ftw (being the best part of my rig)
Did it live up to your expectations? What did you think it was gonna be like?
I thought it was gonna be a relaxing space exploring sim with survival elements a kin to Starbound only prettier and in 3D. Which i'd say is pretty much what it is. Ive also heard people grumble about lack of multiplayer. On this i say that i always thought it was pretty much gonna be a single player experience. From the day the Steam store updated to show its specs it clearly said SINGLE PLAYER. I always thought the multiplayer was more or so the abstract idea of naming your discoveries for others to find and see.Which again is what it does as far as i know, i haven't explored enough to come across another players system, since the odds of actually encountering another player statistically is not likely.
As far as multiplayer goes. Im sure it could always be added in down the line. Some one made multiplayer for Just Cause 2 after the fact so its always a possibility.
MFW they add it if they do

Another note. I feel like If you were to remove all of the Joke/Troll Negative reviews from the overall score on steam the game one be positive and not Mixed. I feel like the Steam review system is flawed and that reviews marked as "Funny" Should not be counted as Serious reviews and not affect the +/- Number so one could get a more realistic view of if a game is actually good.
Another another note. When ever i hear some one make a complaint that a game is repetitive or Boring All i can think of is What game isn't in theory whether its skyrim, GTA, A racing game, COD, or WOW. You still find yourself repeating the same actions. Thats kinda the core mechanic to most games. Its just different people like different things. Which brings it back to "What did you expect?".