No Man's Sky Expectations?

Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
So to start off i am LOVING the game. Just add a player based economy and Multiplayer and its everything i could hope star citizen will be when its done. Which kinda gives me hope that Star Citizen isn't this pipe dream of a game some people say it might be.

With that said It feels like the biggest criticisms the game has is it didn't live up to the "HYPE". That it wasn't what people were thinking it would be. So my question is "What the Hell Did they think it was gonna be?".
This is excluding the Port and Running the game Issues people have complained about. Since i haven't had any of these problems really i can't speak on them. I can say i run a modest system with a 1st gen i7 8gz ram and a gtx 970 ftw (being the best part of my rig)

Did it live up to your expectations? What did you think it was gonna be like?

I thought it was gonna be a relaxing space exploring sim with survival elements a kin to Starbound only prettier and in 3D. Which i'd say is pretty much what it is. Ive also heard people grumble about lack of multiplayer. On this i say that i always thought it was pretty much gonna be a single player experience. From the day the Steam store updated to show its specs it clearly said SINGLE PLAYER. I always thought the multiplayer was more or so the abstract idea of naming your discoveries for others to find and see.Which again is what it does as far as i know, i haven't explored enough to come across another players system, since the odds of actually encountering another player statistically is not likely.

As far as multiplayer goes. Im sure it could always be added in down the line. Some one made multiplayer for Just Cause 2 after the fact so its always a possibility.
MFW they add it if they do

Another note. I feel like If you were to remove all of the Joke/Troll Negative reviews from the overall score on steam the game one be positive and not Mixed. I feel like the Steam review system is flawed and that reviews marked as "Funny" Should not be counted as Serious reviews and not affect the +/- Number so one could get a more realistic view of if a game is actually good.

Another another note. When ever i hear some one make a complaint that a game is repetitive or Boring All i can think of is What game isn't in theory whether its skyrim, GTA, A racing game, COD, or WOW. You still find yourself repeating the same actions. Thats kinda the core mechanic to most games. Its just different people like different things. Which brings it back to "What did you expect?".
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Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Paid dlc im hearing and also base building sean said...We shall soon see..Im ok with dlc if its like 10 bucks an a big patch np..People cry an moan over it though..
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Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
LOL why is that the first response?
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Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
What paid DLC is there supposed to be i haven't heard about that was it gonna include? or is that the theoretical Multiplayer?

Also are you saying you expected the game to be more like GRAV? I dont remember seeing anything about base building but i also didn't Follow every interview or scrutinize every word Sean said. So im gonna have to plead ignorance on this adding to expectations. The only thing that i ever saw that sold me on the game was that one main trailer which i'd say the game is pretty spot on to what that trailer is.
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Space Marshal
Sep 26, 2014
RSI Handle
I knew I wouldnt like the game and I still got disappointed. Never been interested in the exploration aspect but I thought this game might bring me in. After watching multiple streams and hours of gameplay, even tried it for 2 hours on steam before refunding I came to the conclusion that this game did not even live up the my already low expectations.
So I spoiled the ending for myself by watching it on youtube to see if it was all worth it...
DO NOT read the following if you care about spoilers.
Reading this will ruin the game for most so don't read it.
Once you get to the center the game just starts over completly with no explanation, ofcourse you keep your progress and items but I was expecting something amazing and this made it the greatest disappointment of all.

I can still see why people enjoy this type of game but it's just not for me! If you enjoy the game you're lucky.
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Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
so thats my point though I still dont know what you were expecting. Especially with low expectations what did you think you were going to get out of it? Were you expecting some epic story? If that was it then i feel like that is like expecting minecraft to have some deep plot other then diggy diggy hole. Im just kind of genuinly interested in why people feel it didn't live up to some abstract idea of what they thought the game was gonna be. Especially since everyone just says it didnt live up to the hype or wasn't what they thought, but when asked what they thought it was gonna be this is their answer.


Your response wasn't complete when i replied

did not read the spoiler part cause i have been avoiding the main goal of the game to do other things. so i'd still like to be somewhat surprised. So i don't know if you made any point or argument for expectations in that part sorry.

Yeah i agree some things aren't everyone's cup of tea. Like i find Sports management sims stupid and boring but some people like them. Although my expectations of said game example is explainable. It just feels like with this game its like if i bought a sports management game expecting it to be something else but not explaining what that something was. It'd be one thing if you thought it was gonna be like NFL Blitz and then it turned out to be a stats and numbers game, but they marketed it like Blitz that would be disappointing, but i feel (this is soley based on the 1 trailer thats what i based my decision on) that the game was shown as it was gonna be and then people just watched it and and said "Yeah i see what your doing there but im gonna ignore all that and assume the games really gonna be like COD infinate" or something silly like that. Then when the game comes out and its not that all they can say is "THIS ISNT WHAT I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE!".
Then when asked what they were expecting *Refer to image above*

you know what i mean?
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Space Marshal
Sep 26, 2014
RSI Handle
I will admit some of the 'hype' affected my view on the game. I don't really know what I was expecting to be honest, all I know is that this game is not for me.
For me to enjoy this game it would need to be less repetititve, better and more combat. The current combatsystem is just annoying with the random droids attacking. I was hoping for more lifeforms and hostile creatures to defend myself against. Now its just a resource gathering walking sim with some tiny space flight aspects. Sure the game is beautiful, but that is all it has going for it in my opinion.

I did enjoy exploring the first couple of planets but it got repetitive pretty quick so the 2 hours I played was enough for me.
Maybe the game will be more to my liking in future updates.

Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
yeah you're kind of at the mercy of random chance. It took me at least a good 8 hours and 3 systems and 10 planets before i encountered hostile life forms. Though i must say i was put in a mental state of thinking im always safe when the first random animal attacked me and i had to run away.

First time i was mining and all the sudden i took damage and i freaked out and looked around standing on a mars like planet standing in what looked like a pile of sea anemones and then i got hit again and i ran cause i didnt see anything. Then i look down and its some crap roach thing about the size of my foot attacking me.

second time i saw some dear thing and went to feed and befriend it since everything else like it has been docile. Though the second i got close it rammed me and chased me down.

3rd which was last night i found a Super pretty tropical planet with lush forest and Blood Red oceans. It was rated as HOSTILE and basically the sentinels attack on site for no reason constantly. So i went swimming in the ocean since for some reason all the (?) were popping up in the water. I see a large great white sized leech with wings and a shark fin and all i can think is "man im deep in the ocean i hope that thing is friendly". As it started to swim my way it passes me and i think PHEW, but a second later its attacking me and im losing oxegen fast spinning around to shoot it and kill it before i drown. I survive with like 10% Oxy left as i start to head up to breach my OXY runs out i start taking damage when suddenly i break the top of the waters surface. I wait for my OXY to refil and realize i hadn't even made it half way to the item at the sea bed and had to go back down.

And moments like those make the game appealing for me.

Not to mention the times ive been plus jumping through space and get a warning of Pirates near by as i drop out of my jump only to be surrounded by 6 pirate ships gunning for my cargo. Only 2 times have i survived these kind of attacks (i just found a new ship last night *a derelict on a nuclear planet *) The times i did survive it was with no shields and 1 hit left on my ship.

I feel like the potential odds of my encounters getting even more grand only increases the more i mindlessly explore.

It was one thing to play mine craft and no what mobs were hostile and when they'd show, but in this game Things always look different planet to planet system to system. Just last night i encountered Literally and mini T-rex totally friendly. it was like the size of a min-pin. Just imagine if it were like 10 feet tall hostile and came running out of a cave. Which is totally a posibility.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Comparing NMS to these games skyrim, GTA, A racing game, COD, or WOW. NMS doesnt come close to the amount of things you can do. You can make those game repetitive, but unlike NMS their mechanics extend past flying and mining to craft a ship to fly else where. The combat also is mediocre at best. I wouldnt even call the game pretty when we have games like GTA V, witcher 3, or compared to a lot of fps. NMS to me looks bland with washed out colors, nothing vibrant about them. This ships also look uninspiring.
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Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
This is my point you say you can do more, but your example is what you think NMS does is more repetitive then say example Skyrim. In skyrim all you do mechanically is pick up some fetch quest to either A experience some sort of story, B get some mythical weapon to hit and or shoot things better, or C collect some obscene amount of item to Smith a better mythical item to Hit things better with. Even with all the "Different" quest you have to do they are essentially all the same there's a thing at this point. Go to point. Kill everything at point. Make 1 of a couple of predetermined story choices that cater to your ideals and play style. Receive item and or weapon. Que up the next quest. which mechanically is the same thing you do in NMS. So now the argument becomes well the story is more interesting. This is subjective and makes in an inherently flawed argument as to whether a game is bad or good. If we are talking Bugs and Issues Bethesda is just as guilty of having a game be a buggy mess and be slightly dependent on the mod community to fix it for example Fallout 3 pc.

All this a side this still doesn't cover my question as to What did each person that says "the game wasn't what they expect" expect?

thats all im really curious about

im aslo not saying people can't like and dislike what they want. Nor does anyone have to actually like NMS. I just think its interesting and since i happen to like NMS and i have been following the whole Hate bandwagon i wanted to get a broader opinion.

An example as far as games not being as good as others think and might be over hyped
I hate Last of Us. IMO its a crappy boring game with a lame cliche story, unlikable characters, and lazy boring combat. Though thats my opinion and its subjective.

plus i always feel like when some one says a game like minecraft or similar facsimiles are boring im reminded of this

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Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
This made me laugh
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
NMS is definitely the kind of game where you have to make your own experience. I, for one, set small goals for myself and go from there. Exploring is fun if you use the antennas to find Manufacturing and monolith locations so you can, in turn, learn to build more stuff as well as new vocabulary. I also think the way the language system works is AWESOME! I've learned over 100 words now and the Gek NPCs are starting to actually make sense...a bit. To me, that is an AWESOME gameplay feature that rewards your persistence. To each their own, I guess, but I don't regret my $60.



Mar 30, 2016
RSI Handle
Beautiful game and still has potential to become something really awesome in the future, either through patching or mods. The poor day 1 performance and feel of it not being worth the AAA price tag made me refund for now.

Ill potentially pick it up again in the future when its on sale or if they unveil a few features I would have enjoyed (better multiplayer)

One thing I did realise though is going back to star citizen, the flight and combat and emergent multiplayer stuff is a lot better realised and adds to the overall "fun" aspect, arguably making star citizen a better experience in the long run. Imagine combat encounters on planets, in caves with other players. Skirmished and chases in pvp ship combat that transitions from space to planet side. Player orchestrated planet side ambushes for unsuspecting pursuers.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
This is my point you say you can do more, but your example is what you think NMS does is more repetitive then say example Skyrim. In skyrim all you do mechanically is pick up some fetch quest to either A experience some sort of story, B get some mythical weapon to hit and or shoot things better, or C collect some obscene amount of item to Smith a better mythical item to Hit things better with. Even with all the "Different" quest you have to do they are essentially all the same there's a thing at this point. Go to point. Kill everything at point. Make 1 of a couple of predetermined story choices that cater to your ideals and play style. Receive item and or weapon. Que up the next quest. which mechanically is the same thing you do in NMS. So now the argument becomes well the story is more interesting. This is subjective and makes in an inherently flawed argument as to whether a game is bad or good. If we are talking Bugs and Issues Bethesda is just as guilty of having a game be a buggy mess and be slightly dependent on the mod community to fix it for example Fallout 3 pc.

All this a side this still doesn't cover my question as to What did each person that says "the game wasn't what they expect" expect?

thats all im really curious about

im aslo not saying people can't like and dislike what they want. Nor does anyone have to actually like NMS. I just think its interesting and since i happen to like NMS and i have been following the whole Hate bandwagon i wanted to get a broader opinion.

An example as far as games not being as good as others think and might be over hyped
I hate Last of Us. IMO its a crappy boring game with a lame cliche story, unlikable characters, and lazy boring combat. Though thats my opinion and its subjective.

plus i always feel like when some one says a game like minecraft or similar facsimiles are boring im reminded of this

I expected what they told; a game that uses billions of planets you will never ever see as their main selling point. Which is a horrible way to sell a game imo, they didn't create a game that would play great, they made a game where you will never see more then 10% of it in your lifetime.
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Reyalp CB4

Space Marshal
Oct 1, 2015
RSI Handle
NMS is definitely the kind of game where you have to make your own experience. I, for one, set small goals for myself and go from there. Exploring is fun if you use the antennas to find Manufacturing and monolith locations so you can, in turn, learn to build more stuff as well as new vocabulary. I also think the way the language system works is AWESOME! I've learned over 100 words now and the Gek NPCs are starting to actually make sense...a bit. To me, that is an AWESOME gameplay feature that rewards your persistence. To each their own, I guess, but I don't regret my $60.

Yeah this is kinda what i expect from the game as well. Once again though i have to preface that aside from the general trailer i did not follow anything about the game as far as Gaming news outlets goes. I tend not to put much stock in gaming blogs and magazines anymore.

Beautiful game and still has potential to become something really awesome in the future, either through patching or mods. The poor day 1 performance and feel of it not being worth the AAA price tag made me refund for now.

Ill potentially pick it up again in the future when its on sale or if they unveil a few features I would have enjoyed (better multiplayer)

One thing I did realise though is going back to star citizen, the flight and combat and emergent multiplayer stuff is a lot better realised and adds to the overall "fun" aspect, arguably making star citizen a better experience in the long run. Imagine combat encounters on planets, in caves with other players. Skirmished and chases in pvp ship combat that transitions from space to planet side. Player orchestrated planet side ambushes for unsuspecting pursuers.
I agree that the premise of all those things Star Citizen has to offer could def make it fun in its own right, but that also still falls in the area of I expect that from SC where as based on my personal knowledge of NMS i didn't think that was gonna be a thing. Emphasis on Personal cause i have come across this today, but since i was not ever aware of these things i can't say i am in anyway let down by what i got.

I expected what they told; a game that uses billions of planets you will never ever see as their main selling point. Which is a horrible way to sell a game imo, they didn't create a game that would play great, they made a game where you will never see more then 10% of it in your lifetime.
This is a good point as far as the abstract idea of selling you something that you may never experience. The whole "See all this stuff its possible but statistically unlikely you'll ever get to see it". Which makes it even harder to prove that you the features people say aren't there or are just not as likely due to scale.

Also im surprised not one person has mentioned the fact that my bad time meme is grammatically incorrect


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
My expectations for NMS are boiled down to the fact that no one, not even the Devs have seen the things I will find. I know they have seen the parts, and the textures that make up the things, and places, but...... It is as close to true exploration as we can get.
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Space Marshal
Sep 26, 2014
RSI Handle
Listen to this guy if you want to know why the game is hit by such hatred.
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