No Man's Sky - Mega Thread [First Planet Screenshots, Coordination, Etc.]


Space Marshal
Mar 16, 2016
RSI Handle
How many jumps does it take to get to the center of the galaxy?

Tootsie Gallery: How Many Licks Does It Take?
The Licking Machine and Other Scientific Endeavors

At least three detailed scientific studies have attempted to determine the number of licks required to reach the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.

Purdue University

A group of engineering students from Purdue University reported that its licking machine, modeled after a human tongue, took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Twenty of the group's volunteers assumed the licking challenge-unassisted by machinery-and averaged 252 licks each to the center.

University of Michigan

Not to be outdone by a Big Ten rival, a chemical engineering doctorate student from the University of Michigan recorded that his customized licking machine required 411 licks to reach the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop. (411-364. Go Blue!)

Swarthmore Junior High School

Rejecting the notion that one needed active college status to undertake the Tootsie Pop licking challenge, a group of junior high students at Swathmore School used human lickers, reporting an average of 144 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop.

Based on the wide range of results from these scientific studies, it is clear that the world may never know how many licks it really takes to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.

Xian-Luc Picard

Space Marshal
Jan 9, 2016
RSI Handle
It is a battle every night on if I play NMS or SC 2.5 PTU.

I *did* get off my starting planet, which I affectionately called "Hoth" because I could only stay out a few minutes before I had to take shelter lest I freeze to death. I will not be going back there. Fortunately, it has a moon which I named "Dagobah" because it is wet and swampy and I feel like there is a presence of the force there (or maybe just a bunch of stones from the ancients). It has been a fun game but so far the Zapper hasn't found any Amazonian women to make snusnu with.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Behold: This is the mighty and treacherous land of Surtopia I. There are many aggressive predators here and extensive aluminum crystal lined cave systems. Very cool starting world!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
15 Hours in and I'm startin to feel the repetitiveness. I'm kinda frustrated with this whole Atlas story thingy, I was supposed to go to a space anomaly or whatever but I had no idea that it was scripted story element, or how or where to go exactly, the starmap is a useless mess. I had to exit the game (5am, had to sleep), after Saving on the next planet, but missions and events do Not Persist, at least not always, and now I won't have an atlas pass for the rest of my life....
Also started having a weird bug, when I launch from a planets sturface, my ship slingshots into orbit in the same time it usually gets off the ground by a few meters :D
I've come across flying fish animals, and some very strange dino-dogs. I've left the starting planet in a strange little ship I found crashed, so I did the "repair your ship" part twice already. Since then I've visited quiet a few planets, seen other crashed ships (got a new one on station)

I really like the gameplay, I like the art style of the ships and animals, but this game is half finished at best. Saying that "figure it out for yourselfs" is not a valid excuse for a useless UI, with it's weird long-click mechanic ported from consoles, the godaweful grainy fade-in of details, and the fact that I'm luck for only having to restart the game every 1,5 hours or so because it slows to 5 fps, and not crashing on me every minute.

All in all, I'm a little disappointed in the low quality finish, not the contents.

Edit: Just wanted to add, don't mention space combat in this game. Ever. I don't care that it's the worst ever, just don't force me into it!
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I think I need to leave my first planet. I'm already getting bored. It's too pretty and I'm spending to much time discovering monoliths and shelters. Haha
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