No more boxruns for starter ships in 3.8?


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Yesterday I finally had a bit of free time to spend in 3.8, and after my usual shopping I went for a boxrun mission in my 300i. Only I couldn't!

With my 300i and Aurora, the box gets dropped when climbing into the ship! The 300 has an outer cargo bay that can be lowered (barely works, sometimes opens/closes sometimes doesn't), but when closed the box just gets stuck in my ship, usually in an unreachable position.
Only workaround I found is to open the door on an aurora from the outside, place the box in the door way, climb in the other side, and place the box inside from there.

Any word on if this will get fixed, or the most basic missions will remain unplayable to those who only have ships with ladders?


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Well the Aurora limitation foor the box delivery mission is not going away any sooner (I suppose it will when CIG will finally introduce the storall container system...), but for the 300-series is either a ship specific problem or a ramdom event: I've run a box-run for testing the new 3.8 with my Avenger and it work well... or at least it work'd untill I get stop by security and impound with over 5800 credit fine for illegal goods possession....

Be mind impound in this patch are a things to consider, they really hurt your finances...


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Well the Aurora limitation foor the box delivery mission is not going away any sooner (I suppose it will when CIG will finally introduce the storall container system...), but for the 300-series is either a ship specific problem or a ramdom event: I've run a box-run for testing the new 3.8 with my Avenger and it work well... or at least it work'd untill I get stop by security and impound with over 5800 credit fine for illegal goods possession....

Be mind impound in this patch are a things to consider, they really hurt your finances...
Back since 3.6 or even 3.5 you wouldn't drop the box when climbing into ships. This made it possible for ships with only ladders/stairs (starter ships like aurora and 300) to do box runs, which is the only easy reliable way of making money. Then when you earned enough, one could upgrade the weapons and start doing bounty missions effectively.

I know this is not an issue for a lot of you as you already own expensive ships and have lots of starting auec, but it basically makes it impossible for me with 20k starting money and a 300i to ever earn enough for an upgraded ship.
I was looking forward to space trucking my way to a decent ship during Christmas but this ruined it. I'm very disappointed.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
There are several bugs happening in the current build as of yesterday. My GF ( @AtaleenaTalonsbane ) was doing her best to do cargo runs, but after she would buy the cargo, it would take the creds without giving her the cargo. So she shifted to doing box runs in her Avenger Titan. That was FUBAR'd by the game not actually refueling her ship when she would refuel it at a R&R station even though it extracted the funds as though it had.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I know this is not an issue for a lot of you as you already own expensive ships and have lots of starting auec, but it basically makes it impossible for me with 20k starting money and a 300i to ever earn enough for an upgraded ship.
I was looking forward to space trucking my way to a decent ship during Christmas but this ruined it. I'm very disappointed.
Wait... 20K? I have never seen that in a patch - and yes I have 2 or 3 ships that came with 20K. All I've ever seen is 5K, but this patch was 0.
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  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Back since 3.6 or even 3.5 you wouldn't drop the box when climbing into ships. This made it possible for ships with only ladders/stairs (starter ships like aurora and 300) to do box runs, which is the only easy reliable way of making money. Then when you earned enough, one could upgrade the weapons and start doing bounty missions effectively.

I know this is not an issue for a lot of you as you already own expensive ships and have lots of starting auec, but it basically makes it impossible for me with 20k starting money and a 300i to ever earn enough for an upgraded ship.
I was looking forward to space trucking my way to a decent ship during Christmas but this ruined it. I'm very disappointed.
Hmm ok, I don't remember how to make money back in 3.6 actually....😅
Now that could be a bit of a problem in fact... try cargo run or super easy bounty mission: try today and the 1k bounty are Mustang Beta, you sould be able to take them out even with a stock aurora...

There are several bugs happening in the current build as of yesterday. My GF ( @AtaleenaTalonsbane ) was doing her best to do cargo runs, but after she would buy the cargo, it would take the creds without giving her the cargo. So she shifted to doing box runs in her Avenger Titan. That was FUBAR'd by the game not actually refueling her ship when she would refuel it at a R&R station even though it extracted the funds as though it had.
Have you try to hover just a few meter above the landing pad? I0ve and Avenger too and it work fine, even with the Cutlass no problem.
If you have problem finding the right hight simply do the request and then land, it will start the R&R operation as soon as you reach the right distance

Wait... 20K? I have never seen that in a patch - and yes I have 2 or 3 ships that came with 20K. All I've ever seen is 5K, but this patch was 0.
I think those are due not by the ship package but by referral reward... hope this 0 aUAC policy will be reviewed sooner becouse its a bit stupid in my opinion... the only reason to have it is if that is propedeutical to the aUAC persistance...


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I think those are due not by the ship package but by referral reward... hope this 0 aUAC policy will be reviewed sooner becouse its a bit stupid in my opinion... the only reason to have it is if that is propedeutical to the aUAC persistance...
That makes sense. I'm not worried and I seriously don't want them to reset my account now...unless they're doing a general reset. I did ok starting from 0, it gave me confidence I can still built up to a financial buffer in a few hours.

And thanks! Your post made me feel better.
  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Wait... 20K? I have never seen that in a patch - and yes I have 2 or 3 ships that came with 20K. All I've ever seen is 5K, but this patch was 0.
It's 21400 or something like that for me, and it's been since we get our real starting money. It came with my original bounty hunter pack, I think... since then a bought a standalone aurora mr, a golf cart, and last year's mustang alpha special edition. That's it. Never had referals or anything like that. I did gift 2 game packs to my wife and a friend, but they haven't purchased anything so I get nothing in return.
I taught the 0 cred thing was just a bug, at least that's what the in game chat was saying.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I taught the 0 cred thing was just a bug, at least that's what the in game chat was saying.
There might have been some chatter about that, I wasn't paying attention. I was on a server with a weird brownish off-white color that gets washed out really often. When I was on Arial it matched the background so well I could see just the > after someone's name unless I switched to the mobiglas view... which is really awkward while mining.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Have you try to hover just a few meter above the landing pad? I0ve and Avenger too and it work fine, even with the Cutlass no problem.
If you have problem finding the right hight simply do the request and then land, it will start the R&R operation as soon as you reach the right distance
I did that for her as well multiple times. Each time I'd be able to select the fuel & click confirm, it would extract the funds, but then not restore the fuel. Eventually, I flew the ship into an asteroid to blow it up to then claim the ship. Which seemed to correct the inability to effectively refuel, but then it gave us the ship vanishes as soon as you enter the pilot's seat bug. Which was when I logged her out & sent her to bed. Since there were several updates released yesterday, I'm hoping that there will be more that fix those issues today.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I taught the 0 cred thing was just a bug, at least that's what the in game chat was saying.
Me too, then I see this:

I did that for her as well multiple times. Each time I'd be able to select the fuel & click confirm, it would extract the funds, but then not restore the fuel. Eventually, I flew the ship into an asteroid to blow it up to then claim the ship. Which seemed to correct the inability to effectively refuel, but then it gave us the ship vanishes as soon as you enter the pilot's seat bug. Which was when I logged her out & sent her to bed. Since there were several updates released yesterday, I'm hoping that there will be more that fix those issues today.
Hmm well I tested it today and, with the flyover workaround it works... somehow... Hope they fix this thing quickly, R&R it's a pain from quite few months now...


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
There might have been some chatter about that, I wasn't paying attention. I was on a server with a weird brownish off-white color that gets washed out really often. When I was on Arial it matched the background so well I could see just the > after someone's name unless I switched to the mobiglas view... which is really awkward while mining.
So the chat's color depends on which server I'm on? I just assumed it was bugged and gave me a random color every time I logged on lol
I had tan color yesterday, couldn't read any of it while on deymar lol
The new warning lights are great though. While approaching the dark side of some moon with a sandstorm (deymar I guess?) it saved me from being splattered on the surface lol
I was half watching some video on my tablet and wasn't really looking at where I was going. The red lighting up in the dark cockpit of my aurora snapped me to attention and I pulled up, hitting the afterburner I just about touched the sand for a moment lol

Me too, then I see this:

Hmm well I tested it today and, with the flyover workaround it works... somehow... Hope they fix this thing quickly, R&R it's a pain from quite few months now...
Oh, I see, thanks for the link! Seems like my profile is a bit broken, but in a good way lol


Nov 13, 2019
RSI Handle
Chat color is random everytime you start a new game, just use the chat settings to change it to the color you prefer. And for all of 3.6 and 3.7 (which is when i started playing), you could enter Auroras with boxes no problems. Something got screwy in 3.8. The best bet is a running jump into the ship with the door open, but that only works on moons with light gravity. otherwise i've got to place the damn box on the doorsill of the ship and hope it stays there, and then go around and enter from the other side, pick up the box and place it down in a safer spot. Makes box runs just not worth the effort at this point. On top of all of that, ladder entries glitch me out of the ship about half of the time.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
So the chat's color depends on which server I'm on? I just assumed it was bugged and gave me a random color every time I logged on lol
I had tan color yesterday, couldn't read any of it while on deymar lol
It seems to me that it's consistent for that server, for you. The problem in 3.8 seems to be they've expanded the colors that could get selected. I don't fiddle with it to much, because then I'd be switching the color scheme all the time as you move around the verse. It's easier for me to adjust my monitor contrast, brightness and gamma, since the buttons are accessible on my monitor without exiting or disabling control of the game.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Sounds like it's time to commit insurance fraud just to get a tank top up.

Olisar Landing Services: "You are clear for take off, please visit again soon."
'BobFace: "Oh, you'll see me sooner than you know"
OLS: "We're looking forward to being of service, have a nice day"
*Ship Self Destruct Claxon*
OLS: "Wait, what are you doing?!"
NNBF: "I 'aint got no more motion milk and I've spent all my credits trying to get some, but no one wants to top off my tank, dude"
OLS: "Woah, wait a minute we were just yankin' yer chain you don't ha-"
*Ship explodes*
*Respawn in Olisar Landing Services Office with a croquet mallet"
NNBF: "Yankin' me chain, were ye?"
*Much mallet delivered re-education ensues*


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I haven't been in yet. aUEC is just 0 across the board when you log in or do I only get the UEC balance in my hangar and no more?
0 aUEC.
Do a mining run if you can, or take on a mission or two, that should give you enough to get started.
Whatever you do, don't sweat it. You don't need much to get started doing trading.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I haven't been in yet. aUEC is just 0 across the board when you log in or do I only get the UEC balance in my hangar and no more?
Yep this is the new "feature" of 3.8.. kinda stupid IMHO but could be propedeutical for some aUAC persistence (the only reason I see for a thing like that...)

0 aUEC.
Do a mining run if you can, or take on a mission or two, that should give you enough to get started.
Whatever you do, don't sweat it. You don't need much to get started doing trading.
Yep, just a warn: pay attention to the sender for delivery mission: if you end up trasporting some "different legal" item and been stop for scanning the fee is WAY MORE then the pay for the mission... like 1.5 time the pay... not a really good thing to have when your bank account say 0 aUAC...


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Yep, just a warn: pay attention to the sender for delivery mission: if you end up trasporting some "different legal" item and been stop for scanning the fee is WAY MORE then the pay for the mission... like 1.5 time the pay... not a really good thing to have when your bank account say 0 aUAC...
Especially now that they are implementing that new prison system into the PU soon if not already. Unless of course you want to get tossed into the cooler on a minor charge in order to check it out & give us information on what you discover.
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