Not the copy/paste type of intro.

Jan 14, 2018
RSI Handle
Hadushka (Hades)
[Gamer] "Ever kill anybody?"
[Soldier] "Yes, but it isn't really any of your business."
[Gamer] "Oh man that is so cool!"
[Soldier] "You think so do you? Well, when you wake up every night sweating profusely strangling your wife or God forbid one of your children, screaming some shit you never remember 10 minutes later I don't think you would really think it is so cool... man."
[Gamer] "What are you talking about? We are in a matchmaking game."

Hi all, I am just some guy who is going to be shot down a million times with unlimited respawns so don't mind me. If you want to chat, hit me up. If you want to group up, hit me up. If you want to die call the suicide hot-line at 1-800-273-8255, or hit me up.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
Ugh, PTSD, sorry for anyone that suffers that and thankful for their sacrifice.

I am a vet from Desert Shield and Storm (USN 88-94), but thankfully never had to experience real combat.
Yeah, I totally agree. My ship was very comfortable when I was in an AC space and not breathing the brown haze from all the burning oil wells.


Grand Admiral
Dec 30, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah, I totally agree. My ship was very comfortable when I was in an AC space and not breathing the brown haze from all the burning oil wells.
Yeah ditto on the AC. USS Ticonderoga CG-47 and you.

Closest to Combat, leaving Persian Gulf and little black rubber boat comes to greet us.

I was on a rat patrol (.50 cal mg watch) and was given the order to unlock safeties and prepare to fire! The whole reason I joined Navy was to get a good education in electronics and see the world at same time and not kill anyone (hopefully).

Knew, I would do my duty if ordered to fire, but was praying to God I would not have to.

They circled and left.

Praise the Lord I did not fire a shot in combat, too close.

Now have to still drink a lot. Just because. :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:
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Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah ditto on the AC. USS Ticonderoga CG-47 and you.

Closest to Combat, leaving Persian Gulf and little black rubber boat comes to greet us.

I was on a rat patrol (.50 cal mg watch) and was given the order to unlock safeties and prepare to fire! The whole reason I joined Navy was to get a good education in electronics and see the world at same time and not kill anyone (hopefully).

Knew, I would do my duty if ordered to fire, but was praying to God I would not have to.

They circled and left.

Praise the Lord I did not fire a shot in combat, too close.

Now have to still drink a lot. Just because. :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:
USS Nimitz CVN-68, G-1 Division.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Closest I've gotten to combat is running around with a chainsaw fighting the fires in Northern Saskatchewan. Or fighting the rising poo-water in my basement, haha. No overseas deployments yet. Think that may be a blessing after seeing what Afghanistan did to some of the guys I know.

Regardless, welcome to TEST
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