o7 friendos


Nov 22, 2022
RSI Handle
Hi there fellow humans and other life forms.

I come to this forum to spread my ineptitude and idiocy. I joined Star Citizen only a few days ago (I got a new rig YAY) and I have already accomplished to blow up 15 times (just getting started).
Also fair warning: I am NOT a social life form. This is the most communication you will ever receive from me. I occasionally reply to DMs (once a week MAX). But if anybody asks for help I usually provide some form of it (honestly I do not recommend it).

If you look for me in the verse, you'll usually find me on the smallest most secluded planet/station picking up packages or mining for shiny stuff (the only things I've actually managed to do without dying).

Also I am terrible at making money, so I'm broke; same as IRL but that's besides the point.

So now onto your weird questionnaire:

Where you from stranger?
From a small country in the middle of Europe; you guessed correctly: the Czech Republic.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I followed it since the beginning, but never had the proper hardware for it. Also I'm weirdly drawn to blowing myself up and losing all my stuff when login, must be some fetish dunno.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
As I said, hauling, delivery, mining, exploration, random encounters (not necessarily of the Third Kind).

What was the first game you remember playing?
That would be IL-2 Sturmovik on my fathers old PC with some goofy ass joystick he got somewhere.

What other games do you play?
Currently: Mass Effect (LE, I fell in love with the original when I was a kid :) ), War Thunder, Space Engineers (sometimes), Stellaris (when I have the time, which I never do) and some other stuff (Warhammer, SW, etc)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

I actually don't know, I always somehow knew it existed. What convinced me? Well I finally got the game, so... Nah, I'm looking for just this kind of group.

Picard or Kirk?
I have to say Picard, just 'cause I grew up watching Star Trek: New Generation with my brother

EDIT : If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?

If I had to choose, old

Also my application is not yet accepted, so I don't actually know, if I'll be a member lmao


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Glad to have you in our ranks Ganrax.:o7:
Two of my favorite things come from the Czech Republic (Carbon/Kevlar bodywork and Česká zbrojovka Uherský Brod).
Now that my leathers have been officially hung up I enjoy my CZ products every chance I get.....Welcome, Welcome, Welcome :like:
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