Obligatory Member Introduction


Sep 5, 2019
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?
Missouri, United States. Not the most exciting of places, I know.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
Flying space ships, and general Sci-Fi fantasy.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Making money and buying more ships to play around with haha, and multi crew ships, being a part of a mobile space city with hundreds of people sounds awesome.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Super Mario Bros. Good ol' NES giving me a lifetime addiction to gaming.

What other games do you play?
Too many to list, my main time sink is probably Final Fantasy XIV at the moment, though I'm trying to work in other games for variety sake.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

Decided Star Citizen would probably be more fun to play with other people instead of just doing everything solo and never talking to anyone, to that end I looked around some various Org postings on Reddit and Spectrum. Spent a couple hours reading around and I have to say, Montoya really sells the test squad is best squad. Can't wait to get to meet some other members and get into some mischief.

Picard or Kirk?

IGN: Unknown Stranger

Thanks for having me, and I look forward to getting to know and interact with many of you in the near future.

Test Squad == Best Squad


Sep 5, 2019
RSI Handle
So far just a 325a and a Freelancer MAX --after I got my 325a I traded off a Hornet Ghost which was my first ship to get the MAX and check out hauling-- in my hangar. I'd like to add a Sabre soon, after that I'm not sure. There's just so many great ships that I think would be pretty awesome to fly around in haha. I've been interested in Star Citizen for a while, I pledged back in February 2015, but between my computer at the time and the performance of the game, I'm just now getting around to diving into it.
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