I know its from the holo viewer and the model used there is rather poor and low poly but the overall shape of the ship seems far too simple at this time. Kinda how I feel about the rear 1/2 of the Reclaimer and granted it is supposed to be a giant salvage hold but still there is nothing to really inform us of extra window dressing.
All you young whippersnappers! I remember back when the Constellation was the biggest ship you could pledge for AND I LIKED IT THAT WAY. We had to EVA FIFTEEN AU'S to get from hangar to our houses, UPHILL BOTH WAYS.
And don't even get me started on the Vanduul gettin on my lawn, and them gurdanged Xi'an turtles taken mah jerbz! Rabblerabblerabble
That scale though! I think once AC 2.0 launches we are all going to feel significantly smaller, but safer in a massive ship like the Carrack and above. Now that they've added the booze to the hangars we can safely assume that all 3 holds of the Carrack party boat will be fully stocked for a jump point traverse!