Operation: Borrow an Idris

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
It might be useful for some MPUV transports to transport the B team from the 890 and Carrack hangars.
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Grand Admiral
Nov 29, 2017
RSI Handle
View attachment 19883
Guilded Calendar Event:

Come 3.12 Operation Borrow an Idris is a go.
Operation Borrow an Idris will be our attempt to borrow an extra patrol Idris off of the UEE's hands.
They have enough Idris, they won't mind us borrowing one.

Having the following contributed to the operation will help:

  • Two more 890js
  • Two more Carracks
  • One to Two Vanguard Sentinels
  • Two hammerheads with all disruptors
  • Two M50s
  • 11 additional pilots
  • 4 to 8 Hammerhead Turret gunners
  • One to two Crime stat 5 pirates just in case they will be needed to spawn the Idris
  • two to four brave souls in EVA with Railguns\Missile Launchers\Grenade Launchers and lots of ammo, Strike Team Beta
  • A couple of screen recorder or streamers

I will be contributing
  • Two 890js
  • One Carrack
  • One Vanguard Sentinel
  • Six Ravens
  • One M50

Operation parameters and play
(parameters subject to change)

Spawn and meetup location: GrimHEX or nearest large ship spawn location to the Idris

We will be attempting to immobilize the Idris without heavily damaging it, and attempt to get inside the control cockpit and take control of the ship.

The 890js and Carracks will flank and match speed with the Idris outside of EMP range, pilots may have to get comfortable flying in expanded (F4 and + on the number pad) 3rd person view.

The Ravens and Sentinels will fly below and above the Idris and coordinate an EMP blast to disable the Idris movement and shields.

If this does not work, both Hammerheads fitted with all shield disruptors will move into position and disable the Idris shields

If Idris does not stop moving after EMP and shields down, the 890Js and Carracks will overclock their shields and immobilize the Idris with a big ship group hug.

When given the go, one of the three M50 pilots (Strike Team Alpha) will go full throttle and try to phase through either the backside of the control cockpit or through one of the doors if CIG finished the internals of the Idris.
Once phased through M50 pilot will eject and take control of the ship. We have three or more M50 pilots for multiple chances in case one or more M50s explodes instead of phasing through. You will have set your respawn to one of the Carracks or 890js so your sacrifice will not be permanent. Have no fear!

If this fails but it appears internals are in the ship to travel to the cockpit, Strike Team Beta will launch after confirmation shields are still down.
Strike Team Beta will gain access to the Idris and take control.

If Idris has internals, we will all board the Idris once one of the Strike teams take control.

We will then take photos and videos of our triumph...
And then the shenanigans will begin!
More than happy to donate my hammerhead to the cause. I don't play a ton so I would need a crew to man it, so I can stand at the bridge and watch in awe of the glory of this operation lol.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
View: https://youtu.be/6RylJpU_qJ4?t=2647

The UEE Patrol Idris in 3.12 will not be able to be taken over. CIG is faking the Idris, it will have no internals. An investigation should be made if there is a cockpit chair with NPC however.
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