Operation "Lunch is on us"


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
So I am fully confidant that CIG can deliver and exceed my personal expectations. The scope of this game expands beyond my imaginations and renews my faith in the future of gaming. I could delve further into my beliefs, but that's not the point.

The whole point of this thread is appreciation. We can all show our support by buying ships. It advances the game on a larger scale and gets us that much closer to the game we hope we can play one day. The problem is though, it only funds the company. It doesn't say thank you on a personal level.

So what I propose is buying the CIG employees lunch. You can say thank you, but you can't say thank you like you can with food. The problem is, that they have over 360 employees in multiple time zones. If you give $10 per lunch, that's $3,600 or more. Thats not even taking into account the quality of food or time zones.

So let's do this. Let's say thank you to every employee from the artist to the receptionist. I would start up on a donation site but I have no idea where to start on that (I have no face pages or twitter books). I would be willing to donate a chunk of cash to the idea. It would help in both developer appreciation and Test brand recognition.

Edit: I would be willing to put up $200 for this because I want to say "thank you" to every employee.
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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
hm... maybe I'm somewhat oldfashioned, but I think to "thank someone on a personal level", you'd actually have to know someone personally and what he's doing. I mean, we could technically ask for a list of CIG Employees, but aside the fact that we won't get it, we'd still just know names and jobs, rather than their individual contribution... meaning in the end, we'd still just thank "a part of CIG/SC" even if we knew their names and so on.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
TEST lunch, best lunch - I like it as a semi-personal thank you from Glorious People's Republic of TEST to heroes of Game Programming Union. Imagine if we could have a couple TESTies at each site to be our ambassadors.

Catered events might not be too bad, and with thousands of members shouldn't require too great a sacrifice on an individual level.

If my business travel schedule allowed it I'd love to go up to CIG LA and represent.

I second this motion and would put up $50 for each site.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Its a wonderful idea, with 10k Test members and counting its like 36cents per person for the given numbers.

Don't forget Group Discount either, catering on an industrial scale should result in quite a good price for quite a good feed... CIG may need to organise the staff on their side and they may well have to okay where the food comes from (They may have site canteen service agreements on site) as it would be a little less than convenient if Test Squardon gave them all food poisoning for a week - I can see the news article now:

" The launch of long awaited game Star Citizen has been put back to Quarter Three after 99% of the staff came down with food poisoning following an act of thanks from a group of their most fervent supporters. Commenter Derek Smart has gone on file stating 'I suppose this is for the Cutlass. I CCU'd as soon as the Buccaneer came out.' "
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