Origin 400i + X1 = 💥


Grand Admiral
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
I finally applied a chain to a 400i a few days ago, and took it for a spin on some missions.

I'm sure a few Testies have used it as a daily driver, now or in the past. If you have, what do you like and dislike about it?

I have far too many ships but for just pootling around, running errands for gear, doing box delivery and bunker missions and sightseeing, I really like any of the Pisces variants - they're fab little things. Back in 3.17-3.19 I used an Andromeda (->Aquila, later -> MOLE), as my daily driver.

I love how the 400i looks, despite the weird use of space. It's easy enough to get in/out/around the interior when the lift works (and the ladder is there when it doesn't). Being three-legged it doesn't often have problems with the front ramp not lowering all the way to the ground. It flies/handles fine for a ship of its size.

However, I found using it with an x1 bike a bit of a challenge. I retrieved an X1, lowered the front bay lift, and iirc I now seemed to have two X1s: one I'd retrieved from the vehicle pad, plus another already on the lift. Does it come with one now?

The X1 already on the lift came down okay, but when I turned it on, it bumped into the 400i hull, sparked, flipped, clipped and took damage before spinning off toward the horizon like aerial tumbleweed. I then tried to park the bike I'd spawned on the now vacated ramp, but in doing so I bumped it against the ship, it took heavy damage, I fell off, and I couldn't get it lined up no matter how I tried. My multitool tractor beam was bugged and wouldn't fire at the time, so I couldn't use that to get the X1 positioned better on the little lift. Eventually I got a bit fed up of clumsily zooming about on the bike, decided it was close enough, and closed the bike bay. Big mistake. More sparks, more crunching, it flipped too and the half-glowing X1 chassis was then unceremoniously ejected out of the side of the 400i, landing on me. Climbed out, medpen, claimed the bike and a couple of attempts later, I gave up. The first bike is probably still spinning its way across Lyria.

YouTube seems to have two or three videos confidently titled how to get the X1 bike on the 400i, but none of them seem to fare much better than I did. It needs an auto-align or docking feature - if you can get it close enough, it should just gently snap into the correct position in the bike lift and stay there.

Unless I'm just being inept, the difficulty of making the 400i work with its bike makes it less appealing. And there's quite a lot of wasted space inside the 400i - what's with the mid section of the technical deck having glass walls to make it harder to access the components, and making the space less useable for anything else? Is there some point to that?

Owners, regular drivers, what do you like and dislike about the 400i? Have you used it as your daily driver for a while? What are your tips as an experienced 400i pilot?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
My attempts to use the bike park in my 400 resulted in me CCUing one of my X1's to something else in a weird little rage quit. The other X1 I have, I park in the cargo bay. don't even think about the bike garage anymore which is a shame.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The 400i is more optimized for some of the upcoming features, but it still suffers from some major issues.

+ fires won't be as bad as they have closed off many of the areas that might be impacted by fire and they will help prevent spreading of said fire
- getting into rooms takes longer vs open floor plans
winner - 400i and it's fire doors

+ Cargo will be easy to store and manipulate on the lifting cargo grid vs ramp grids like the Cutlass Black and the Freelancer series
- the 400i does not have sufficient space for some vehicles that should fit the grid to be able to get into position due to an overheight on the vehicles (the landing gear is too short on the 400i)
- the 400i has the same issues every other cargo ramp suffers, which is when you move the cargo elevator, things tend to fall through the floor due to physics collision issues. This applies to the X1 garage as well, which can cause issues.
winner - eventually the 400i, but the Connie will be even better at it.

+The 400i has a dedicated slot for the X1, meaning it does not detract from your cargo space to have one
- the 400i's vehicle slot isn't big enough to hold a 2 person vehicle like the Greycat, Cyclone, or even the Dragonfly. So if you want to take someone else along with you, you will need to take along a second vehicle or just not use the slot.
Winner - the vehicle with the bigger cargo capacity, because eventually, the 400i will need to become a 2 person ship the way things are moving along and you will want a 2 person vehicle or even 2 vehicles.

The 400i is a good ship, but it isn't the best ship out there....that said, no ship is the best ship because there are trade offs and compromises on every ship. You need to find the ship that is right for you and your playing style.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I finally applied a chain to a 400i a few days ago, and took it for a spin on some missions.

I'm sure a few Testies have used it as a daily driver, now or in the past. If you have, what do you like and dislike about it?

I have far too many ships but for just pootling around, running errands for gear, doing box delivery and bunker missions and sightseeing, I really like any of the Pisces variants - they're a fab little things. Back in 3.17-3.19 I used an Andromeda (->Aquila, later -> MOLE), as my daily driver.

I love how the 400i looks, despite the weird use of space. It's easy enough to get in/out/around the interior when the lift works (and the ladder is there when it doesn't). Being three-legged it doesn't often have problems with the front ramp not lowering all the way to the ground. It flies/handles fine for a ship of its size.

However, I found using it with an x1 bike a bit of a challenge. I retrieved an X1, lowered the front bay lift, and iirc I now seemed to have two X1s: one I'd retrieved from the vehicle pad, plus another already on the lift. Does it come with one now?

The X1 already on the lift came down okay, but when I turned it on, it bumped into the 400i hull, sparked, flipped, clipped and took damage before spinning off toward the horizon like aerial tumbleweed. I then tried to park the bike I'd spawned on the now vacated ramp, but in doing so I bumped it against the ship, it took heavy damage, I fell off, and I couldn't get it lined up no matter how I tried. My multitool tractor beam was bugged and wouldn't fire at the time, so I couldn't use that to get the X1 positioned better on the little lift. Eventually I got a bit fed up of clumsily zooming about on the bike, decided it was close enough, and closed the bike bay. Big mistake. More sparks, more crunching, it flipped too and the half-glowing X1 chassis was then unceremoniously ejected out of the side of the 400i, landing on me. Climbed out, medpen, claimed the bike and a couple of attempts later, I gave up. The first bike is probably still spinning its way across Lyria.

YouTube seems to have two or three videos confidently titled how to get the X1 bike on the 400i, but none of them seem to fare much better than I did. It needs an auto-align or docking feature - if you can get it close enough, it should just gently snap into the correct position in the bike lift and stay there.

Unless I'm just being inept, the difficulty of making the 400i work with its bike makes it less appealing. And there's quite a lot of wasted space inside the 400i - what's with the mid section of the technical deck having glass walls to make it harder to access the components, and making the space less useable for anything else? Is there some point to that?

Owners, regular drivers, what do you like and dislike about the 400i? Have you used it as your daily driver for a while? What are your tips as an experienced 400i pilot?
My opinion of the ship is that I love the interior, think they missed a trick on the exterior. Keeping it though, for the stated bonuses that it is supposed to have for scanning (and the holotable to do that with!). I haven't taken it out in 3.23 yet, but don't imagine that the MM changes did it's handling any favors. In combat what we have found is that a) have turrets manned b) attack runs are oblique - cross the enemy at an angle that allows both to get on target. Think broadsides but at speed. The the upper turret is limited but the two do have a meaningful area of convergence, so it makes this tactic a bit more technical to fly. The S3 shield and acceleration available do provide a decent level of survivability, but like a lot of ships it really wants players in the turrets.

It'll fit a Cyclone RN or TR in the vehicle/cargo bay; the MT is too tall to get under the legs to load. Now that the Nursa is in game though, we'll be using ships which can carry that.

It's not you, it's them.. the X1 issue is the same issue that all vehicles have. There is a problem with the physics/grid interactions and the vehicle's position on the server. CIG is very aware of this problem, and during one of the most recent ship shows they publicly acknowledged that it was a thing needing attention.

Other than the X1 issue, the most annoying thing about the 400i is landing it in a bay. That bow is waaaaay out in front of the pilot seat.

I quite like the lower deck.. it makes a great deal of sense from a usage point of view and the style constrictions of the concept. When it came out I (like many others) was hoping for something that was a cross between the 300's and the 600 so this new shape took a lot of getting used to.

Those glass wall create temperature-controlled spaces. Spend some time poking around with the panels, I think there is one that has a thermostat. Not at all sure why CIG did that... somebody thinking ahead about beer?? Also, they should help contain fires when components are badly damaged. A favorite point about that space is the ladder next to the elevator; no need to have power to move between decks. Expect to see similar additions to the 600i rework.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
While I like the looks of both the 400i & the X1 bikes, that bike bay just seems weird to me due to the shape of the X1 bikes. Have you tried using a Pulse with the 400i bike bay? I've seen a few try it & with it being smaller, it looks like it works a bit better currently. I agree though, if CIG would add a docking type mechanism on that pad to help align bikes to work best with it, that would be greatly appreciated.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’ve always thought the 400i the best laid out luxury interior to date. Given my preference for function over form, I prefer the Corsair interior despite I hate Drake. The Corsair feels lived in, though it flies like a garbage scow. I would never choose a shit flying ship for home.

For a couple years I’ve thought the 400i the perfect daily driver until CiG doubled its signature. It was the largest stealth ship in game and for that reason my first choice, but for 3.23, CIG has decided to nerf its signature and make it back of the pack amongst its competition.

I can’t say how much I deplore this casual fuck-uppery of ships. It makes me want to provide the feeble-minded assholes who mindlessly twist ship stats for the sake of their temporary digestive impulses some well deserved slap therapy.

Rather, there’s no helping it. Time and again we’ve seen ship stats fucked over because some moron did not understand what they meant. The 400i had nothing recommending it over its competition except its very low signature. Now it has nothing recommending it over ships like the MSR. That’s because CIG staff seldom know what others have done and why, yet they get the keys to fuck up whatever they like.

Nothing makes me sadder save the stealing of the holodisplay off the bridge of the Polaris. Just slightly behind are the myriad of nerfs suffered by the Vanguard. All this butt-fuckery makes me wonder if I’ll be able to find a single ship to call home.

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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I’ve always thought the 400i the best laid out luxury interior to date. Given my preference for function over form, I prefer the Corsair interior despite I hate Drake. The Corsair feels lived in, though it flies like a garbage scow. I would never choose a shit flying ship for home.

For a couple years I’ve thought the 400i the perfect daily driver until CiG doubled its signature. It was the largest stealth ship in game and for that reason my first choice, but for 3.23, CIG has decided to nerf its signature and make it back of the pack amongst its competition.

I can’t say how much I deplore this casual fuck-uppery of ships. It makes me want to provide the feeble-minded assholes who mindlessly twist ship stats for the sake of their temporary digestive impulses some well deserved slap therapy.

Rather, there’s no helping it. Time and again we’ve seen ship stats fucked over because some moron did not understand what they meant. The 400i had nothing recommending it over its competition except its very low signature. Now it has nothing recommending it over ships like the MSR. That’s because CIG staff seldom know what others have done and why, yet they get the keys to fuck up whatever they like.

Nothing makes me sadder save the stealing of the holodisplay off the bridge of the Polaris. Just slightly behind are the myriad of nerfs suffered by the Vanguard. All this butt-fuckery makes me wonder if I’ll be able to find a single ship to call home.

Hang in there my friend, while it's all very frustrating now, given everything is in flux, eventually, CIG will be forced to stabilize through re-balancing before official launch. Given that 4.0 is being targeted & official 1.0 requirements are being discussed, hopefully that will be sooner than later.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You got that right. All the stats are meaningless until all the stats are in. Right now most of the components have the same stats, regardless of class and purpose. Stealth isn’t really implemented in the way it will be and none of the EM warfare stuff is active. Rumors about replacing engines still linger. To date, we certainly have not seen the promise of fully customizable ships come to pass.

My question is why? Why can’t CIG deliver on its core promises now and spend the next year focusing on tuning? Why do all the shields have the same stats? This habit of CIG fully breaking things in order to later fix them feels contemptuous toward the backers. We’re not so stupid and why injure the playtime of the masses? It’s not like we’re going to forget that we playtested for years with different stats for different shields. So what gives?
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