Right, so CuddlesMeow has been a member for 2 years or something here but he disappeared for about 2 years from SC and TEST Forums, So I'll reintroduce CuddlesMeow here so everyone can get to know him.
Where you from stranger?
Sydney, Australia.
What drew you to Star Citizen?
The crowdfunding, the freedom, the immersion... The whole concept excites me.
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Friday Night Drunk Night! Racing and maybe some light cuddling.
What was the first game you remember playing?
Mario Bros. or Duck Hunt on SNES
What other games do you play?
ARK, Elite Dangerous, The Culling, ARMA 3, Overwatch, DOTA 2, WoW and of course SC
How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
First found out about this place through clicking around on the RSI page and saw beer and drunk roam and here I am, I don't like taking things super seriously 24/7 I like to hang shit on the higher ups and make the biggest and most expensive explosion when possible.
Picard or Kirk?
Ugh Trekkies, but IF I HAD to, Kirk.
Catch you all on Discord and in the 'Verse
Where you from stranger?
Sydney, Australia.
What drew you to Star Citizen?
The crowdfunding, the freedom, the immersion... The whole concept excites me.
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Friday Night Drunk Night! Racing and maybe some light cuddling.
What was the first game you remember playing?
Mario Bros. or Duck Hunt on SNES
What other games do you play?
ARK, Elite Dangerous, The Culling, ARMA 3, Overwatch, DOTA 2, WoW and of course SC
How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
First found out about this place through clicking around on the RSI page and saw beer and drunk roam and here I am, I don't like taking things super seriously 24/7 I like to hang shit on the higher ups and make the biggest and most expensive explosion when possible.
Picard or Kirk?
Ugh Trekkies, but IF I HAD to, Kirk.
Catch you all on Discord and in the 'Verse