Persistence and Death of a Spaceman


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
My best suggestion for this is simply that WE are part of TEST Squadron. If somebody griefs us, there's enough of us that we usually have somebody available online or can log in to help deal with the griefer to some degree. IF it's a group of griefers, then together we can TESTify by making their in game lives absolutely suck, by obliterating them in the most random, stupid & alcohol fueled chaos means possible, potentially while some of us are streaming their endless demise followed by TBagging to advertise to the Verse that those jerks aren't worth joining. We often state that we will block out a star with our Auroras, well imagine that level of numbers with dedication, combined with creativity & a bit of intoxicated frivality being used to make the griefers into giant butts of their own jokes? I'm thinking that if they are ambushed, choked out, then stuck in their own ship's cargo bay, that's filled full around them with Waste materials. If their friends arrive in time, they have to live down having been buried under a pile of manure. Biff can suck on that.

*cries* For the glory of TEST :o7:


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I need my space poo! Anything less is not acceptable.

I get what you guys are thinking. In previous games I really enjoy creating my avatar and keeping that as my main (I never create alt avatars). But, I don't think anything is set in stone and CIG appears to be giving us all kinds of flexibility to play the way we want to. They have recently allowed us to save our avatar appearance, so I would expect that if your character "dies" you could just upload your favorite saved appearance - so nothing lost on that front. For those of us who want to create a next of kin avatar, then we could do that as well.

I like the idea of giving the player the choice to earn and add cybernetics with buffs. I can only imagine that this will be the case. But, I think it would be just fine to choose to have cybernetics implanted or have a replacement appendage grafted on when serious injuries occur - I think that I heard that this was the plan. Perhaps crafted cybernetics will have better buffs than 'earned' through death cybernetics? Who knows...
Cybernetics is very intriguing but I cant help but feel it will become Space Cyberpunk. I hope they really do have a guy in the CIG offices who is persistently and probably annoyingly raising a voice at the meetings simply asking "are we sure on DoaSM?" And raising other ideas.
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