Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Ima on holiday but it started raining today all day and it's like 10c colder than yesterday, so the beach is out for the week (at a lake, water won't warm up in time). So the best way to spend time imo is watching shitposts and drinkin beer.
Shitposts and beer... sounds perfect. Hard to see the dow<belch> downside.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Shitposts and beer... sounds perfect. Hard to see the dow<belch> downside.
Was just thinking the same thing. Been working on getting the electrical in my trailer working correctly for the air conditioning. I needed to break out the ground and common so it wasn't all running through the inverter as it was cutting out under the load. But now it seems to be working correctly. You know can't be roughing it too much.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Was just thinking the same thing. Been working on getting the electrical in my trailer working correctly for the air conditioning. I needed to break out the ground and common so it wasn't all running through the inverter as it was cutting out under the load. But now it seems to be working correctly. You know can't be roughing it too much.
I love camping, the more primitive the better, which is partly where I got an appreciation for not so primitive camping too.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
My Father In Law lives off Bombardier if that helps?
Depends on whether you like the guy or not lol

So these are indeed genuine beers from the islands then? Great! Bought the pack in lidl so wasn't sure what to expect, if it was just some marketing or true.
Yeah, I guess I'll give that a shot, thanks!

Camping. As long as there is internet, power, ac, and no bugs or wildlife other than drunk scantily clad ladies, I'm fine with that. Especially if there are 16 stages/tents with concerts to go to and beer on tap every 50meters.
Man I miss going to summer music festivals like Sziget...
I also miss being 15 years younger and having an extra kidney to sell, but whatever, beer's still beer at least lol


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Depends on whether you like the guy or not lol

So these are indeed genuine beers from the islands then? Great! Bought the pack in lidl so wasn't sure what to expect, if it was just some marketing or true.
Yeah, I guess I'll give that a shot, thanks!
I'm familiar with Bombadier, Marstons, McEwans and HobGoblin having seen them out and about. Haven't tasted any of them as I'm a softy who likes their alcopops, the nearest I've come to drinking Ale is some Batemans XXXB which I found agreeable, tried it because I heard it mentioned in a folk song.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I love camping, the more primitive the better, which is partly where I got an appreciation for not so primitive camping too.
I totally agree with you. But in the rain shadow of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges, it's rather dry, hot, and lacking any sort of shade so something a little more than a backpack and good shoes is required. Now if I am free to live off the land of the high Sierra then by all means it's a great way to destress for a couple of weeks (doesn't matter if there is 10 feet of snow in winter or the middle of summer). But so far have not convinced the wife to rough it and so the trailer is the best I can do when taking the family.

Depends on whether you like the guy or not lol

So these are indeed genuine beers from the islands then? Great! Bought the pack in lidl so wasn't sure what to expect, if it was just some marketing or true.
Yeah, I guess I'll give that a shot, thanks!

Camping. As long as there is internet, power, ac, and no bugs or wildlife other than drunk scantily clad ladies, I'm fine with that. Especially if there are 16 stages/tents with concerts to go to and beer on tap every 50meters.
Man I miss going to summer music festivals like Sziget...
I also miss being 15 years younger and having an extra kidney to sell, but whatever, beer's still beer at least lol
Beer is indeed beer, but from your description, it seems I missed out on other kinds of camping.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah we had these two music festivals every year, one in Budapest on an island basically smack dab in the middle of the city, yet separate enough that it was allowed to host it. Entry possible only through two small bridges or by boat. It's called The Sziget (=island) fest. It's usually a 10ish day long event with multiple large and small stages and concerts from the biggest performers (saw my first Iron Maiden and Prodigy live there) to the very smallest bands, from all types of music. Also with multiple tents for spiritual stuff, dancing yoga hand craft stuff, learn proper first aid, donate blood, and even the military is usually there with a tent so you can practice stripping an AK and shooting air rifles. So the usual stuff. It's multiple square km big, with large tenting areas so you can camp there for the whole duration if you wish to.
It dates back to the 90s I think, and I was always told by my parents it's a place of degenerate no good druggies and hobos and kidnappers and murderers, no sane good person ever even thinks about going there if they want to live!

Ofc the reality is the exact opposite. It's by far the most free and welcoming place I've ever been, filled with the loveliest and most kind ppl I've ever met.

On my first time there when I entered the gates and started my walk towards the venues, I was wearing my Matrix style cheap long leather coat, wearing all black, a young nerdy looking fat fuck sweating in the afternoon sun, with an unlit cig in his mouth trying to act tough while being totally lost in the chaos of music and endless ppl... Not 30 seconds in as I was trying to get my evidently trash (freshly bought, filled and expensive genuine) Zippo to light up, some waaaay out of my league cute girls coming the other way started to shout at me in a language I couldn't understand!
When they reached me they were pointing at my cig in my mouth, I was like what the fuck is going on? What did I do wrong? Are they some weird non-smoking Karen's or some shit?
One of em grabbed it out of my mouth!

She proceeded to turn it around in her hand and stuck it back in my mouth, gave me a light, with a smile on her face. And ofc that's when the penny dropped, I had it in the wrong way around the whole time. (for those of you who don't smoke, lighting the wrong end is like inhaling an ashtray or burning rubber. She saved me from that) They just said goodbye and walked on...
Yeah, fucking crazed murderers, all of em...

The other large music fest we got going is near the Austrian border in a field next to the city of Sopron called Volt Festival. I still don't know whether Volt stands for voltage or the word "was", the literal translation.
It's a much smaller event with the same vibes of international performers. Including the camp sites, although the location for tenting is way worse imo as its partly located on a hill side, and there aren't enough trees so you end up sweating to death soon after you finally fell asleep at 5am when the music dies down enough, and the girl in the neighbouring tent stops moaning...
Well, actually, we might have been part of that last problem for the other campers around us as well hehehe... Good times.

Ps: I so fucking hate camping on a hillside, having to brace against rolling down while trying to sleep off a hangover is not relaxing in the slightest.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, after burning my neck and arms to crispy lobster color by spending all day at the race track cheering my friends team, I rewarded myself with the above mentioned beers.
MacWhatever is pretty much American style pisswasser, has not much taste at all if any... Disappointing. Come on Scottish ppl, if you can do whiskey you can surely manage a decent beer as well!
Bombardier tastes really nice, not too heavy but a "whole" ale. Thumbs up!
The other two I had were okay I guess, nothing too interesting, solid mediocre.
I'm yet to try the original (?) hobgoblin. I had Hungarian brewed under loicense versions, but not the UK variant. Wasn't impressed as I recall.
Razorback sounds like an energy drink Wolverine would drink, not expecting much, but I'm about to open it so I'll get back to you on that later. Not that you care, but I will anyways hehehe

Edit,: correction, the one I'm about to try is Pedigree. Like the dog food brand.. Umm, okay.
I already had Razorback and it sounded much cooler than it tasted.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle


in before he decides to refractor the whole physics system again just for this lol
I don't know. The stream seemed off it needed to decrease in arc as the water level fell.
But in all seriousness, I am not sure why they couldn't as they already have room air pressure.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Seems being a member of test attracts the ladies.

View attachment 21162
Lol, that girl be uninformed that's not how you do the bumping of uglies, you gotta be in the same place!

If I ever got an invite like that Mrs. 'BobFace would dive through the internet and kick them unconcious.

I like my women like how like my tea. Inhumanly strong and able to transcend the nature of reality.
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