Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Jul 18, 2016
RSI Handle
"Well;) several times every month a couple of our best and brightest new applicants fail to understand this very simple instruction :)

Instead of posting in our org thread on RSI :) they choose to completely ignore the ACTUAL FUCKING LINK WE JUST GAVE THEM and post in the "New Recruits" forum on RSI :)

For those that do no frequent RSI ;) the rules are that you can not start new threads to promote your org outside of your official thread :) It is a very simple rule and obviously and important one:) The last thing anybody wants is to see thousands of threads which are nothing but spam about how great your org is:)

After our new applicant has posted in the wrong section;) the regulars who hang out in the New Recruits forum lose their shit and start freaking out at the new TEST member;) flagging their post then crying and bitching to the RSI mods that TEST is spamming them:eek:

Angry RSI mods then contact me and tell ME to knock it off:eek:

Naturally I respond with sympathy and logic;) I am sorry it happened;) but there is no way I can prevent idiocy:eek:"
That's the most glorious thing I've read in a long time! :D
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