Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
*cues up some bandit tunes* "
east bound and down, loaded up and truckin'"
Let's do this people.
Well, looks like we got ourselves a convoy! In that case, we need some CB radio handles... Mromutt is most likely going to be Rubber-Duck (Or Tastes-Like-Chicken), but what about the rest of us?!

Edit count for this post - One


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
Rubber-Duck (Or Tastes-Like-Chicken)
I thought @mromutt was one of those ducks from the duck races that somehow got photo-plankton on itself and acquired sentience and has vowed to end duck race slavery for all rubber ducks. Either that, or Bert and Ernie have been taking a lot of hallucinogens, and @mromutt is the end result of a bad trip into another universe and somehow he came back. Just what I assume of course, he'll have to tell us his own backstory.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I thought @mromutt was one of those ducks from the duck races that somehow got photo-plankton on itself and acquired sentience and has vowed to end duck race slavery for all rubber ducks. Either that, or Bert and Ernie have been taking a lot of hallucinogens, and @mromutt is the end result of a bad trip into another universe and somehow he came back. Just what I assume of course, he'll have to tell us his own backstory.
Both are very plausible. I'm willing to bet one is the truth.

But which one...


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Both are very plausible. I'm willing to bet one is the truth.

But which one...
Second one, definitely. Probably came from the same universe the brought us Bernie and Ert.



Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
I thought @mromutt was one of those ducks from the duck races that somehow got photo-plankton on itself and acquired sentience and has vowed to end duck race slavery for all rubber ducks. Either that, or Bert and Ernie have been taking a lot of hallucinogens, and @mromutt is the end result of a bad trip into another universe and somehow he came back. Just what I assume of course, he'll have to tell us his own backstory.
You want to make some comic books with me O.o those are perfect origin stories, you even made not only an earth one but and earth two story!


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
You want to make some comic books with me o_O those are perfect origin stories, you even made not only an earth one but and earth two story!
I hereby allow you to use my intellectual property as quoted in your original post, none other (explicitly the origin stories of the duck sentience), and therefore allow use of said stories in comics, works of fiction, and television, movies, audio, visual, and psychedelic mediums, with stipulation for payment being that any monetary value that any of my intellectual property generates by given to a charity that focuses on the multiple uses of alcohol as a research tool in space flight, or, pending complications arising from drunk piloting, the money be used to fund an elite strike-force whose sole duty will be to stop Sasquatch hunters from ever being taken seriously, and, if Sasquatches become extinct, a copy of any of said intellectual property generated by the intellectual property be given to each member of @Blind Owl's family, in perpetuity, until they have no more room in their house because it's full of DVD copies of "The Adventures of Space Duck" (or whatever you plan to call your work of artistic license).

I'm so glad I took that LAW course


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
I hereby allow you to use my intellectual property as quoted in your original post, none other (explicitly the origin stories of the duck sentience), and therefore allow use of said stories in comics, works of fiction, and television, movies, audio, visual, and psychedelic mediums, with stipulation for payment being that any monetary value that any of my intellectual property generates by given to a charity that focuses on the multiple uses of alcohol as a research tool in space flight, or, pending complications arising from drunk piloting, the money be used to fund an elite strike-force whose sole duty will be to stop Sasquatch hunters from ever being taken seriously, and, if Sasquatches become extinct, a copy of any of said intellectual property generated by the intellectual property be given to each member of @Blind Owl's family, in perpetuity, until they have no more room in their house because it's full of DVD copies of "The Adventures of Space Duck" (or whatever you plan to call your work of artistic license).

I'm so glad I took that LAW course
I was actually planning an adventures of space duck XD


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I was actually planning an adventures of space duck XD
In highschool during Spanish class, and only during Spanish class, I used to draw a Spanish Language (actually horrible English with IO added to every word) comic called "Cheese Duck", about a duck made out of cheese, who told horrible jokes that were in poor taste and very cheesy. There was one episode where the Cheese Duck and Fuzzale (his trusty sidekick who actually did all the work) went to Spaceio, and fought against Shedderio, the most violent terror the galaxy of Cheese had ever seen. That episode was titled (Space Cheese Duck, in SPACIO!)
Anyways. Thought I'd share that tidbit.
Also, I find it hilarious, retrospectively, that 20 years ago I was already the person I am today.
Last edited:


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
In highschool during Spanish class, and only during Spanish class, I used to draw a Spanish Language (actually horrible English with IO added to every word) comic called "Cheese Duck", about a duck made out of cheese, who told horrible jokes that were in poor taste and very cheesy. There was one episode where the Cheese Duck and Fuzzale (his trusty sidekick who actually did all the work) went to Spaceio, and fought against Shedderio, the most violent terror the galaxy of Cheese had ever seen. That episode was titled (Space Cheese Duck, in SPACIO!)
Anyways. Thought I'd share that tidbit.
Also, I find it hilarious, retrospectively, that 20 years ago I was already the person I am today.
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Good to see you were always this way ;) also now I know what you like my little space duck :P
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