If I was Teetotal and not so keen on the women, I would be an unhappy millionaire.We even have some Teetotalers which is absolutely fine as we've got to have someone sober enough to show the other Auroras which direction to fly in.
My God, it's glorious!! Beautiful!
they should go back to drinking vodkanow the Russians are drinking the K-pop Kool-Aid
Thanks @maynard. I'm still on the far side of the planet, will be for some time, but at least I've found a modicum of time to shit post here and there.
man thats like science or something!
We're still not on page 1000.Holy shit, what's been going on? I've been out of the loop for a while.
The waiter didn’t properly fill her glass! She should complain! This is easily 200mL missing!
*burps*Holy shit, what's been going on? I've been out of the loop for a while.