slow and steady young one :)WE ALMOST HIT PAGE 300. COME ON SHITPOSTERS
slow and steady young one :)
well, sofar i haven't seen cookies in the verse, so it's propaly the same....and I thought we will dine in the 'verse?? *puzzled*
we are in the milky way! of course there are cookies in the verse :owell, sofar i haven't seen cookies in the verse, so it's propaly the same.
Had a big ol' chicken coop with all the little bastards clucking around.
Have a friend whos family had some chickens.But most, the ones that find their way to the dinner table, don't have that much personality.
okay, in this case, forgett hell, we're going to the versewe are in the milky way! of course there are cookies in the verse :eek:
well, sofar i haven't seen cookies in the verse, so it's propaly the same.
AB~SO~FUCKING~LUTELY!!we are in the milky way! of course there are cookies in the verse :eek:
Phew, happy that you are with us :Dokay, in this case, forgett hell, we're going to the verse
Whaaaaaaaaaaat?!? How did that happen?...since when is our duckyduck a staff member?