[Poll] Which ship is your favorite and why?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle

  1. This has probably been asked before, but what ship blows your hair back?
    1. What do you like in the way it looks?
    2. What do you like in functionality?
    3. What makes it better than similar ships of this kind?
    4. What do you want to do with it in the game?
    5. Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.)
    Of the ships I own and can fly now, the Hornet ghost provides the functionality the game needs right now. its massive fun and all in black? All hail the Dark Destroyer. Yeah the Sabre is currently vastly superior, but when the armour mechanics are balanced i'm hoping my ballistics bypass those OP shields and send 'em straight to hell!

    Of the ships I own that I can't yet fly, I am so looking forward to my Taurus. The loaner is okay but the full cargo version is just going to offer so much more in trading - Get to point B with a bunch of stuff and they won't pay your price? Horde it in the corner of the cargo bay and get on the way to point C while trading what else you have in the hold. It. Will. Be. Mint. - Also the Connie after a month or so will be well dirty - think of the most characteristic of Sci-Fi ships, the Falcon, Firefly etc - Dingy, Dirty, almost junk ships held together with Duct Tape but which excel at what they do. That will me my Taurus. I won't have time to wash that nonsense, I'll be trading too hard.

    Of the ships I don't have that I can't afford, the 350R - That thing in cruize is faster than some ballistic cannon rounds! (i'm thinking the Tarantula Mk3) Faster than a speeding bullet? Enough said :)
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Well my ship choice is the caterpillar, my love for this ship is firstly because it is still not here so my dreams can be better than reality! Dreams rule!
It is prettier than a van (okay all ships fit this criteria) and much more useful.
It can cargo haul, scavenge, fix bodies, and hold super bikes! It may even be able to ram. Fighting abilities are unknown but bound to be awesome!
At the moment it has no downsides (its even cheap for a ship of its function (modules are still unknown so I can imagine they are gonna be cheap!)). It even has an oven so my biker buddies can cook brownies!

Floating Cloud

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle


You would think that 'Steel & Rivets' would be mundane, 'functional' materials, but this ship transcends that and becomes a thing of beauty (in fact as nice as it is, this image doesn't do her justice). If there is a ship in Star Citizen that has a soul then it is this one, and I know that she will carry me through hell and back if I ask her.

In short...



Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm loving my Vanguard Warden at the moment

1- I love the dual engine design and entire 'Big fighter' Aesthetic - lots of concentrated firepower and a lil space for loots.
2- Functionality wise i really like the whole 'multiple redundancy' concept - that combined with the range is looking to make a few really interesting playstyes viable. as well as a higher level of independence than could be afforded by a smaller ship
3- Massive concentration of firepower and redundant systems
4- Pew pew and Scouting - would be interesting to see if data running/ full exploration are viable too.
5- Quite a big ran of RSI & Anvil - the vanguard is definitely the exception


Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Well now, that's one tough question. I'm loving the Vanguard for everythin' combat related, and especially what I hope the Sentinel variant will come to be.

BUUUT!...I got a strong gut feelin' I'm goin' to end up bein' an ugly arse smuggler. So...this leaves me with only two choices: the Cutlass Black for short range dealings and dwellings, and...get ready...the FREELANCER DUR! Yep. That's the winner.

Now to pay my tribute to the OP and explain why:

1. It kinda' looks like a small size Serenity. But more important, the exterior textures make it look old and rugged, like it's been through a lot of crap in its days. Hopin' the interior will turn up the same. Right now it looks like an old trailer inside (which I like). Only thing it's missin' is the leftover food that's gettin' ready to bite'ya.

2. Well, for starters, it's got a lot of coffee placin' space on the board. And a shitter. But puttin' comfort aside, it's best for smuggling. It's got long range, it's big enough to shelter a reasonable amount of well paid illicit cargo, yet small enough to be fast and sneaky, it can use all kinds of jump points, it can...well...it ain't like it can give me an orgasm, but it does get close, especially with that sexy fat arse.

3. Ummm...all the above? And the fact it can handle itself in a small bar brawl? And the fact that it could look inconspicuous to the authorities? "Look Sarge, there's a Freelancer!" - "What kind?" - "DUR." - "Oh yeah, it's an explorer." - "You know...smugglers love these ships." - "You're right. Let's check it out." Well...maybe not so inconspicuous.

4. Explore...various opportunities.

5. Funny enough: Aegis. Although I kinda' feel I'm acquiring a taste for Drake.

Damn! I made a long post again...


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
  1. What do you like in the way it looks? It's a giant space station with thrusters! Symmetry, love me some symmetry.
  2. What do you like in functionality? It can do practically anything. Research, medical, exploration, grow weed.
  3. What makes it better than similar ships of this kind? There are no ships of its kind. That's what I love about it!
  4. What do you want to do with it in the game? Mostly research and over clocking, but I may take it out exploring.
  5. Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.) I don't really gravitate towards a brand. Generally I hate RSI and MISC, but I'd say if I had to pick one then it'd be MISC because it has my beloved Endeavor, as well as my Starfarer and Freelancer. I'd pick Anvil or Aegis, but nothing calls to me there as far as fighters. Although I do have Carrick and Reclaimer.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
  1. What do you like in the way it looks?
  2. What do you like in functionality?
  3. What makes it better than similar ships of this kind?
  4. What do you want to do with it in the game?
  5. Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.)
Ok, perspective of all ships, not just what I own....The Constellation
1) to me, it seems like what a spaceship should be. While I love the look of the fighters, they are just too airplane like in appearance to be "spaceships"
2) it's the jack of all trades. You can run cargo, hold your own against some pirates, can be operated by 1 or with as many as 6-7 (pilot, co-pilot, engineer, top and bottom turrets, snub, and a security officer), explore, or do just about anything in it...
3) there are no similar ships. Yes, there are ships that offer the range of play (Freelancer), but IMO, it's the largest ship you can own that will do almost anything that you ask of it. Almost everything else has a dedicated role and while they CAN do other things, they really just do one thing well and the rest poorly. The Connie will be decent at most anything and while not the best of any one game aspect, it's not poor in any aspect either.
4) anything I want. Explore, Haul, Trade, Escort, Carry Passengers, Smuggle, etc
5) I like Anvil for being rock solid, RSI for their iconic spaceship design, and Aegis for their aircraft like ship design. I am not a fan of Drake or MISC ships, even though MISC has that "firefly" look to it.

I note that a lot chose the Super Hornet. It's a great ship and it would be my second or third choice (possibly behind the Freelancer), but for me, what makes a ship great is the ability to do more than just one thing...


Vice Admiral
Jan 24, 2016
RSI Handle
I am not much of a dog fighter. I tried the Sabre, beautiful ship but in the end I went back to my Cutty. The cutlass may have some bugs but I can't wait to see what they do with it in the next pass over. I love the simplistic design that Drake carries. I have always found beauty in function over form design.
Decent set of guns, storage, smaller and easier to hide than some of the other ships of its type.
I plan on either doing troop drops for ship raiding parties or just puddle jumping around cargo jobs.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
My favorite future ship, most likely the Genesis. Somewhat worn out on the outside, transporting people to and from the not so wealthy (and possibly more dangerous) places in space.

But for now its the F7C into the A

It looks militaristic, shoots militaristic, feels militaristic and crashes militaristic... :p

I also hope to see a less flashy racing ship in the future, I just don't like the looks of the Origin 300 series ships
Well we know there is a misc racer and we know the khatu-al, a drake ship "unknown at this point but maybe a buccaneer", and i thought a heavilly modified hornet all won trophies in racing in the lore.


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
This has probably been asked before, but what ship blows your hair back? That would be the Freelancer Dur
  1. What do you like in the way it looks? It looks a little bit Industrial, so the inviteable Bumps into Asterioids and other Stuff just addst to the look.
  2. What do you like in functionality? Firts of all, it can carry enough Cookies to sustain myself for some Hours. It's scanners will help me to find secret Cookie staches., and the Freelancer can proplay bring me to said staches in one piece.
  3. What makes it better than similar ships of this kind? Well, a Hull Series could carry more Cookies, but you can't Access the Cookies while in space. The Cutlass is a close competitioner. I don't want to have a ship much bigger than a Freelancer
  4. What do you want to do with it in the game? It's all about looking for Cookies and to find people to share Cookies with.
  5. Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.) MISC Drake RSI, anything, that has an Industrial rugged touch.


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
This has probably been asked before, but what ship blows your hair back?
  1. What do you like in the way it looks?
  2. What do you like in functionality?
  3. What makes it better than similar ships of this kind?
  4. What do you want to do with it in the game?
  5. Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.)
I like the Polaris!
1) It's got nice angles, but it looks sleek too.
2) It's the baddest on the block. Fast and hard hitting, able to take out a fleet of fighters or a capital ship.
3) None others like it!
4) Kill things
5) It's got the angular build like all RSI ships, a cool look.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I am more in love with the Polaris than I ever expected, despite that I have always loved Corvettes. I just hope they don't nerf the turrets. It does need to be its own, effective anti-fighter screen.

  1. What do you like in the way it looks? Prettiest ship yet. I am shocked they appear to have given it an airframe, and that it will be able to function well in atmosphere. The Idris and Void Bomber can't do that. The Polaris may be the highest performing, most dangerous ship in atmo.
  2. What do you like in functionality? I love that it can do so many different kinds of combat. If it has a full suite of S3 sensors (IR, EM and Radar, long and short range) I will giggle in an unmanly fashion.
  3. What makes it better than similar ships of this kind? There are no ships similar to it.
  4. What do you want to do with it in the game? Hold crazy loud parties until the neighbors complain, then fly off and moon them all as we leave.
  5. Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.) I'm a huge Aegis fan so I am surprised to love the RSI ship the way I do. I think it is brilliant execution and though there are a thousand mods to make, I do not think it could have been better conceived. Eschewing spinal mounts in favor of four monster tubes forward was inspired. I just wonder if we can attach a large Vanduul plasma cannon to the torpedo linear motors and have an effective anti-torpedo weapon. Do we get to invent our own mods if we beg properly?


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
My favorite ship right now is the Starfarer.
  • What do you like in the way it looks? It's bulky, looks the part for the space truck it is.
  • What do you like in functionality? I'm most interested in cargo running and fuel gathering/trade at the moment, so it's the ship of the hour for me.
  • What makes it better than similar ships of this kind? There is only one fuel ship at the moment but, comparing it to other haulers (the Hull series), I think it's better armored and the cargo is better protected on the Starfarer.
  • What do you want to do with it in the game? Get fuel, sell fuel, get rich, buy Terra.
  • Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.) I like MISC the most, followed closely by Origin and Drake.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My favorite ship right now is the Starfarer.
  • What do you like in the way it looks? It's bulky, looks the part for the space truck it is.
  • What do you like in functionality? I'm most interested in cargo running and fuel gathering/trade at the moment, so it's the ship of the hour for me.
  • What makes it better than similar ships of this kind? There is only one fuel ship at the moment but, comparing it to other haulers (the Hull series), I think it's better armored and the cargo is better protected on the Starfarer.
  • What do you want to do with it in the game? Get fuel, sell fuel, get rich, buy Terra.
  • Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.) I like MISC the most, followed closely by Origin and Drake.
Did you win a raffle today on WTFOsaurus?


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Did you win a raffle today on WTFOsaurus?
WHAT? I'll go check now. I'm a sub, so it should have been auto-claim.
EDIT: No idea, I have no new messages on Twitch. Why would you say that? Was I drawn or smth?
EDIT2: FYEAH, I did. Sent him a message. :) Thanks for letting me know, @Blind Owl .
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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
My vote goes to the Banu Merchantman.

What do you like in the way it looks?

What do you like in functionality?
It's got the perfect size for a cargo hauler (Hull D+E are just too big), it's guns seem more than capable to get rid of pesky caterpillars and it can sell things where I want to, rather than relying on existing infrastructure.

What makes it better than similar ships of this kind?
There are no other Ships of this kind. :P

What do you want to do with it in the game?
I guess you could call it a exploration for new markets.

Is there any specific ship brand that you like? (RSI, Origin, Anvil etc.)
Not really, all kinda have their ups and downs.


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I like the Hornet Tracker the best. It just has total all around appeal for me.
I love the dark flat black look and super comfy seat.
The long look radar doubles as a long range receiver so you can tune into the universal music system. ;)
The Anvil logo is actually the aperture for your pop up beverage dispenser.
Properly equipped with broadswords and a revenant cannon it stings hard.
It may not win all battles but the opponents will not get away unscathed.
It's a wolf in sheeps clothing. Black Magic:


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
WHAT? I'll go check now. I'm a sub, so it should have been auto-claim.
EDIT: No idea, I have no new messages on Twitch. Why would you say that? Was I drawn or smth?
EDIT2: FYEAH, I did. Sent him a message. :) Thanks for letting me know, @Blind Owl .
You're welcome. Yeah, I was drifting in and out of a nap, and had his stream playing in the background. I could have sworn I heard your name.
What ship was it? The Aurora package or the Hornet package? And last question, where did you go to find out? I'm a sub too and have no idea where he'd contact me. Haha.
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