Piracy Privateer


Rear Admiral
Dec 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I need to look into the game more more. I tend to skip it when people are discussing it and I know I'm missing a lot.

Hopefully they will get the political side of the giant corporations into play on top of just governmental agencies. Especially in less ruled areas I imagine companies like MISC or Aegis controlling huge areas of raw materials.

Of course corporate subterfuge doesn't really fit the privateer topic so I'm not going to try to derail this thread but it certainly has me thinking about how I may want to operate in the 'verse.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
To the best of my knowledge there are at least 9 factions. 5 of them are governments in some sense: UEE, Xi-An, Banu, Vanduul and Krell. There is the "unaligned" world Leir (the Outsiders), which is termed "Lawless" but might consider itself under its own law since it has its own defense force. There are also at least three pirate factions operating out of Pyro, Cathcart and Fora. These last three probably don't have enough internal governance to be considered factions by every definition of the term, and likely don't operate in concerted efforts, so they make especially enticing targets if you want Drake products for any reason. I suspect there will be other groups that might qualify as factions and you could consider both The Corporation and Test as factions.

In a sense, Test is the largest and most powerful faction in SC, since it can field so many players. That is really where all the power is in this sort of game--numbers of players. And in fact this is why I noted that a privateering group starting down in Oberon could take Leir and all the unaligned worlds to the West, and eventually form its own empire because that's the sort of thing any group with hundreds of players could pull off. Test is so large it could put down roots in every part of known space, even Krell. Given Leir is unaligned however, stealing their ships and making them our own could really shift the balance of power in that region and if one could do that from Vanduul ships, the Outsiders (Leirians) would not even know who to complain about.
I can't really see any fault in your reasoning. I haven't had time to dive into the lore yet, or start examining the galaxy map. My 10 month old son is keeping me rather busy. ;)

That aside, this is something that I'd like to put a wee but of concentrated effort into. Perhaps even get it as a sanctioned op. If we put enough thought and planning into it, we could present it to @Montoya as a plan of attack for the Privateering division. As well as a possible home base for said division.

Understanding of course that the division has itself not yet been sanctioned, and will likely not be until such time as the game mechanics are in place.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Hopefully they will get the political side of the giant corporations into play on top of just governmental agencies. Especially in less ruled areas I imagine companies like MISC or Aegis controlling huge areas of raw materials.
Oh Fuck yes. I hope so too. Just more facets egad we can take advantage of.
Of course corporate subterfuge doesn't really fit the privateer topic
It sure as shit fits. Working off the books for a large corporation to attack a rival corporation, disrupting supply lines and operations. That's freaking awesome.


Vice Admiral
Oct 30, 2014
RSI Handle
Are the warlocks available? If so, I'd grab one to test this out. If not, I'll happily be a guinea pig for this science!

Just so. Hence me wanting to maintain a "grey man" status. I want to be able to enter pirate space, and pick up black market goods, and smuggle it into UEE space. I want a good enough rapport with the pirates to do business with them, and stay low enough on the UEEs radar to enter civilised space unobstructed. Well, mostly unobstructed. I do expect they will suspect me of being not too savoury. Just gotta make it hard to prove. ;)
Ill be right there with ya in the gray! *points to the my sig
below* lol

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I need to look into the game more more. I tend to skip it when people are discussing it and I know I'm missing a lot.

Hopefully they will get the political side of the giant corporations into play on top of just governmental agencies.
Probably the only reason I know anything about the lore is I don't have a machine to play on right now, but I indulge myself with one game at a time and have chosen SC for the next decade or so, so I am sating myself with things like lore and game dynamics instead of flying two hours a day, which would indeed be my first choice.

And yes, they are writing the major corporations into the game lore. It has popped up several times now on Loremakers:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSn72-3zjs

which I highly recommend. If nothing else, put it on your phone and listen to it during your ride to work. The picture is not necessary and all this stuff is important, IMHO. Given there are no skills, it is what you know, from game mechanics to lore, that makes good players.

Well. . .and how well you hold your liquor.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm pretty excited about it now that I've been thinking about it. I may have found my calling.
Yeah man. I think Privateering has me the most excited as an occupation in the game. I mean, I'm excited about the whole thing, but privateering: I'm freaking stoked for it.
Ill be right there with ya in the gray! *points to the my sig
below* lol
Lol, damn mobile phone/site. No sigs. But I'm sure I catch your drift.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Probably the only reason I know anything about the lore is I don't have a machine to play on right now, but I indulge myself with one game at a time and have chosen SC for the next decade or so, so I am sating myself with things like lore and game dynamics instead of flying two hours a day, which would indeed be my first choice.

And yes, they are writing the major corporations into the game lore. It has popped up several times now on Loremakers:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSn72-3zjs

which I highly recommend. If nothing else, put it on your phone and listen to it during your ride to work. The picture is not necessary and all this stuff is important, IMHO. Given there are no skills, it is what you know, from game mechanics to lore, that makes good players.

Well. . .and how well you hold your liquor.
Holy shit. Ok. I'm dig into this info. I need to sit down at my machine and organize my thoughts and what I need to look into.

Thanks man
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Rear Admiral
Dec 26, 2015
RSI Handle
Jun 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Probably the only reason I know anything about the lore is I don't have a machine to play on right now, but I indulge myself with one game at a time and have chosen SC for the next decade or so, so I am sating myself with things like lore and game dynamics instead of flying two hours a day, which would indeed be my first choice.

And yes, they are writing the major corporations into the game lore. It has popped up several times now on Loremakers:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LSn72-3zjs

which I highly recommend. If nothing else, put it on your phone and listen to it during your ride to work. The picture is not necessary and all this stuff is important, IMHO. Given there are no skills, it is what you know, from game mechanics to lore, that makes good players.

Well. . .and how well you hold your liquor.
After thorough research I can now verify my liquor holding skills withstand every hardship! ...now I just need to study the lore^^

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Alright. I'm writing down a list of thing I need to read or study in regards to this game. As Privateering is one of the things that interests me the most (and because @Black Sunder has industry covered to the nth degree - kudos to him and his staff) I figure that this will be where I start gathering my knowledge, and focusing my own limited time (infant son = busy life) and resources.

Ok, so I need to get caught up on the loremasters youtube videos that are in this thread.

Studying the Galaxy map was also another huge piece of the puzzle.

What else gentlemen?
Jun 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Alright. I'm writing down a list of thing I need to read or study in regards to this game. As Privateering is one of the things that interests me the most (and because @Black Sunder has industry covered to the nth degree - kudos to him and his staff) I figure that this will be where I start gathering my knowledge, and focusing my own limited time (infant son = busy life) and resources.

Ok, so I need to get caught up on the loremasters youtube videos that are in this thread.

Studying the Galaxy map was also another huge piece of the puzzle.

What else gentlemen?
You checked your liquor holding skills?
Pls share your newly aquired knowledge with us in some future posts!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
As Privateering is one of the things that interests me the most (and because @Black Sunder has industry covered to the nth degree - kudos to him and his staff) I figure that this will be where I start gathering my knowledge, and focusing my own limited time (infant son = busy life) and resources.
Privateers are generally distinguished from pirates as serving a cause or flag, but essentially acting as pirates. So IIRC, Sir Francis Drake was flying under letters of Marque, or a license from the Crown of England to pillage Spanish tradesman in the Caribbean in order to cut the supply of gold to the Spanish crown and help with the war. There is a similar dynamic already written into the gameplay of SC.

If you watch the Gamelore vid on the Vega system, starting in about 9 minutes, they examine the background of Vega 3, or Selene. Its an interesting world. One of the key plot devices there is it is home to "The Descendents of Orion" who pay cash money for players to raid against the Vanduul. That is really be best way to learn Vanduul tactics, analyze their movements, become acquainted with their ships and learn what is and is not obtainable so far as their ships. If you're being paid for mission 10 in a quest series and need to take down a Void Bomber, how you take it down is up to you, but at the least you know there will be a Void Bomber! And really that experience, flying out of Selene, his probably the best introduction to Privateering and general dogfighting combat you're likely to run into. You could learn as much fighting pirates at comm stations but pirates won't likely be appearing in anything bigger than a Buck or maybe the odd Cat, so there are no huge paychecks there. Stealing a Corvette with 7 S6 turrets, three spinal mounts and a couple dedicated boarding craft is a WAY BIG paycheck.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Privateers are generally distinguished from pirates as serving a cause or flag, but essentially acting as pirates. So IIRC, Sir Francis Drake was flying under letters of Marque, or a license from the Crown of England to pillage Spanish tradesman in the Caribbean in order to cut the supply of gold to the Spanish crown and help with the war. There is a similar dynamic already written into the gameplay of SC.

If you watch the Gamelore vid on the Vega system, starting in about 9 minutes, they examine the background of Vega 3, or Selene. Its an interesting world. One of the key plot devices there is it is home to "The Descendents of Orion" who pay cash money for players to raid against the Vanduul. That is really be best way to learn Vanduul tactics, analyze their movements, become acquainted with their ships and learn what is and is not obtainable so far as their ships. If you're being paid for mission 10 in a quest series and need to take down a Void Bomber, how you take it down is up to you, but at the least you know there will be a Void Bomber! And really that experience, flying out of Selene, his probably the best introduction to Privateering and general dogfighting combat you're likely to run into. You could learn as much fighting pirates at comm stations but pirates won't likely be appearing in anything bigger than a Buck or maybe the odd Cat, so there are no huge paychecks there. Stealing a Corvette with 7 S6 turrets, three spinal mounts and a couple dedicated boarding craft is a WAY BIG paycheck.
More knowledge dropping. Is there going to be quest series for us to do? I freaking hope so
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't know anything about quest series. That was just an illustration. I think though, given the kinds of "missions" that are on offer, they will likely do some sort of questing series. There are signs of story everywhere. Did you know there is an entire system that was destroyed in ages past and all that is left is the ashes from the terror of their guns? The Hades system will no doubt be a centerpiece for exploration inside the UEE. Smugglers will be running furry critters from Oso to the Xi'an who find them "delicious". Every planet seem to have a story.
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