Question about mercenary and combat missions

Dorian Grey

Space Marshal
Feb 7, 2015
RSI Handle
So guys, I have a question. I have my arrow and Hornet WF that I usually play with on AC Swarm mode to test loadouts and such. So I select the loadout of my ship. Arrow with 3 S3 Mantis Gt-220's. Got my patrol mission/ecn/you name it mission that has combat in it. I QT to the destination and as soon as I hear the word bogey, i am one shotted to death w/o even seeing what killed me. I tried all missions with the Arrow and WF with the same results. On the Freelancer I died in 3 hits and finally saw what was killing me. An aurora! . I don't know if they are bugged or I suck at combat (probably the latter) but when I pop AC, i have no such issues, i do die too but I get kills and can actually enjoy dogfighting lol.
Any thoughts?
PS. I probably really suck at combat lol


Space Marshal
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
no idea for that, i did a pile of merc missions in a saber on the weekend, none of those problems. only thing I had was 75% of the time the npc ships just sat there.
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