Copied from FB SC post, sounds like if you start with a 325i you can clean up:
Fun discovery. You can stack courier missions pretty easily in any ship with an interior. Want to make some good money really quick with almost zero risk? Get a bunch of courier missions on the same planet that all go to the same drop off point. I just made almost 90k going from Lyria to New Babbage. Picked up packages from all over Lyria and dropped them all at one location in New Babbage.
I've done my fair share of this kind of activity since box missions are a thing, mostly in my 300i. You can make really good cash when it works. The important bit is the "when it works" . Cos it doesn't, most of the time.
- even an aurora mr can currently fit like 6-8 boxes easily in front of the bed door. That's like 5-7k auec / box.
- if you take the legal missions only, it's still good money
- there is currently low risk of you being intercepted by pirates, even if they do you can just boost away and quantum later
- it's easy so you can watch YouTube or Netflix or do your taxes while traveling
- This Only Works as long as the Devs Allow you to carry boxes up ladders!!! This is not working as originally intended, it is a workaround for now!
- the 300 series have a cargo bay/lift on the bottom, that should allow for box carry missions. It is totally broken, do not put anything in there! The best case scenario, thr box will end up stuck inside your ships hull and you can't take it out. Worst case the box intersecting with your ship blows it up.
- traveling around a planet to pick up multiple boxes at multiple outposts may take a lot more time than it's worth, because of 30K and other bugs. Getting in and out of atmosphere to get around to the other side of a moon can be very slow. Max 2-3 pickups and go is the most I'd recommend.
- you can easily spend 30-60minutes picking up 3-6 boxes around a moon. You may run out of H fuel easily in a 300 series or smaller ship going in and out of atmosphere
- spent an hour picking up boxes, only to get a 30K
- spent an hour picking up and travelling to new cabbage, only to find that the vending machine is bugged and won't accept the deliveries!
- same thing but the delivery point is in the middle of a random building you cannot reach in any way (this happened just yesterday)
- the 300 and other smaller ships, including the Herald, may not have enough fuel to make the jump from microtech moons to Cabbage, you gotta refuel at Mic 1 and with the refueling being broken you might get screwed
- multiple pickups should only be done from the same location if you can land off-pad, otherwise your vehicle might get stowed. This will invalidate the boxes for their missions, even if you get them spawned back with the ship
- if you landed on a pad, do not let your ship get stowed while you have boxes in it! Do not spawn a new ship thinking you can just move boxes to it while they are inside your first ship, as it will get replaced! Move it off the pad first!
- accepting multiple box missions from the same outpost is an awesome way to make money But, the vending machine can rarely handle that and won't give you the boxes most of the time (6 out of 8 times I tried it broke the game with 3.8 and 3.9.1). Still of you can get this to work, it is by far the easiest money you can make.
What I've learned is: use a Freelancer. You all got one for free for now anyways right? It has the range, the speed, and the space. It's fast and easy to get in and out of, and still small enough to fit on roof pads or close to outpost buildings with no pads.
Do only highest paying boxes! 6000+ credit ones, the others take you on the same distance for less money.
Do 1-3 boxes at a time, it's more efficient with all the bugs. Picking up 6, stopping for fuel you spent on the moon, and then finding out 1.5hours of flying about later that the delivery point vending machines don't work... yeah, not great.
The 300 is like a Dodge Demon running with a fuel tank the size of a thimble. Watch your H fuel!