QUICK! Spend it all!


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Well, I've certainly been "punished" for buying ships with my windfall since they did a reset:
  • Took pledge cutlass black out, loaded with loot from several mining outposts while doing an 8k redwind 3 box mission. Bought laranite at final stop (could afford around 6 SCU worth). Couldn't access ship inv, so bed-logged. Logged back in, ship sank into landing pad and disappeared with all cargo and loot.
  • Logged out and back, 24 credits balance - cutlass black not retrievable, so grabbed a nomad and went to look at new abandoned outpost. Loaded up and bed-logged as server wasn't responding well.
  • Logged back in, 11.7k credits balance - looked around some more. Server 30k.
  • Logged in again, was able to retrieve nomad - went back to see outpost in daylight, refueling nomad on the way, after selling some ship inv. Headed to outpost, removed 4 NPC's and looted some stuff. Trying to loot bodies I had placed in back of nomad, ship inv was not responding - game crashed.
  • Logged in and saw balance had again reset to 11.7k, despite earlier sales and refueling, so desided not to sell backpack loot and to give game a few days to stabilise - I didn't want to sell 50k of Dolovine and have funds reset next log-in.

Now to work out what to play instead of SC for the next few days until they get this credit balance thing fixed.
Wow...they must hate you in particular.
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Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
So, I was curious and googled the psychological reasons on why this all affects people so much to get so angry,
https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/wcawf6 View: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/wcawf6/this_is_why_the_auec_situation_upset_so_many_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

It's called loss aversion. And CIG screwed up again. There are intelligent ways to utilize the phenomena in business without pissing off your consumers.
Actually quite interesting. I have a lot of money tied up in Crypto..been there done that over the last six years, and i'm at the point of no longer caring. I might check things once or twice a week now..if that. But still good point...and i'm also wondering how the poor aUEC sellers on eBay are taking it hahahaha

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
we are all now millionaires next week!

"There must be a Mr. Bean GIF out there where he keeps making things worse and worse. That was us."

Lol I dont think they could have found a better way of painting that mental picture.

This time next week we'll be millionaires!

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qp5hxHPlTq8I

EDIT - Well sod it if youtube doesnt want to play its not worth clicking, its an 11 second clip of Del from Only Fools And Horses saying "this time next year we'll be millionaires".

This patch, I'll mostly be eating Whammers.
Last edited:


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I don't know how much of the problem is "loss aversion", and how much is something else...

My thought is that the problem most people have was less the "loss aversion", and more a feeling of being punished for someone else's mistake - CiG handed out a "gift" to players, allowed everyone to be happy, then came out and said "we screwed up, so we're taking it out on you"... But only on those of you who were unable to log in before a certain time to spend the gift (or who opted to take some time to decide what they wanted to do, rather than "impulse buying") - Had the "punishment" been evenly applied (forced rollback to "wipe" inventory, with lower\planned starting balance for everyone), there would have been much less pushback, as everyone would have an "equal" start, rather than some having an "advantage" and using it, other having an "advantage" that was ripped away, while others heard about the "advantage" but missed out on it completely.

Coming into the patch, I wasn't expecting too many credits, which would have limited the activities I could do to the ships I had pledged for. Given this would quickly become repetetive (same things I did last wipe, and same I'll have to do next wipe in a few months), I was likely going to be less active this patch, as there would have only been a short period to build any in-game funds for the items I'd want for trying other gameplay areas. Having the windfall dropped on me allowed for the purchase of ships I would have been unlikely to have been able to earn in game between wipes, in order to give them a decent test (compared to the "48 hour loans" during IAE and Invictus... Something like the subscriber "ship of the month", but the player gets to choose the ships(s)) to see if they were suitable for what I wanted (and potentially worth pledging for), or if I should look for other ships for the planned purpose instead, as well as allowing me to try different activities than I would normally be able to try. This (if ships don't disappear) will likely have me playing a lot more this wipe than I had intended, testing a few areas I otherwise wouldn't - After all, how much data do CiG still need regarding players doing "entry level" missions, compared to the more advanced ones, at this stage?

One thing that I'd love to see fixed, though, is the ability for "missions" without fixed location\items to carry through between wipes ("call to arms", for example, or "qualification" missions when reputation was retained)... Although, having the ability to repeat some (like the 1-box delivery qualification mission) would be nice to close out a session - visit an outpost and speak to attendant in cargo building, get box from him, and deliver it somewhere (not known until box handed over by attendant) for a small amount of funds and a change of pace.

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I don't know how much of the problem is "loss aversion", and how much is something else...

My thought is that the problem most people have was less the "loss aversion", and more a feeling of being punished for someone else's mistake - CiG handed out a "gift" to players, allowed everyone to be happy, then came out and said "we screwed up, so we're taking it out on you"... But only on those of you who were unable to log in before a certain time to spend the gift (or who opted to take some time to decide what they wanted to do, rather than "impulse buying") - Had the "punishment" been evenly applied (forced rollback to "wipe" inventory, with lower\planned starting balance for everyone), there would have been much less pushback, as everyone would have an "equal" start, rather than some having an "advantage" and using it, other having an "advantage" that was ripped away, while others heard about the "advantage" but missed out on it completely.

Coming into the patch, I wasn't expecting too many credits, which would have limited the activities I could do to the ships I had pledged for. Given this would quickly become repetetive (same things I did last wipe, and same I'll have to do next wipe in a few months), I was likely going to be less active this patch, as there would have only been a short period to build any in-game funds for the items I'd want for trying other gameplay areas. Having the windfall dropped on me allowed for the purchase of ships I would have been unlikely to have been able to earn in game between wipes, in order to give them a decent test (compared to the "48 hour loans" during IAE and Invictus... Something like the subscriber "ship of the month", but the player gets to choose the ships(s)) to see if they were suitable for what I wanted (and potentially worth pledging for), or if I should look for other ships for the planned purpose instead, as well as allowing me to try different activities than I would normally be able to try. This (if ships don't disappear) will likely have me playing a lot more this wipe than I had intended, testing a few areas I otherwise wouldn't - After all, how much data do CiG still need regarding players doing "entry level" missions, compared to the more advanced ones, at this stage?

One thing that I'd love to see fixed, though, is the ability for "missions" without fixed location\items to carry through between wipes ("call to arms", for example, or "qualification" missions when reputation was retained)... Although, having the ability to repeat some (like the 1-box delivery qualification mission) would be nice to close out a session - visit an outpost and speak to attendant in cargo building, get box from him, and deliver it somewhere (not known until box handed over by attendant) for a small amount of funds and a change of pace.
I immediately thought this is waaaaaaaay too much..QUICK buy a ship..on the bright side, they are going to give us 1M aUEC for the drama, so that's still more than what I had before the patch dropped, and I can keep the ship..so still a win.
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