Raison #17 why your org is stupid and TEST is BEST!


Space Marshal
Feb 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Well you know, those things sometimes happen, when a purple caterpillar decides to eat a batman bear's porridge and then just takes off with his midget bikini wearing manbearpig wife... just saying.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
why shopuld we anyway? i actualy made the effort to read and understand everything and believe i somehow understand it.....
that dude william fox was in imperium and did things against the orders of the comand(spying and stuff). he then got kicked out along some other now former members and made his own org.
moste of these former mebers joined it. they then decided to make an senate instead of a "king and everybody else is screwed" thing.

but he continued to do things without allowance of the senate or even their knowledge.
they always gave him a second chance. until someday he got kicked out of the senate.

demoted to an oficer he didn't change at all. doing stuff without permission, flaming, spying and so on.

after demoting him again to a mere meber.....he didn't change......

that thread was his final warning if something like that hapened again he would be kicked out of the org for good

so.... yeah

wtf? why do they take all this so serious?
for gods sake its a GAME!!!!! everybody there has to chill and drink a beer -.-
Dunno if you've played Eve Online but this is not even a drop in the bucket for the drama in that game.


Minister of Propaganda
Staff member
Oct 5, 2014
RSI Handle
/me sits here on my fancy armchair puffing a faux cigar watching drama through my unobtainium monocle.

Just another day in dramaland.
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Dec 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Holy bat shit bros.... I am very glad I am a member of Test. I have to deal with the politics of our nation and foreign nations within my job and also my studies... I don't need to deal with politics of a organizational development and appealing to senates...

How I imagine it when I get my feet back on U.S. soil...

On mumble:

Me: "Testies.. anyone online... "
Testies: "Yes... and drunk"
Me: "Sweet... so drunk jousting in Arena Commander"
Testies: "Yes.. and drunk"
Me: "Yes.... that is why we call it drun.... wtf. Yes... and drunk"


Wait... why... when a game is still in alpha and things are not finalized are people "spying" on other organizations. Is it to see "fleets" or members.. attempt to recruit..... what has playing video games come too???!?!?!?!

That's what I'm saying. I guess there could be some people trying to bring the EvE metagame over, but in the end it might all be for naught.

Shar Treuse

Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Shar Treuse
That was hilarious, mostly because of how "WF" got caught every single time he incited espionage, often within a single day. In all my years of corp. espionage in EVE I was never once "caught", though there were suspicions on occasion and ofc once it was all done and over with the character I did the spying on was pretty much outed...though never traced to one of my actual play characters or "mains".

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
We don't need to worry about spies because only a true TESTie can read behind the made up dead language, NKato, TEST jokes, and our own vernacular that we use to tell each other penis jokes.

like so: "TEST, TEST TEST TEST?"


Translation: "DId you know wang means penis?"


And of course we can all read in TESTinary(A language so dense, only a drunk off their ass redneck from Alabama who is his own grandfather can read it quickly. scholars will spend their first 10 years of grad school trying to decode the first word alone):

01233203 02210 333 22130 00001

Shar Treuse

Nov 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Shar Treuse
It is so fortunate that Star Citizen has TEST, so nobody has to get involved with all that nonsense. Even back in EVE it got boring and tiresome and I am looking forward to a game where we can chug a frew beers and ignore all of that.


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
yeah.. lean back and watch the drama unfold XD

@Designated Drunk
wait... that reads zucchini? i thought it was cactus :O


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2014
RSI Handle
With all this fear of spies I'm tempted to form an organization called "Spies For Hire." Then in the description list off random ORGs we claim to currently be inside of, gathering intel. As well as stating all infiltrators are in high positions of power in said ORGs. I would love watching people going overboard trying to find the spy in they're ranks.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
With all this fear of spies I'm tempted to form an organization called "Spies For Hire." Then in the description list off random ORGs we claim to currently be inside of, gathering intel. As well as stating all infiltrators are in high positions of power in said ORGs. I would love watching people going overboard trying to find the spy in they're ranks.
Would love to see the fallout of this.


Vice Admiral
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
So I just read that whole thing, did research on the different fleets and people involved. All I can say is wow, we're talking about a video game. A game! One of the reasons so many people consider me to be a "troll", in SC, Eve, Planetside 2 etc, is because these games have turned into cesspits of inconceivable seriousness by unapologetic die-hard role players, and I can't help but feel an obligation to remind the community to enjoy the game and allow the rest of us to enjoy it also.

What instead happens is organizations get over run by these role-players who consequently enforce unrealistic "Codes of Conduct" bullshit, where mostly unaccomplished beta's assume positions of authority for which they exorcize inappropriately and in absolute disrespect toward the individuals they're charged with "leading". The game becomes a trial of political nonsense, imaginary power and a round-a-bout of privileged information fortified under false "Opsec" garbage.

Test, please recognize this, I beg you. These types of musings are desperate attempts by closet role-players to transform your fun into a Game of Thrones remake, where they are the Kings & Queens at your expense. They attract other role-players who will stop at nothing to take advantage of a large community to also be royalty and be unduly praised. The larger the community, the more lucrative the perceived power of which equates to epeen girth and don't doubt for a second there are those among us waiting for the opportunity. Just keep an eye out for the cereals and you'll spot them and their cronies, they always gravitate together like magnets - it's a personality thing and pay attention to how hard they will try to control things and be in charge. These cats are sad, probably live an unfulfilled life and are a cancer on fun for the majority.

I joined Test with haste after reading the recruitment page; everything pointed at not becoming another depressing outfit as portrayed in the linked thread here, where they undoubtedly have a list of rules and regulations enough to keep a barred lawyer busy and employed full-time. There's no reason for it, it is ridiculous to see grown men do that shit, they need to get laid, they need to get off the wine coolers and quit being the kind of nerd that gives nerds a bad reputation.

I work hard for a living and have spent the majority of my 20's in a war-zone across 3 theaters. I get to enjoy the luxuries of American soil, where I live, for (if I'm lucky) up to 6 months a year. I get online to play games with cool cats, not go back to the military where a pimply faced cunt is barking orders at me in his pretend universe that is fabricated into being more serious than it is. I'll link to this the next time someone asks why I don't take things more seriously. This will be the one and only cereal post you will see from me here, ever, until the end of time. Sorry if it offends anyone, it is just how I feel about video games and in life in general. God bless you all, and may we never end up like these assholes.
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Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Would love to see the fallout of this.
It would be quite joyful to watch.

But on a serious note that pertains more to the original post. After a good bit of reading I came to the conclusion that all of this was pretty damn dramatic for a game that isn't even out yet. Then I saw a post on RSI forums saying;

"My first thought was: Some people take games way too seriously.

But I quickly realized: Games have grown up (for some time now). These aren't games anymore, these are society simulators, set in different universes. Guilds, pacts, alliances, betrayals, trust and friendship, discrimination and hostilities, politics and intrigue. The list goes on.

I do not foresee to be able to 'join the melee' anytime soon, I haven't been gaming that intensive the past few years. My last notion of 'clan-wars' was more something of rivaling and bickering gangs of 17-year-olds. It makes me feel strangely warm and fuzzy to realize that these fictional universes are actually alive now. Thanks to their users."

After I read it I'm not sure if it's drama or a use of organizations that RSI wanted so they could simulate how some ORGs would be if the PU was a real thing.

In a condensed version, I will be staying up all night pondering the meaning of life and going insane slowly but surely because of the mind boggling complexity the poster has enlightened me to.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
It would be quite joyful to watch.

But on a serious note that pertains more to the original post. After a good bit of reading I came to the conclusion that all of this was pretty damn dramatic for a game that isn't even out yet. Then I saw a post on RSI forums saying;

"My first thought was: Some people take games way too seriously.

But I quickly realized: Games have grown up (for some time now). These aren't games anymore, these are society simulators, set in different universes. Guilds, pacts, alliances, betrayals, trust and friendship, discrimination and hostilities, politics and intrigue. The list goes on.

I do not foresee to be able to 'join the melee' anytime soon, I haven't been gaming that intensive the past few years. My last notion of 'clan-wars' was more something of rivaling and bickering gangs of 17-year-olds. It makes me feel strangely warm and fuzzy to realize that these fictional universes are actually alive now. Thanks to their users."

After I read it I'm not sure if it's drama or a use of organizations that RSI wanted so they could simulate how some ORGs would be if the PU was a real thing.

In a condensed version, I will be staying up all night pondering the meaning of life and going insane slowly but surely because of the mind boggling complexity the poster has enlightened me to.
Well think of it this way. You get to know people, even become friends on some level with people. And it goes on for a while. Then one day you discover that Jackson has been a spy the whole time and suddenly it puts recent and ongoing events into perspective. Its like getting stabbed with friendship instead of being hugged. Its gonna hurt. Only question is if that person is like that in RL or if its just for the game. And thats the line people can't decide so they go with the RL reason most of the time.
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
In a condensed version, I will be staying up all night pondering the meaning of life and going insane slowly but surely because of the mind boggling complexity the poster has enlightened me to.
Same here. Except, lose everything after the word "pondering and replace "pondering" with "drinking".

Seriously, this is a game. I see no problem with joining in some RP funsies here and there, maybe even some more serious groups around too. But there's no need to go and make this game all super-serious-space-business. I play games to de-stress and have fun, not get so wound up by other people's bullshit that I'm posting 10-page long SPAI threads and worrying about connivings and plots as I frantically stroke my epeen.


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
That's what I'm saying. I guess there could be some people trying to bring the EvE metagame over, but in the end it might all be for naught.
Don't count on it. All it takes is one person to reveal fleet gatherings, locations and make up and bang there goes the fleet! So anyone who thinks spying won't be an issue is deluding themselves.
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