Looking at this picture, I'm wondering where the grow pods are. This is a good substrate if it can be preserved, and not allowed to crush the growing seedlings. The same thing happens with other systems.

that is just my germination step I'm testing out.
That's an Aerogarden Harvest Wifi with a germination tray. It's old, had it lying around and discovered they sold that germination tray addon for it, so bought it.
The substrate in the pic is Aerogarden sponges, once ready I transfer them to 2" cups inside a different substrate. Those planted cups, eg growing cups or net pots, get put into my aeroponic towers.
The grow cups you linked are not needed and more of a hindrance.
the 2nd link you shared is what these below will go into with the new substrate type when they're ready.
Speaking of, here's a pic a few mins ago, they're germinating nicely I think
For everyone curious, here is a link to the above, that I bought back in 2017 for my wife. I commandeered it for this project since it hasn't been used for a couple of years.
Here is the germination tray for it
Here are the sponges
Here is where I bought my seeds
Specifically Mountain Valley Seed co.
Here are the net pots I will be using until I find HDPE alternatives
They have a deeper throat shield at the top, which I like.
which pairs nicely with this temporary aeroponic solution
Which I built with a 5 Gal HDPE bucket base, pump, and UV sterilizer pump with aerator.
Working on adding the 97% CRI full spectrum LED strip lights in 1" tubes mounted off to the sides of these.
Tube going up to pipe water is food safe high temp silicone used in brewing or winemaking, and any metal is 304 stainless.
Unfortunately, the tower is PVC and the submerged pump and UV sterilizer is not food-safe plastic but fish safe.
A temporary solution.
Until I get my 3D printers up and running again to print a custom tower solution out of PETG or equivalent food-safe material,
I'm experimenting with 5 gallon HDPE as a tower solution that's food-safe plastic.
PVC is typically not food safe at all from what I can find in my research.
Why is food safety important?
If you consume large amounts of products from one system, you increase your exposure to whatever trace elements are in that system that leach into the food.
That is where it can get dangerous over long periods of time.
Hence, it is prudent to acquire a complete food-safe system that as a whole does the least or no trace element leaching into the food that is harmful to humans.
And if anyone disagrees they can f off because this is my family's safety.
Anyway, I digress.
For microgreens, which is what the OP post is about/for, I am using food-safe HDPE trays