Reality check on Concierge / Chairmans club and the true CIG business model


Grand Admiral
May 1, 2019
RSI Handle
This is a drama post regarding how crap "Concierge" is and the frustration on how CIG is changing, as well as the business model that is being made very clear: The focus is on fresh money from new pilots (referral program where you do the marketing and sales for them) and getting consistent recurring revenue (subscribers). They seem to have lost focus on people that have been around a while and especially those that have backed with a lot of money.

Here is a reality check on "Concierge / The Chairmans Club":

It's the biggest disappointment there can be. The ONLY difference is that you get the packages available and a secret room on spectrum. That is it. Nothing else. They have no care for these backers.

"no but you get priority support". I first submitted this ticket on 07 December. They don't even bother updating their automated messages:


"But Pippen, they help you with requests" - of the 5 odd requests I have been helped once (which was literally a skin I could not melt, so a tiny one). The one request they literally sent me to other links to let me fix the problem myself. If you fly on an airplane, and you ask for something to drink, do they go "sure, you can find the drink there", or do they bring it to you? And I am talking about economy class here... "Concierge" is a concept I don't think CIG understand or don't give a crap about.

Rewards: The referral programs gives out ships (so you pay no money but convince others to do) and subscribers test fly a new ship each month and get free flair. What do concierge get you ask? $1000 for a hat, monocle, wiskey, and a pistol skin. $2,500 for a sniper skin. $5,000 for an explorer suit. $10,000 for a ship.... which you can get in-game at one point.... and so on.

Concierge is definitely looked after right? "but Pippen, they recently got a new person to focus on the Concierge, everything will change". Lets be hopeful, but so far what has happened? The feedback on the survey was "generally everyone is happy with concierge". The biggest PR crap and indicating that not much is going to happen. I hope that I am wrong.

TLDR; So if you just want to support the project and happen to reach these levels then o7. But if you think you will get better/faster support, help, and "perks", you will be very disappointed.
  • o7
Reactions: Talonsbane


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
CIG spent the money you pledged long ago, on Devs' salaries

what have you done for them lately?

their priority is meeting next month's payroll

not hand-holding folks who contributed in the past

deal with it


Space Marshal
Jun 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Reddit Concierge User: Hi guys. The Anniversary Sale run throught two full weeks , but I live under a rock (even beeing Concierge) and missed the X to Y limited CCU. I know it's January now, but would CIG sell one to me if I ask to CS?

Random Reddit User: For sure mate!! Just ask nicely and they will sell you whatever! I tried last year and purchased two Green Phoenixes in August!

Reddit Concierge User: Cool! Thanks, Random Reddit User.
Reddit Concierge User: Hi guys. It's been 12 hours since I sent the ticket. Is CS asleep or something?
Reddit Concierge User: How do they dare!? All I got after 24 hours is an automated message? I spent $1.001, I deserve my Concierge Special Attention Package!!
Reddit Concierge User: What!? I've been waiting a week for my X to Y limited CCU and some keyboard smasher CS agent just answered that, indeed, limited items are *gasp*, limited... And I should wait for the next year!!111oneone!


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
CIG spent the money you pledged long ago, on Devs' salaries

what have you done for them lately?

their priority is meeting next month's payroll

not hand-holding folks who contributed in the past

deal with it
I completely disagree with everything you just said other than salaries.

I expected a bit better help around concierge but really it's no different than when I wasn't in concierge, I actually got better support help when not in concierge than I have since I've been in too.

1 pre concierge ticket = I asked to have access to concierge packs - Granted.

4 post concierge tickets

1 for removal of the Kraken ownership badge so I could use the buyback to get it back - Granted

2 tickets, both for access to a CCU - Both denied

1 for the missing ship I bought - by the time they replied it had appeared.

The new person they brought in to bridge the gap between what CIG thinks concierge want and what concierge actually want, made 1 post and hasn't been seen since, ( i checked a week or less ago and there was a thread dedicated to the missing employee)

Now as a concierge I don't expect freebies consistently, I would like to be able to request a CCU when i want one, I would like to get some more dialogue with devs and staff. I get more information from SCLeaks than I do CIG themselves.

I also sub yearly too, so i get the flairs and ship of the month which are cool features for subbing.

I've subbed 2 years now., just recently renewed the 2nd yearly sub, so that's $480 for 2 years subs, I have only been a backer for 15 months, and I'm Grand Admiral, so that shows you what I have sunk in. All of these are my choices and no one made me, I just would of likes something better than the shit we get given.

It might seem trivial to some, it might even look entitled but if you want me to put more money in or convince other people to put more money in, make the incentive better than a hat and half a pair of glasses.

Concierge in its current form may well just not even be a thing.


Grand Admiral
May 1, 2019
RSI Handle
CIG spent the money you pledged long ago, on Devs' salaries

what have you done for them lately?

their priority is meeting next month's payroll

not hand-holding folks who contributed in the past

deal with it
This is the type of thinking that allows companies to do whatever they want because people just accept it.

Like Cyberpunk, why are they giving money back? They have already paid their employee salaries with all the preorder money long ago - so people should just deal with it?

Or like all the microtransactions and loot boxes in games as though its normale - but you can choose to buy them, deal with it.

Or when games are actually unfinished, but you pay $60 x 3 for DLC which actually makes the game a whole game, deal with it.

Yes actually, I am gonna deal with it and make them aware of how shit this is - great idea, Thank you.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The problem with the concierge is that is it only $1000 and you are there. That's like 75% of everyone. Concierge isn't special it's just like the millions of other people including me. Thats the reason they no longer support you like a VIP - becuase everyones a VIP thus it has all merged into one.

If they'd made concierge 10,000 then it would be more special.

I guess if your not happy you can sell your account in protest?

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Not once have the Concierge support failed any of my requests or questions.
And as some already say I don't expect any special treatment but I have got very quick answers to any question I have had.
Guess you get treated as you behave..

And how many or have any of you read all of the TOC, EULA, DMCA, LEGAL ... etc..
Or did most of ya just skip that part ha ha ha...... 😂

This have always been last thing you see before you accept any store pledge.


  • This is a pledge, not a purchase!
    This order includes content that is in-development and not yet ready for release in the game. It is therefore considered a pledge. You will gain access to the unreleased content when it becomes available in the game. Until then, you will have access to an in-game item of similar function. Pledge funds help us finance development of the game, are subject to a 14-day refund policy, and cannot be returned to you after the refund period has elapsed.
  • Welcome to Open Development!
    Congratulations! Star Citizen is an epic space game of uncompromising scale and fidelity, and you now have access to see its development progress and to share your feedback to help us shape this game before its release.
  • Your pledges are final
    Open Alpha access isn’t for everyone. Because the game is still a work in progress, there are bugs and changes to design. In addition, in-game items, content, and features may take longer to realize than originally estimated. That’s why we have a 14-day refund policy. But after that period elapses, pledges are final. By placing your order, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and accepted the above and our further Terms of Service, in particular, section Fundraising & Pledges.
  • This pledge grants you access to the Star Citizen Open Alpha
    Star Citizen is currently in production and there are features, content, and technology still to implement to realize the full vision of the game. We regularly update our Open Alpha with releases that include work-in-progress features and software that will be improved in future releases [See Roadmap]. Your pledge grants you early access to the Open Alpha so you can play Star Citizen before others.
Here you click [ I AGREE ]

Terms of Service!

Fundraising & Pledgees



Side note: I have never run a business like CIG so I avoid having opinion a about how they run it as I don't know shit how that would be.
But from where I stand it seem they're doing pretty damn good without my advice how to...
👀 😜

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
There isn't any difference between Concierge and regular. There never was.

I find that if you are extra nice and polite to them then they assist you better. That's about it.
Exactly... spot on 🍻

And as a....
Extra side note:.... News Flash, what all that mean is we're not entitled anything for supporting the project by giving them our money and if you click [ I AGREE ] you just accepted that.
Last edited:


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
The problem with the concierge is that is it only $1000 and you are there. That's like 75% of everyone. Concierge isn't special it's just like the millions of other people including me.

Here is the right answer.

Let me explain.

Years, ago, the mere idea that somebody would spend over $1000 on a game would be ridiculous, but CIG started seeing 50,100 then 200 people reaching that level with their pledges.

CIG was wondering how they could give some sort of reward to people who have been so generous, so they thought up the concierge system.

If you spend over $1000, you get a top hat, monocle and some shiny armor. It was a nice gesture from them thanking you for the support. Along with these flair items, you also got access to the concierge chat which is just another chat room, because you are in a special club now.

To top this all off, and to replicate the concierge experience in fancy hotels, you also got access to an employee that was going to be your inside guy at CIG that will take care of you.

As an early inductee to the concierge program, and many other early concierge members will remember this, the system worked well.

Back when there were not many people with over $1000 in backing, it was a small and prestigious club. Concierge tickets were dealt with fast and given extra attention.

We all knew the CIG employee pretty well, she was well liked and did spend a lot of time chatting with us in the private chat.

There was only one situation where I needed concierge level attention for a matter that was outside of normal ticketing and I was taken care of fast.

Today the situation is a bit different, there must be well over 30,000 of people at concierge level. While they will still try to give you that extra bit of help a bit faster, its become as backlogged and busy as any other ticket submitted. It does not help that concierge level backers feel more entitled and will consistently submit more tickets for more trivial and stupid things, weighing down the employee even more.

Bottom line is that concierge worked well, but got swamped with sheer numbers and stupid ticket requests as the numbers grew. CIG still tried their best, but keep in mind this is the holiday season and they also have families and lives.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
Looks like i missed out on the good times. I guess i just haven't been fortunate enough to be granted anything I've asked, maybe it's timing, maybe it time served who knows.

I do believe it needs a rehaul, players who sink mega-money into this game make what we have now possible./


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2017
RSI Handle
What are you asking for @PeppaPigKilla ? Concierge have always been extremely helpful, especially when there was thousands less concierge members.

Concierge has only denied me twice: They wouldn't change price on Carrack to Hull E in buybacks to current value ($50) and they wouldn't melt purchased UEC.


Sep 15, 2019
RSI Handle
What are you asking for @PeppaPigKilla ? Concierge have always been extremely helpful, especially when there was thousands less concierge members.

Concierge has only denied me twice: They wouldn't change price on Carrack to Hull E in buybacks to current value ($50) and they wouldn't melt purchased UEC.
I asked to be able to buy a ccu, nothing hull limited.


Grand Admiral
Oct 23, 2018
RSI Handle
I have never had much problem with concierge support, I think over the last 2 years I have been concierge I have filed like 6 tickets only time I had to wait over 4 days was over a Christmas break. I just broke the 5k barrier and am now "Space Marshal" but meh ya I got the gold suit. But that's not what I put in money for.

What I get for my money
1 - The hopefully eventual best damn space simulator ever
2 - Access to to my 5k of ships I got in my hanger.. that's what I pledged for

The rest is literally bonus CIG has nicely added to thank me for my support, for which I am thankful for not entitled to.
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