Roadmap Roundup: Cutting Release View To Show Next Release Only


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
Big news for anyone who glances at the Release View in the public roadmap:

The salt on Spectrum is exactly what you’d expect:

TL;DR CIG plan to only tell us what they are working on, and show progress, but they will no longer say what will be in future patches beyond the next patch, and will only show deliverables in the next patch once they are finished and committed. And apparently it‘s our fault for being so shouty when they move things around.

Edit: two things to add. In agile development, you don’t commit to delivering features more than one sprint out. You have a backlog of features (etc.) you want to add, and every sprint you ‘groom’ the backlog, estimate effort for tasks, decide how many tasks to do this sprint, that you are confident of completing. Obviously it’s much more complex than that but the idea of running agile development (as CIG and nearly all modern software developers do) and having committed deliverables in the medium-long term is self-contradictory. So from CIG’s perspective this is an entirely reasonable and rational change. I’m still sad to see it go, from a selfish point of view.

Plus, The Noobifier uploaded his take on it. I’m sure all the usual commentators will too - maybe have already.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Oooh boy. Yeah Spectrum and Reddit super salty right now. Honestly I’m fine with CIG’s decision. We all know they’re not one to make deadlines. Why bother making promises when you know you’re gonna end up alienating the community with your ‘failure to deliver’? Even when they use the word ‘tentative’, folks are still gonna view the roadmap entries as ‘hard’ promises.

I’ll rather we have progress trackers and leave it at that.

I’ve backed since 2012. Full decade. I’ve spent enough to buy a decent used car. My advice for newer backers is to take time off from the game if they feel burnt out. Your sanity will be for the better of it.

PS: Their PR/marketing team sucks fucking monkey balls. Never blame financial backers even if they’re sweaty neckbeards who yell too much.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't think I would mind so much except they said they were going to build features for SQ42 then migrate them later. SQ42 is a black hole.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I don't think I would mind so much except they said they were going to build features for SQ42 then migrate them later. SQ42 is a black hole.
SQ42 better be the best thing since sliced bread when it comes out then….

Seems like that’s the excuse for every little delay….”sorry resources allocated to SQ42”

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Were you not in this boat the first time you loaded up WC and Privateer? I sure as shit was.
Never played those. I was never into arcade style games and, I used an Amiga through the mid 90s.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Edit: two things to add. In agile development, you don’t commit to delivering features more than one sprint out. You have a backlog of features (etc.) you want to add, and every sprint you ‘groom’ the backlog, estimate effort for tasks, decide how many tasks to do this sprint, that you are confident of completing. Obviously it’s much more complex than that but the idea of running agile development (as CIG and nearly all modern software developers do) and having committed deliverables in the medium-long term is self-contradictory. So from CIG’s perspective this is an entirely reasonable and rational change. I’m still sad to see it go, from a selfish point of view.
CIG development is about as agile as an elephant in a full body cast.

Agile is about short "sprints" of, generally 2 to 3 week duration focusing on delivering to the customer at the end of each sprint. CIG is using 6 month sprints and delivering half finished code then, instead of iterating, abandons that code. The next iteration, on the rare occasion that there is a next iteration, is a complete refactor, with the same results.

CIG uses the "Ooh Shiny!" also known as the "Squirrel!" method of development.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Here's an idea CIG ....

Actually deliver on the update goals or don't put them on the "progress tracker" at all.

Stop "winging it" and blaming the funders for being upset that stated updates get pushed back to infinity. Gameplay progress is expected, period. Don't promise what you can't deliver and just be honest.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I've read this post while preparing for launch early today and fell like a BS replay to CIG... now I'm reading it again and I really feel like a BS reply to me.
Not only they postpone the roadmap roundup but they do that for saying that we won't have a road map anymore...? Seriusly?
About the complaining, well Spectrum is a salt factory, CIG should have learn that by now, and also learn to ignore them, for sure some comment are true: putting thinks like salvaging on the realease view and pull them back like 5 time is noot a good behavior neither a good impression on how works proceed.

Every time players comment to put the thing on the road map that are reasonable to be delivered and the add others later when ready, instead to post everything CIG wish to deliver and then scratch them off...
This new CIG approach feels more like and excure to slack off on the PU release then others: patch will be "asseble" with what is ready rather then push for the goal to have the planned features released, and that is not a good thing, especially consider that we hadn't a proper insight of SQ42 progress since 2(?) years now? Update mail are good, but a visual demo is far far better and more direct of the status.

in the end I'm disapponted with the "roadmap" (un)development... let's see that CIG can deliver this year, but so far I'm not expecting much... at least Starfiled is cheduled for november.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I've taken a look at all the salt blowin' over on Spactrum and realised it didn't effect me as I stopped looking at the roadmap about a week after it came out. I still have no clue what was/is planned for dev in the near future and have just been accepting whatever turns up every patch.

Be like 'BobFace. Be oblivious.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I've taken a look at all the salt blowin' over on Spactrum and realised it didn't effect me as I stopped looking at the roadmap about a week after it came out. I still have no clue what was/is planned for dev in the near future and have just been accepting whatever turns up every patch.

Be like 'BobFace. Be oblivious.
I too follow Bob’s philosophy of not scrutinizing roadmaps.

Bob for President!


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
If I missed as many deadlines as these guys I woulda been sacked many decades ago!


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
If I missed as many deadlines as these guys I woulda been sacked many decades ago!
If you missed as many deadlines as these guys, you couldn't have been sacked decades ago. It takes time to miss so many deadlines.

Amun Khonsu

Jan 28, 2022
RSI Handle
Honestly, the wording of the message from CIG should not be a surprise to anyone, and the raging on Spectrum is not new. They only difference here is that CIG isn't deleting and banning members as soon as the posts are posted.

When Ben Lesnik had control of the community there was zero dissent allowed. We all complained about the same things people are complaining about today, lack of transparency, bait and switch, indifference to backers concerns, where is my **** game you promised no later than 2014? It was zero tolerance.

I get it. But, despite CIG's 10 year ongoing deaf tone and aggressive messages to fans, what they are actually saying in this situation (if true) isn't that unreasonable if you read the message. I have a sneaking suspicion that whoever is writing/editing these messages is the same person(s) that have been doing it for nearly 10 years now (I won't say who but we all probably know) and simply don't know how to be diplomatic enough to craft a message about things people are passionate about.

Moral of the story is don't expect much and spend with that in mind. If your blood pressure is elevating, take a breaks about 6 months long and check back in. And, don't spend more than you can afford on such a project.
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