
Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
LOL, external seat is a horrible design. Although if the driver seat is also exposed to the elements then I guess it doesn't matter much. But damn, what's wrong with a ground vehicle that can hold people inside without a suit?
Well the driver is actually in an enclosed cab in the DS... don't know why CIG didn't do that also for the standard ROC, but I like the feel of the small excavatror it has.

Also, they've said we shouldn't be able to use heavier armors while in seats. So does that mean we can't wear the environmental suits? Those things are super bulky. Do we just land the ship right beside the node and mine from the ramp? Might need a Rover or G12 to accompany if you want to mine inside a cold/hot cave.
Thar is a good question... actually the Caldera's armor count as an heavy suite... so if only light armor will be allow this could couse some problem.
Full disclosure, in most case I've mined on Daymar whitout the Pembroke, the amount of time you spend outside even if in hazardus condition, won't kill you... but in this case I've my ship nearby, if thing start to go wrong I just fall back to it and recover a bit, in a cave that could be problematic.

Am I the only one that would be interested in a large/slow ground vehicle that needs to either be brought in pieces and assembled as needed?
Kind of like a sand crawler or some kind of huge moving base lol
I was thinking the same yesterday... If the ROC is the equivalent of the prospoector, the DS of the MOLE... we should expect in the future some big ground vehicle... some sort of planetside Orion... but that whould mean it will have some trasportation problem, uless you'll be able to dismantle it for trasportation and re-assemble on a new location...
It will be an interesting game aspect.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Full disclosure, in most case I've mined on Daymar whitout the Pembroke, the amount of time you spend outside even if in hazardus condition, won't kill you... but in this case I've my ship nearby, if thing start to go wrong I just fall back to it and recover a bit, in a cave that could be problematic.
If they want to do things realistically a cave would probably have a more normalized temperature compared to the outside environment. But if they aren't, then it could be a massive problem in the caves. Unless you brought another vehicle or the two took turns driving.


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
What would make me want to own this vehicle would be if the cabin fit both occupants and was a nice pressurized, climate controlled environment. As well as having TWO Size 0 mining lasers, each controlled by one of the occupants, that if used in concert, would crack the same size rock as a Size 1. THAT would make me jump on-board. Otherwise, I see no benefit from its current configuration.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
There is one reason i can come up with
You own a Starfarer and need to mine Quantanium.
Of Course IF Quantanium can be mined by this not confirmed miner
Nope it can't...
At lest for now quantanium is only in ship-minable rocks, you'll need a bigger mining laser for those then one of the ROCs.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
There is one reason i can come up with
You own a Starfarer and need to mine Quantanium.
Of Course IF Quantanium can be mined by this not confirmed miner
Nope it can't...
At lest for now quantanium is only in ship-minable rocks, you'll need a bigger mining laser for those then one of the ROCs.
I believe the Starfarer is still slated to be able to refine quantanium, but it is solely a ship minable resource. I plan to use my Starfarer to support my Mole so I don't have to go back to station every few minutes. But I doubt they ever allow the ROC to mine quantanium. Especially since you can get in back and pull out the mined minerals by hand.

Could you imagine the shit you could get into if you could pull out single rocks of quantanium and effectively have a timed bomb? That would be amazing! But it'll never happen.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
"ROC-DS Balance pass
Updated ROC-DS with a unique mining head that improves it's mining/tractor range and power. Increased cargo capacity"
So, instead of having a standard S0 mining laser they are giving this wortless vehicle a bestpoke mining head... that very likely won't be upgradable...
Not only a bad attempt to give a purpose to this ... thing... but also makeking it worst in the long term... yeah, nice move..

I believe the Starfarer is still slated to be able to refine quantanium, but it is solely a ship minable resource. I plan to use my Starfarer to support my Mole so I don't have to go back to station every few minutes. But I doubt they ever allow the ROC to mine quantanium. Especially since you can get in back and pull out the mined minerals by hand.

Could you imagine the shit you could get into if you could pull out single rocks of quantanium and effectively have a timed bomb? That would be amazing! But it'll never happen.
I don't think the SF will need to relay on minable in the future, there should be other way of gettin it, like some particular nebula's location or by scooping some quantanium cloud out of some wreck...
I assume CIG will introduce new fuel sources when the time come, like they added the medoum size minable and the large one when the ROC and the MOLE came into play.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
"ROC-DS Balance pass
Updated ROC-DS with a unique mining head that improves it's mining/tractor range and power. Increased cargo capacity"
I guess that's nice, but ROC minable nodes don't really have much variety, it'll only make it faster to mine. Which I suppose is a good buff, but doesn't really change the fact that the thing is not much of an upgrade to using 2 ROCs.

So, instead of having a standard S0 mining laser they are giving this wortless vehicle a bestpoke mining head... that very likely won't be upgradable...
I don't think the heads on either ROC will be changable. And if they do end up allowing it in the future, they'd probably just make a series of heads to each version. Kinda like how the Mole has S2 and Prospector has S1.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't think the SF will need to relay on minable in the future, there should be other way of gettin it, like some particular nebula's location or by scooping some quantanium cloud out of some wreck...
I assume CIG will introduce new fuel sources when the time come, like they added the medoum size minable and the large one when the ROC and the MOLE came into play.
As much as I know people are hanging onto the hope that there will be a way to scope up quantanium with out having to mine it I really do feel they have been rather clear on it being a mined ore and it not being something else in the future. From a game play standpoint it adds complexity and forced coop which in a multiplayer game helps to continue foster the community.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
As much as I know people are hanging onto the hope that there will be a way to scope up quantanium with out having to mine it I really do feel they have been rather clear on it being a mined ore and it not being something else in the future. From a game play standpoint it adds complexity and forced coop which in a multiplayer game helps to continue foster the community.
Unfortunately I believe it too. As much as I wish it could mine and refine quantanium, I doubt it'll happen. But that's ok honestly, I feel like the Gemini is a perfect ship to guard the mining vessels while they work.

I'm ready for refining mechanics to come in and cargo to be transferable. Mining a single quantanium node and having to go to a base is annoying. Might have to be in by the time Pyro is out, I doubt Ruin station would have a refinery.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
ROC DS has been officially released with Star Citizen Alpha 3.13 today.

It looks cool, it has an enclosed cabin , but... I personally prefer original single-seater ROC. Now, available in... different colors! Including bad-ass looking quicksilver (pics below).
Each paint is bundled with the full body armor, including backpack. The armor kits are not available in game yet.

3.13 doesn't only include two new vehicles, ROC DS and Cyclone MT. One of the unlisted changes included in this build improves ground vehicle handling.
One of the side effects of this is enhanced climbing capability of both ROC variants, especially the smaller one, which is now able to climb vertical obstacles on reverse ; )

Greycat Industrial ROC-DS:


Size comparison:


Greycat Industrial ROC with Quicksilver Paint:



Enhanced Climbing Capability... ; )



Q&A: Greycat ROC-DS


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
The DS looks like a vehicle I built in Space Engineers when I forgot to add a few parts and just threw them on the side.

Also, those tires! She thicc boy!
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Change the tile... since is no more a leak but a solid jpg... I mean an in-game model...

Nice the new skin, I love the dark one, fell like a good pair with the night rider skin on the MSR...
Can you buy just the skins or you have to buy the whole vehicle package?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Feb 19, 2018
RSI Handle
/.../ Nice the new skin, I love the dark one, fell like a good pair with the night rider skin on the MSR...
Can you buy just the skins or you have to buy the whole vehicle package?
Absolutely, you can buy the skin only (bundled with the armor kit in the same color).
The dark one /Quicksilver/ perfectly matches my black SF Gemini.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm I wonder does those DS skins work on the standard ROC too?
Cuttlass skin work on all Cutlass variant so I'm incline to think the ones of the ROC follow the same logic, anyone have tryed them already?

EDIT: yes it works, I should just look at @wmk post....

looking foor the Q&A post on the ROC DS one of the thing that was mentioned regarding the storage capacity (the DS now have 3.5 SCU of space...) is that in the future the ability to dummp all the cargo into a create will be removed...
I don't know how to feel about it honestly...
Phisicalized inventory should mean you'll be able to access, in some way, to the actuall cargo space of the vehicles, why prevent you to gether item from there and put them into a crate or tranfer them into the shp storage?
Considering CIG already state that the ROC DS will trasport "necessity item" on the same space that limitation make even less sense to me...
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
looking foor the Q&A post on the ROC DS one of the thing that was mentioned regarding the storage capacity (the DS now have 3.5 SCU of space...) is that in the future the ability to dummp all the cargo into a create will be removed...
I don't know how to feel about it honestly...
Phisicalized inventory should mean you'll be able to access, in some way, to the actuall cargo space of the vehicles, why prevent you to gether item from there and put them into a crate or tranfer them into the shp storage?
This is a statement that stood out to me as well. It seems weird that we wouldn't be able to empty the storage into our ships. I can understand later if we don't create a "magic box" upon emptying the ROC, but if there's no way to take minerals out of the storage then why have an access point at all?

What if I have empty crates sitting around to be filled with gems? What if I want to take my ROC to a distance system on some moon and mine for weeks? Stanton has trade terminals every five feet, but places like Pyro won't. What about even more secluded systems like Vanduul space?

I'm hoping they simply meant the "magic box" storage we have now will be gone and we can still empty into SCU crates. Otherwise this is going to suck.
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Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
This is a statement that stood out to me as well. It seems weird that we wouldn't be able to empty the storage into our ships. I can understand later if we don't create a "magic box" upon emptying the ROC, but if there's no way to take minerals out of the storage then why have an access point at all?

What if I have empty crates sitting around to be filled with gems? What if I want to take my ROC to a distance system on some moon and mine for weeks? Stanton has trade terminals every five feet, but places like Pyro won't. What about even more secluded systems like Vanduul space?

I'm hoping they simply meant the "magic box" storage we have now will be gone and we can still empty into SCU crates. Otherwise this is going to suck.
That was exactly what I think too...
The "magic box" is silly and I'm fine if that will go, but compleately dump the ability to move the mined cristal form the ROC to another container sound like a bad move to me.
Not only but if CIg carry out this imlementation this will create a case that clpuld, in the future, be applied to other sistuation, like salvaging and looting: what if you just salvaga a whole stack of weapon and armor form some raider or form an abbandoned location? I espect to be able to dump my backpack of salvae weapons into crates that are already sittin in my ship, not to be forced to return too a vendor every single time I need to empty my backpack...
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