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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting

Will the Gemini variant be branded as MISC or AEGIS?
Good question! In our lore, MISC builds the basic chassis of all Starfarers. If this chassis is to become a standard Starfarer, it’s completed in the MISC factory. If it’s being adapted by the military, it’s shipped off to Aegis for completion. (This is based on real life civilian aircraft which are often completed by military contractors for use as sub hunters, AWACs planes, etc.) The formal badge on the Gemini will read Aegis Dynamics, although you can rest assured a great deal of MISC work went into the ship!


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
The Starfarer/Gemini has been one of the worst handled ships they have.

The store page lists the base Starfarer as having 2x2 S5 on the front controlled by Pilot, a 2xS5 turret up top and two 2xS3 turrets on the back. These are the specs of the Gemini in game (except the Pilot guns are S4, not S5)

The Gemini page is listed as 2x2 S5 Pilot guns, 2xS6 top turret, and two 2xS4 on back. The one in game has a whole size lower on all guns.

Its never had 6 and 4s.

Its always had 5s on the top, 4s on the side and 3s on the rear.

The standard has 4s on top 4s on the side and 2s on the rear.

Or they did the last time I bothered to fly either of those hunks of junk.
Are you sure? I only had a Starfarer base loaner, but didn't fly it much so I'm not sure. I just assumed it was the same.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Will the Gemini variant be branded as MISC or AEGIS?
Good question! In our lore, MISC builds the basic chassis of all Starfarers. If this chassis is to become a standard Starfarer, it’s completed in the MISC factory. If it’s being adapted by the military, it’s shipped off to Aegis for completion. (This is based on real life civilian aircraft which are often completed by military contractors for use as sub hunters, AWACs planes, etc.) The formal badge on the Gemini will read Aegis Dynamics, although you can rest assured a great deal of MISC work went into the ship!

Well Gemeni have always been a MISC ship every time MISC is on display or talked about there you have the Gemeni ...
And there are tons more videos but here is one of them...
If I remember right Gemeni is the name it got from the hull over to suit UEE need...
But it does not change manufacture name cause of some upgrades.
It's like if Toyota upgraded a Ferrari with some cool aero and body panel it don't make it a Toyota.. it's still a Ferrari..

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Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
Well Gemeni have always been a MISC ship every time MISC is on display or talked about there you have the Gemeni ...
And there are tons more videos but here is one of them...
If I remember right Gemeni is the name it got from the hull over to suit UEE need...
But it does not change manufacture name cause of some upgrades.
It's like if Toyota upgraded a Ferrari with some cool aero and body panel it don't make it a Toyota.. it's still a Ferrari..

Why are you arguing with me?

I didnt write the law or answer the Q&A, its an Aegis Starfarer Gemini, thats what the law and the Q&A says it is.

At the end of the day it really isnt important.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Why are you arguing with me?

I didnt write the law or answer the Q&A, its an Aegis Starfarer Gemini, thats what the law and the Q&A says it is.

At the end of the day it really isnt important.
Oh! ... .I'm not arguing with you at all ha ha ha... just stating fact from their own web page as Gemeni is listed under MISC....
Q&A yeah they have not the best track record in being right on their own stuff ha ha ha ha ha...
What Q&A say I always take with a grain of salt.
As it happen more often than not that Jared Huckaby have had to correct stuff said in Q&A in a later show..

HA HA HA HA... But well as you say not important and really pointless what ever name it have as it is still a flying fat wale.

🤣 😜 😂


Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Are you calling my fat flying whale a "fat flying whale"?? ; ) @Mich Angel
I love this spacecraft, the same as I love Stratotanker.
Yeah I do call my (oh! ...your) Gemeni a fat flying wale.. but it's a gorgeous fat flying wale isn't it?

😂 ha ha ha 🍻
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Did you skipped this class about History of Interstellar Navigation?
It's clear he is using ancient Earth's technique of measuring...

View attachment 19999

View attachment 20000

But what is my had is abnormally large like Mark Hamill in his excellent roll as Cock Knocker?


He's definitely going to get a false reading off this technique.
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