Hell, again I'm kind of...off, haha ^^ Since several weeks now, I am at home because my employer told me that he can't take the responsibility for me, working although ill. This whole situation is killing me, literally. I am at home, munching medics, waiting for my medical surgery - which isn't even scheduled yet! And this fucks up my whole financials. Boy, I wish I wouldn't have had spend so much money on space ships. That would be better nights for me, if this money would be on my banking account as backup. But alas, instead there is not much. Still, hope remains - every day. Every day I'm looking into my email account, hoping to find a message from the hospital; again and again and again. But no message so far. Crap this is. Yeah, so, I am at home, days go by, and as they go by, I do not look into the TEST forums - my bad. I'll try to do better ^^
So, what am I doing all the time at home, if not being with TEST? Well, I'm composing. Haven't played the keys for 18 years, more or less, and my fingers were a little bit rusty. But in the meantime the piano plays well again...my fingers play well again...whatever. I've composed three pieces of music so far which I will "release" somewhen next month. The first two tracks are currently post-processed and finished by a Star Citizen who owns a sound studio. So I'm excited and curious about the outcome. :smile: The remaining time, I'm doing some work at home like dishes, laundry etc., making long walks with the dog, smoking a pipe now and then, trying to think positive, positive, positive. This is the hardest lesson of all.
Hopefully, you are all doing well, my dear TEST buddys
@marcsand2 @Blind Owl @CrudeSasquatch @rogesh (and of course literally all TESTies :smile: ). All the best, have a marvelous week, stay healthy!