Yesterday evening, when I flew the last round with my Connie I again got a little bit vexed about the behaviour of the ship: you can fly it like an Aurora or Mustang, you can even go into dogfights with it! That kind of doesn't feel...right. I then thought and said to myself: the ship is as you handle it. Therefore, I went to the outer (space) view and raised the Connie with as much perception as my HOTAS could provide ;) I then kind of floated above Port Olisar and its Landing Pads, watched the other ships, how the started and landed - and suddenly everything felt alright...majestical :D
Well, flying into open space my "majestical" feeling crashed in that moment when a Sabre blew me out of my cockpit. Did I mention already that I *HATE* Sabres?!

The time will come when I will buy me a BFG - Big Fucking Gunship - and blow all these assh*les outta space, damn, thats for sure!

[edit]note: I could've anticipated that because last time I watched "over the shoulder" of the Connie, there where four(!!) Sabres starting and one of them behind me. But I just thought that he's scanning my sexy....well, rear section :D