SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Sipping a beer a the mo thinking,and contemplating things. Burying Grandad BUTUZ tomorrow. Sad times, but can't help but want to try and make them happy times as it's what he would want. He was 91 and was a total "get on with life" "glass half full" "no complaints" kinda guy.

Hope I can be like that too!

Sorrow for me always leads to shopping. Shopping for me is probably not shoes and bags, it's Spaceships....and....bags? (and probably shoes).


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Sipping a beer a the mo thinking,and contemplating things. Burying Grandad BUTUZ tomorrow. Sad times, but can't help but want to try and make them happy times as it's what he would want. He was 91 and was a total "get on with life" "glass half full" "no complaints" kinda guy.

Hope I can be like that too!

Sorrow for me always leads to shopping. Shopping for me is probably not shoes and bags, it's Spaceships....and....bags? (and probably shoes).

Sorry to hear about your Grandad. May he rest in peace. I shall raise a glass in toast.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh boy. There is a strange thing going on with me currently: I've spent so much money on Star Citizen that - every time I spent more - I'm feeling totally bad. Yesterday evening, I made a good deal: wanted to try the 350r, therefore CCU'd my 350p to a Cutless Red for 60 bucks and bought a CCU to a 350R for 14 bucks. Did that, pimped her, had a little bit of fun in the Arena Commander - and then "Woooomph!" my emotions are going down like an elevator which is cut loose. Took a pill for the sleep, slept bad nevertheless, dreamed a lot - and today I am thinking: how does this happen? Why? I definitely don't want to spend any more money on SC. But when the next sale starts...I cannot guarantee anything; for myself. But I somehow for sure have to stop spending money for SC, because it doesn't feel right anymore. Hm... *sigh* :(:oops:


Grand Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
RSI Handle
Sorry to hear about your grandad, BUTUZ, my condolences. 91 is a ripe old age, one of my grandfathers was 92 when he died and he felt that it was the right time if that's any consolation.

Sam, I have a solution for you! If you buy anything, send it to me and then you don't get the satisfaction of playing with your new toy :p
Wean yourself off those endorphins.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah, somehow - have to eat more chocolate :D
Nah, have had this nasty gripal infect. That bastard of infect influenced me over the past four weeks, but today I decided to go to do some sports during lunch time. I always feel how I've missed this when I'm starting again after any sportive time-out period.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Sorry to hear about your grandad, BUTUZ, my condolences. 91 is a ripe old age, one of my grandfathers was 92 when he died and he felt that it was the right time if that's any consolation.
That are good ages. My mother died at 50, and thats way too early. That time I actually didn't realize this death and what it means; to me. But the more years elapse the more I become aware how I miss her. Yeah, well, difficult topic, isn't it? Tell you what: we've been just informed via mail that the son of a colleague of mine has died - at the age of 16. F*cking disastrous day that is today; strange day. Would like to watch Donnie Darko right now.


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh boy. There is a strange thing going on with me currently: I've spent so much money on Star Citizen that - every time I spent more - I'm feeling totally bad. Yesterday evening, I made a good deal: wanted to try the 350r, therefore CCU'd my 350p to a Cutless Red for 60 bucks and bought a CCU to a 350R for 14 bucks. Did that, pimped her, had a little bit of fun in the Arena Commander - and then "Woooomph!" my emotions are going down like an elevator which is cut loose. Took a pill for the sleep, slept bad nevertheless, dreamed a lot - and today I am thinking: how does this happen? Why? I definitely don't want to spend any more money on SC. But when the next sale starts...I cannot guarantee anything; for myself. But I somehow for sure have to stop spending money for SC, because it doesn't feel right anymore. Hm... *sigh* :(:oops:
Well I dont think its a problem spending your hard earned money on yourself. As long as all your bills are paid and responsibilities taken care of, whats the problem spending abit on yourself. Dont think $74 will break the bank. If you get abit of enjoyment out of it I say go for it. Thats my take anyway, I dont smoke, don't drink(shhhhhh), not a party animal and totally work my ass off so I think after my bills and morgage suck me dry, I think I'm entitled to spend alittle on myself. I guess the key thing is not to go crazy and buy one of every ship where half of them you will never touch. Not sure how many you currently have but maybe you need to compromise, the only new ships you get will be upgrading one of your existing? Seems like a suitable compromise?

Sorry to hear about your colleagues son, very sad! :(


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey Mog, thanks for your open words. I thougt about them the last hours, and I *guess* that my bad feelings have a simple reason: since 1998, which is now almost 20 years, I always lived in partially very deep...shit; on personal basis...accompanied by money issues. Since that time I had to count every coin I was gonna want to spend. Since this year now, the first time in my life, problems are (almost) gone and I have money. Money to spend, and I spend - and there still is money on my banking account! Thats But obviously I've underestimated these fears of loosing my basis to live which seem to be burnt into myself very deeply. Well, realized that I think I should go on with my "bugger - I'm gonna spend the bucks and I WILL feel GOOD about"-plan and try not to be drawn(*) down by those long learned anxieties. But (again) I also have to face the fact that this is not as easy at it seams, this "just "simply" feeling good". ;)

Coffee? :D

(*)....grammatics: what time has to be set here: present (draw), past (drew) or past perfect (drawn)?
Last edited:


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Look, I understand what your saying, your financially ahead for once and you want to keep it that way. I can relate to some degree, since my split with my ex at the start of the year I've gone from living like a pig in shit(bank accounts overflowing from 2 wages) to much tighter times. Had to buy the ex out of the house, she took an expensive car and a pile of money for her house share. So I was left with basically an empty bank account and a huge morgage. From then I've managed to save a decent "buffer" and continue to build on it. The way I manage my "presents" be it SC or other is I have a credit card with a 3k limit, everything goes off that, bills, food, you name it. The key thing is I keep it paid down and dont actually eat into my slowly building buffer. Its basic economics in the end, try not to spend more than you earn. In saying that, there is no point taking all your money to the grave, you need have some life enjoyment but know your limits and keep to them. Try not to worry about it. Your a sensible soul.

Coffee? Yes please! :rolleyes:


Space Marshal
Feb 27, 2014
RSI Handle
Sipping a beer a the mo thinking,and contemplating things. Burying Grandad BUTUZ tomorrow. Sad times, but can't help but want to try and make them happy times as it's what he would want. He was 91 and was a total "get on with life" "glass half full" "no complaints" kinda guy.

Hope I can be like that too!
Sorry for your loss, I know it's a cliché, but remember that you are meant to celebrate their life, not mourn their death.

At least that's how I've dealt with loss, everyone handles it differently.

As for Sam, you just need to enjoy your new purchase, you've spent the money now, can't go back on that, just make sure you make the most out of it. Is a ~$70 dollar purchase a waste if it keeps you entertained for 10-20 hours? Sounds like about the going rate for movies to me! The only way the money is wasted is if you don't use it because you're too busy regretting buying it!


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
Hugs all around. It sounds like they're much needed.

A nice strong latte would be good for me right now. I had to go sit at a booth at a conference for a couple hours this morning, and I have enough of a workload that I'm mourning that lost time. Then, my best friend's computer went kaput this morning, and that's his only source of income right now. Hopefully it's just a power supply. I'm letting him borrow one from my old computer to check it out. And then I get into work to find our main press is down, and I'm behind on running jobs on it.

Weird how things just snowball like that.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Good morning!

Yesterday evening I flew around a little bit in the 'verse. Was quite fun because there was a guy he called for help. I got in contact with him, flew over to the Comm station, picked him up, chatted a little bit and dropped him finally at Olisar.
Btw. @Rolo I *love* this 350r. I will write some sentences into the corresponding thread.

Before, I found this nice wallpaper:

Well, the day has started, it is 9.30 a.m. - lets see what this day brings us. Currently, the sun is shining.
@Blind Owl any (good) news about the fires in Canada?
@LGF hows the weather for flying your prop today? ;)

Cheers, have a nice day @all!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Look, I understand what your saying, your financially ahead for once and you want to keep it that way. I can relate to some degree, since my split with my ex at the start of the year I've gone from living like a pig in shit(bank accounts overflowing from 2 wages) to much tighter times. Had to buy the ex out of the house, she took an expensive car and a pile of money for her house share. So I was left with basically an empty bank account and a huge morgage. From then I've managed to save a decent "buffer" and continue to build on it. The way I manage my "presents" be it SC or other is I have a credit card with a 3k limit, everything goes off that, bills, food, you name it. The key thing is I keep it paid down and dont actually eat into my slowly building buffer. Its basic economics in the end, try not to spend more than you earn. In saying that, there is no point taking all your money to the grave, you need have some life enjoyment but know your limits and keep to them. Try not to worry about it. Your a sensible soul.

Coffee? Yes please! :rolleyes:
Sorry for your loss, I know it's a cliché, but remember that you are meant to celebrate their life, not mourn their death.

At least that's how I've dealt with loss, everyone handles it differently.

As for Sam, you just need to enjoy your new purchase, you've spent the money now, can't go back on that, just make sure you make the most out of it. Is a ~$70 dollar purchase a waste if it keeps you entertained for 10-20 hours? Sounds like about the going rate for movies to me! The only way the money is wasted is if you don't use it because you're too busy regretting buying it!
Ah, I wanted to answer on your posts. First, a big "thank you" for your time you took to write. I really appreciate that and it helped to sort my thoughts. I have to admit that this news about the death of my colleagues' son really threw me off course yesterday. Today, I'm feeling way better.
So, coming back to you, my explanation is as mentioned before: I have to reprogram my thinking and feeling. To *experience* good feelings by spending money; and to *experience* that it keeps going feeling good. To deactivate this long-lasting "panic mode" and to enjoy the joy. And, besides, thats whats coffee all about ;) :D
Yeah, well - good times ahead. Don't let them come - I'll walk straight up to them; or, in TEST slang: I'll make a beer-line for it :D
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May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
@Sam K Macer

Your always welcome boss, think of me as your moral compass! :rolleyes: Take yourself to get your hair and nails done. Go and get a facial or a massage. Hell, I'll send my Australian mates around to give one, you might have heard of them, my good friend Hugh and Chris.
Hugh Jackman.jpg

Chris Hemsworth.jpg

Probably need to hose you down with a cold garden hose, down girl, DOWN! LMAO ;)

Just saying, enjoy yourself, you've earnt it!
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