Sanity Check: Fleet Construction


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Your post has everything: informed opinion, a good story, honesty, wisdom, humor, and eloquence. I wish I could mark this thread as "solved by NaffNaffBobFace".
Very pleased to have been able to inspire :)

I'm of similar opinion regarding capital ships. I was actually looking at a few when I read your post. If you had to do it all over again, and knowing what you know now, would you still go with the Endeavor? Complete self-sustainability is an enormous draw...
I didn't walk into this with a plan of any kind, so if I had my time again with the power of hind-sight... Yes I think it'd do it the same. Keep the ships I truly love and melt and CCU to other ships when I realise things like fighters such as the Hornet or Saber just aren't my style.

I've always had to remind myself that what is true in the game today may not be so in the next patch. The M50 and 350R used to be formidable knife-fighter merchants of death who in the right hands could slay Super Hornets left right and center. The ability to do that faded away over the patches as the flight model changed and these fast maneuverable ships were suddenly caught up, literally, by the dedicated fighters having close-to top speeds and maneuverability themselves leveling the playing field and muscling them out of their area of advantage.

My journey may be complete, although I prefer to think of it as paused for the moment - although I have a little fleet of ships i'm very pleased with they may end up, once all the mechanics are in, being things I just can't stand to get into the seat of... I have craft with range and craft with speed as those are the things that matter to me in the 'Verse. I can't see the point in having a short range ship in a 'Verse so big and I can't see the point in flying something slow when there is nothing in the space between you and the destination.

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