Well I've send request but what I've read people had to argue with CIG to get their money.
I have to say that rumor is bullshit IMO, I know 3 people refunded their money and 2 started over once back on their feet again didn't close their account just empty it totally from all cash put in to it that was available...
No problem what so ever what I heard they where most helpful.
I know it can take some time before they answer at first (depending on their load of work) but once that is establish it's goes fast and painless..
I've melted my bigger pack once and asked to get credits back, which require contacting CIG to do so and that went smooth and fast too.
Can only imagine what kind of asshole behavior would cause them to be reluctant to help out a backer...
Backers are their lively hood even those who reclaim money so I would think it is in their best interest to make any transaction as painless as possible.