Ship advice


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I always had my flightstick on my desk, until I bought the Warthog. It is too high to put in on your desk, so I became creative, asked my father to make me some mounts. That was the beginning. After the flightstick/throttle came the rudder pedals, no good with a turning chair, so I made my chair fixed. Only thing missing now is a couple of MFD


Jul 7, 2016
RSI Handle


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
And I take it there is no way to get your hands on these guns except capturing the fighters that sport them?
Currently, you cannot get your hands on these guns at all, except hardwired into a Glaive or Scythe.
After release, who knows, although they've already hinted that Vanduul components use proprietary connectors and will not fit human hulls.
I.e. you'll only be able to swap them between Vanduul hulls.

Personally, as a heavy modder, I'm hoping we'll have (perhaps slightly inefficient) conversions available to us.
I want to see franken-ships :-)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I want to see franken-ships :)
So all the "VNCL" weapons on the table are Vanduul and not available to players? That would remove the option of that nice Blade Plasma Cannon I've been looking at. And even once we can hopefully capture Vanduul ships intact, they would not modify for UEE ship use, unless CIG changes its policy? That would see a terrible shame to me if thy would so stop us Frankenshipping especially when they say they want us to be crating unique combinations.


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Can you take a moment please, and tell us what the difference is between flying this radar and the standard radar, and then how it affects your flying? Not just what it looks like in the hud, but how you use the extended ability of the Long-Reach? I am fascinated by the whole EM warfare thing, including weapons locks and countermeasures, extended radar, etc. I want to see and not be seen. For instance, do you actually get a pip at greater ranges with the Long-Reach, and can you lock missiles at greater range? What are the ranges involved?
Perhaps the Hornet Ghost is a better choice for see and not be seen by the advertisements.
I could see me getting a third Hornet. Oh and a Super hornet and a ... and a... and. *sigh* does it ever end? ha ha.
I haven't seen a difference yet on the radar. I chalk it up to simply being an alpha at this point.
I switched it back to the 227 though after the last update stole my C-788 ballistic cannon. It did top my Rec back up though so I ordered another 227 instead. A 227 in the nose and 117s on the wings is pretty great.
The C-788 was wow, one and 2 shot kills at times. I can't imagine the power of a super hornet with that dual ballistic cannon. (an dmaybe a gattling gun in the nose and 227s on the wings and m,issles and .. and.. and..
I will pay attention today and see if I can determine the difference in the radars and if there is any difference yet.
The extra fuel in the tracker pays off though.
At this point the base tracker is a great base to build on, probably the best hornet bang for the buck and when I get my 227 delivered for the base model, I doubt either one will have an advantage over the other except for fuel. I hope to be wrong (regarding enhanced radar).
I went 2 hours straight last night with the same ship. Even near the end I was still wasting pirates with only one 227 left on the nose.
I thought I would see a differnece in the radar but I haven't noticed yet. My first theory was trashed yesterday when I noticed, it appeared as though I could see the same distance with either ship. It IS an alpha and things WILL change.
I'll do some radar testing shortly. Very shortly. *Spooling up*
I am going to have to train myself on radar. hmmm..,


Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Neither the stealth of the Ghost nor the C&C of the Tracker are pertinent at the moment, and it seemed you were asking about right now, as opposed to the future :)

And the SuperHornet is limited, so again, it wasn't a choice
There is our answer. Thanks Rolo.


Jul 7, 2016
RSI Handle
What is ROCCAT? I'm intrigued.

Keyboard and mouse is perfectly viable for SC. I simple prefer the immersion of a HOTAS.
Power Grids are custom tiles that allow you to perform specific actions from touching a menu on your phone or tablet, and have those actions occur within your game. The one I'm using allows me to quickly tap my phone's screen and change my ship's shield strength and balancing, as well as the same actions for weapons and engines. You can balance power, divert power where needed. Handy in a fight.
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