So ORG space stations announced

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
On the stations themselves—what do we get in return for such massive investment? If an org can cajole its members to cooperate (no small feat) and build this thing, what are the benefits? We can only guess, and glean insights from what CIG has committed to in the past. So let’s theorycraft a moment and weave a spell of vision.

One supposes you might get better and faster repair services than with a Crucible. You might get better tech development than with an Endeavor. You might get better production bonuses than with a Pioneer. You might get better scan than with a Cap ship. Better medical than any normal med bed. Better cash flow than any private system a player might scheme out.

Something or things, are going to accrue to entire orgs that put out the effort.

What this guesswork says to me is, this is worth the effort, or why have it at all?

I’m all in.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Would you pick Nyx or Pyro for its location?
I would not even suggest a location until we know much, much more. I only mentioned Vanduul space and Orion, because that is one logical location to annex a volume of space, and even then it will require cooperation with the UEE military.

I will note the space around Leir has multiple benefits because of the odd disposition of its residents and direct connection to Vanduul space. There are really only two access points to the enemies of humanity: Leir and Orion. Leir has been raided by Void Bombers but only just raided. Orion was obliterated. Keep in mind, war zones are salvage zones. If you can manage the risk they likely afford the best revenue.

Our miners and salvagers will likely share the best insights for locations that secure best revenue. I’d look to them. I’m a simple murderer. I kill Vanduul. I have no other mission in life since they killed my mother and sister.

I never met a Vanduul I didn’t like. . .to gouge its eyes out.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
On the stations themselves—what do we get in return for such massive investment? If an org can cajole its members to cooperate (no small feat) and build this thing, what are the benefits? We can only guess, and glean insights from what CIG has committed to in the past. So let’s theorycraft a moment and weave a spell of vision.

One supposes you might get better and faster repair services than with a Crucible. You might get better tech development than with an Endeavor. You might get better production bonuses than with a Pioneer. You might get better scan than with a Cap ship. Better medical than any normal med bed. Better cash flow than any private system a player might scheme out.

Something or things, are going to accrue to entire orgs that put out the effort.

What this guesswork says to me is, this is worth the effort, or why have it at all?

I’m all in.
My guess is that crafting as one of the biggest benefits from Orgs owning expensive stations.

Crafting looks like it'll be a massive gameplay loop when the game goes live. Player crafted items, equipment, and even vehicles are supposed to be better than their existing counterparts. You'll need a lot of support from Org owned infrastructure like refineries and crafting stations. I think having ships that specialize in one thing or another (Crucible, Endeavor) is terrific but I think they'll be beat by having a dedicated Org base (station) manned by hundreds if not thousands or players all working to streamline products and services.

End game goal is for us to capture/build, man, and defend something like a Bengal. I don't think that'll be possible without the logistical capacity of a base AND top of the line equipment/vehicles crafted by players. Top of the line gear is competitive and just like anyone who's played end level MMORPGs know, gear matters if you wanna take down that Big Boss. I've been in some of the most prominent organizations in EVE Online and the most successful ones are 'Alliances' that streamline their industrial interests AND defend it. As much as we wanna do the solo thing, games like that almost ALWAYS favor player run organizations that work together.

Lastly having an Org owned base/station will be some place for all of us to come home to. I'm sure we all want our own player owned homes but that isn't always possible plus there'll always be newer members who need a temporary place to base out of. Anyway I think a TEST owned station/base will be a place for us to trade, socialize, and just hang out. Imagine having a Carrack and being out in unexplored space for weeks. 'Coming Home' won't just be a state of mind, it'll be a physical place for us. :like:
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
They also mentioned that you can create & build large capital ships in the dry docks of the org owned space stations, right before showing a Bengal fitting perfectly. Seriously, TEST bengals, that's all the motivation I needed, although I was enthusiastic for it already by then.
It's all about the Benjamins Bengals!

Devil Dog Hog

Space Marshal
Jan 28, 2016
RSI Handle
They also mentioned that you can create & build large capital ships in the dry docks of the org owned space stations, right before showing a Bengal fitting perfectly. Seriously, TEST bengals, that's all the motivation I needed, although I was enthusiastic for it already by then.
Our first Bengal should be named the Party Wagon


Space Marshal
Apr 12, 2015
RSI Handle
I hope we can all get behind this. As the largest org in game we ought to be looking to leverage our size. Hopefully those who love salvage, mining and transport can commit certain times to gather for org, and those who love combat can commit to fly cover for those activities in a way that assures serious success.

As one looking forward to the Sons of Orion storyline, taking back worlds the Vanduul have annexed, I’d love to see such a station in Vanduul space, perhaps in Orion itself. Of coarse one can’t lead with such a risky proposition. I guess we’ll need two such ports. And why stop there? Why not set a goal to build three before the next best org gets their first?

Its hard to be the best, but hey; there we are.
Sons of Orion? What's that?

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Exploration players go find pockets of minerals, Miners then come in to mine those spots, Haulers are subsequently needed to bring those materials to the build sites, and escorts are needed for coverage on all of those activities. Once the station is complete, the cycle remains largely the same with a HUGE added caveat; Crafting. If we always have explorers out there finding us the purest materials, we will always be able to feed a massive manufacturing machine whose stats have a leg-up on the competition. Then, now that we have goods, we need to sell them. In comes the fleet of Testie Merchantmen to spread our word and wares to the far corners of the verse. Having a station in each "sector" of the verse will be a massive benefit to the org as a whole. Different areas have different materials, so if we have a foothold in all those areas then rare materials become common within our network. Which, in turn, means that our crafty little crafters will be able to specialize down their own individual rabbit holes without having to worry about becoming a rare gems dealer to get the weird crap to use in their research. End result: Market Dominance

Devil Dog Hog

Space Marshal
Jan 28, 2016
RSI Handle
Every town in the US has a bar named Alibis.

Though I prefer "He's not here."
Every port I ever sailed into seemed like it had an Irish Bar somewhere. It became a game to try and find one everywhere we went. Maybe we could call the station the "Hairy Lemon" after the Dublin spot.
we could go the opposite direction and name it Inigo in honor of Montoya looking for the six fingered man who murdered his father.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Exploration players go find pockets of minerals, Miners then come in to mine those spots, Haulers are subsequently needed to bring those materials to the build sites, and escorts are needed for coverage on all of those activities. Once the station is complete, the cycle remains largely the same with a HUGE added caveat; Crafting. If we always have explorers out there finding us the purest materials, we will always be able to feed a massive manufacturing machine whose stats have a leg-up on the competition. Then, now that we have goods, we need to sell them. In comes the fleet of Testie Merchantmen to spread our word and wares to the far corners of the verse. Having a station in each "sector" of the verse will be a massive benefit to the org as a whole. Different areas have different materials, so if we have a foothold in all those areas then rare materials become common within our network. Which, in turn, means that our crafty little crafters will be able to specialize down their own individual rabbit holes without having to worry about becoming a rare gems dealer to get the weird crap to use in their research. End result: Market Dominance
I don't think we'll ever have the tools to truly achieve Market Dominance. CIG has expressed reservations in the past about EVE Online style dominance of the market by players. That being said, I just want us to have the logistical and material resources to challenge for end game content whether it's capturing and manning a Bengal or something crazy like doing a super hard PVE 'Boss Fight' like taking down a Vanduul Kingship.


Aug 14, 2024
RSI Handle
I honestly would think it would all came down to taxes. It's how other games have done it. You set the tax rate dependant on how necessary and dire a situation would call for it. Convenient station location in NYX that you can dock, repair, fuel, ammo, med service, INSURANCE (maybe), and trade. High tax at your discretion. If you're an organization member or a "friend" lower cost or free dependant on station income. It's one of the reasons I wanted a base in Pyro. I wanted to raise a middle finger to those assholes that control the fuel and sell my own.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't think we'll ever have the tools to truly achieve Market Dominance. CIG has expressed reservations in the past about EVE Online style dominance of the market by players. That being said, I just want us to have the logistical and material resources to challenge for end game content whether it's capturing and manning a Bengal or something crazy like doing a super hard PVE 'Boss Fight' like taking down a Vanduul Kingship.
I meant more along the lines of dominance in branding. "Oh man, is that a TEST rifle? Shit, I heard they have like NO recoil. Where'd you get it??" The other half of the Space station coin is exactly what you described. A logistics network built to serve the swollen ranks of our Navy as they push out amongst the stars to fight human and monsters alike. Whichever org can repair their fleet fastest and re-engage is the one that is going to be able to throw their weight around.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Sons of Orion? What's that?
Its the name of the future mission sequence of players targeting Vanduul in and around the Orion cluster of worlds. Orion is the most famous of worlds conquered and despoiled by the Vanduul, and the NPC mission handlers are freedom fighters handing out in game missions in that area. So CIG intends for players to take an active hand in how the struggle against the Vanduul will go, and stellar evolution of hegemonies will depend upon player engagement. If the players don’t bother with the Sons of Orion storyline, the Vanduul will continue incursions into UEE space, but if they actively aggress against the Vanduul, they can be pushed back by the players, and lost worlds like Orion regained.

It’s the best mission dynamic I’ve ever heard of in a game that ultimately makes the fate of the galaxy the players’ responsibility. It also pays players to fight Vanduul, and rewards them with more than cash. It can reward them with entire planets.

Or so says the lore from several years back.

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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Would you pick Nyx or Pyro for its location?
Castra? Or perhaps a system where there is nothing except the star & a ton of asteroids if that exists? My reasoning is that who better to construct a Dyson Sphere to truly own a system than the drunken cats that would end up accidentally encompassing a star to claim ALL of its escaping energy to provide eternal energy sources for the energy weapons of the security.
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