So the Chronos System is our home?


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
But that 999th is called Wreckless... while we're more or less the wet dream of every Reclaimer.

Also, at which point will CiG hand out Sabres to us?

As far as Chronos is concerned, it's under relatively close watch by the UEE because of their Archangel Project and the two resource-planets in the Systems are going to be a graveyard of crisp-burned testies. :P

The Systems I've found of most interest so far are:

Unclaimed: Leir, Branlaugh, Min, Oberon (having 3 Jumps from Vanduul might be a bit challenging, though)

UEE: Corel, Charon

If I had to pick one, it would be Leir.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm liking that it will be that close to Vanduul space plus the UEE will want to protect it. We could honestly see a heavily contested system in terms of people who want to live there. And if we do make it our home we could possible turn the space into Org/SW/Jita for Star Citizen.


Space Marshal
Nov 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't think that this would be a good "home" base for us. There's no habitable planets, barely any mining resources, only two jumps away from Vanduul space, it's in the middle of nowhere and it's chock full of UEE to protect their investment of Project Archangel... I think we'd be off better suited to putting up our home at Min, as it is close to UEE space ( Large jump to Nexus and small to Ellis), yet is not claimed by the UEE, so we can better facilitate our not so legal activities and hide our fugitives. It's safe from the Vanduul, extremely protectable (Only two Jump Points), has a habitable moon. Plus it's not a star system but a ROGUE PLANET. THAT'S BADASS. We'd be safe, still independent and not far from major trade routes. So my vote is for Min.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't think that this would be a good "home" base for us. There's no habitable planets, barely any mining resources, only two jumps away from Vanduul space, it's in the middle of nowhere and it's chock full of UEE to protect their investment of Project Archangel... I think we'd be off better suited to putting up our home at Min, as it is close to UEE space ( Large jump to Nexus and small to Ellis), yet is not claimed by the UEE, so we can better facilitate our not so legal activities and hide our fugitives. It's safe from the Vanduul, extremely protectable (Only two Jump Points), has a habitable moon. Plus it's not a star system but a ROGUE PLANET. THAT'S BADASS. We'd be safe, still independent and not far from major trade routes. So my vote is for Min.
They were going to base adi in Chronos, but decided that they really wanted to keep the system from the Vanduul
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