From my experience you will always have excess of S and M (which can be good) but,,, XXXL you will always run out of. My ex before last ex used to want me to get XXXL to wear as nightshirts. She was only 5' 4" and about 96 lbs. I should have got a photo it was more like a dress.;)Exactly.
Ordering 1000 shirts will be tough because we do not know how many XXXL we need and how many Lienna sizes we need.
Ordering from the usual sites will cost $30, but at least everybody can get the exact size they need.
I will be supporting international TESTies as well. The cost will be worked out.But what about the Testies down under?
Its fucken jandals mate, no one knows wtf you're on about when you say thongs. Is it underwear, is it footwear? God knows.We're talking like themed thongs?
I'd buy a pair.