Stalker or Hawk

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
For the actual state of the game having the ability to restrain the bounty into proper cell is irrelevant, so if your decision is based only by the lack of them keep the Conny doen't make any difference.
Current state of the game, yes. 3.11 things are scheduled to change and a cell then would become important.

Chip Hazzard

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2018
RSI Handle
I have so much love for the hawk, but suck with fixed weapons! So hoping that the 3.10 update will make it better.

Hawk only has 1 cell, and you can use it to logout in as well. Has an EMP to disable ships. The wings tend to fall off as soon as someone shoots near them, but a fun little ship.

The Stalker has a lot of firepower for its size, has a S3 Gatling gun, and 2 S2 distortion cannons, but no EMP. It has a bed to log out in and more prisoner cells (6 I think.... Could be wrong on that).

I haven't flown the stalker, but hear it is a really good ship.

I think either will do the job you are looking for. Stalker can collect more bounties in one go, but might find it harder to disable ships instead of destroying them. With he Hawk, you will have more ability to disable ships with the EMP, but can only hold 1 prisoner.

I have the Hawk and a Cutlass Blue for bounty hunting. Might look at the Stalker to complete the set 😂


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Current state of the game, yes. 3.11 things are scheduled to change and a cell then would become important.
If you are referrring to the actual introduction of the "surrender" option there is not suggestion that this imply the ability or the introduction of the game loop that involve carrying the actual bounty to the prison facility... unless I've missed something on the recent ISC and SCL show...

So still belive that the presence of the detentionc ell are worthless right now...


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
One can only assume with the dragging mechanic, cell's and now a surrender option the bounty hunting gameplay is pretty close to being implemented, but until its actually in the game and functioning properly I wouldn't get my hopes up lmao.

That being said, I have seen video's of people using the Hawk and its pretty amazing to watch some of these guys operate the ship but these guys are most likely mid to upper tier dog fighters, I guess it comes down to your skill level, if you are better than your prey more often then not I think you can be successful with a Hawk, if you need a little more ship than skill prolly the Stalker or maybe even shell out the $$ and go for the Cutty Blue.

I think in the right hands any of these ships can excel.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
One can only assume with the dragging mechanic, cell's and now a surrender option the bounty hunting gameplay is pretty close to being implemented, but until its actually in the game and functioning properly I wouldn't get my hopes up lmao.

That being said, I have seen video's of people using the Hawk and its pretty amazing to watch some of these guys operate the ship but these guys are most likely mid to upper tier dog fighters, I guess it comes down to your skill level, if you are better than your prey more often then not I think you can be successful with a Hawk, if you need a little more ship than skill prolly the Stalker or maybe even shell out the $$ and go for the Cutty Blue.

I think in the right hands any of these ships can excel.
The idea is it is temporary. :) Primarily I intend to use a Redeemer (module mentioned in the stretch goal) Connie ("When you think handsome bounty hunter making his own way in a galaxy of enemies, you think the Constellation.") or maybe reinstate my Tali (module mentoned in the module Q&A)

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Why not both, they are two different ship.
Hawk is to hunt down ( bounty hunting ) short range no bed... etc..

Stalker is to transport criminals and can be used as bounty hunting, but have no real mean to stop a ship like the Hawk has.. Have a bed..etc..


Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Current state of the game, yes. 3.11 things are scheduled to change and a cell then would become important.
I think it is still too early to say, for reasons I'll explain in a moment.
Can the Hawk really grind down shields fast enough?
No. Both the Avenger and hawk are entry level and can't really do the job well.
The idea is it is temporary. :) Primarily I intend to use a Redeemer (module mentioned in the stretch goal) Connie ("When you think handsome bounty hunter making his own way in a galaxy of enemies, you think the Constellation.") or maybe reinstate my Tali (module mentioned in the module Q&A)
I'm surprised you're not considering the Blue. If you're hunting, I think there will be many times your prey will Q away, and to catch them you really want a faster Q drive so you arrive before them at their destination and can ambush them. This means a Medium Q drive at the least, so a Blue, or better, a Sentinel. Larger, faster drives are only found in ships you can't effectively fly alone.

I think of the Sentinel as the premier hunter, just because it will have so many surprises in its bag of tricks. You're right that we don't know what we don't know about surrender and containment yet, but I would note one option that folks haven't much considered so far as hunting is concerned.

The jury is still out as to how the Vanguards will swap modules. If it were me designing those, I would certainly make it that they swap each side of the ship independently. If CIG does this, the options for the owner expand exponentially. You could for instance, add just two seats from the Hoplite, and keep the EMP from the Sentinel. So you'd have life support for 5, and seats you can fit with NPC marines to keep your charge under wraps.

No matter what happens with the Vanguard modules, I think you need a fast Medium Q Drive as a baseline, and two shields rather than one suggests the Vanguard over the Cutty. The Sentinel brings stealth to the game which will be an ever increasing advantage to the hunter, and I just don't think anything else can compete with that. The Connies will just get their asses shot off unless they use all their missiles, and that doesn't yield a live capture. If you want to just kill targets, use the Sentinel frame with the Harbinger module and again, attack from stealth.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I think it is still too early to say, for reasons I'll explain in a moment.
No. Both the Avenger and hawk are entry level and can't really do the job well.
I'm surprised you're not considering the Blue. If you're hunting, I think there will be many times your prey will Q away, and to catch them you really want a faster Q drive so you arrive before them at their destination and can ambush them. This means a Medium Q drive at the least, so a Blue, or better, a Sentinel. Larger, faster drives are only found in ships you can't effectively fly alone.

I think of the Sentinel as the premier hunter, just because it will have so many surprises in its bag of tricks. You're right that we don't know what we don't know about surrender and containment yet, but I would note one option that folks haven't much considered so far as hunting is concerned.

The jury is still out as to how the Vanguards will swap modules. If it were me designing those, I would certainly make it that they swap each side of the ship independently. If CIG does this, the options for the owner expand exponentially. You could for instance, add just two seats from the Hoplite, and keep the EMP from the Sentinel. So you'd have life support for 5, and seats you can fit with NPC marines to keep your charge under wraps.

No matter what happens with the Vanguard modules, I think you need a fast Medium Q Drive as a baseline, and two shields rather than one suggests the Vanguard over the Cutty. The Sentinel brings stealth to the game which will be an ever increasing advantage to the hunter, and I just don't think anything else can compete with that. The Connies will just get their asses shot off unless they use all their missiles, and that doesn't yield a live capture. If you want to just kill targets, use the Sentinel frame with the Harbinger module and again, attack from stealth.
I still hate the Cutlass, I know the hatred is irrational but it exists. :) The Blue is even less useful than it was in the original concept. The bulkhead limits what you can carry even if you remove the cells. At $175 it is also extremely over priced.

More importantly the Blue does not fill the role that I intend, which is to use it for cells, if they become needed sooner than the Connie can handle the role and then CCU'd to a small dedicated solo-able hauler. (Currently looking at the Max, the Taurus or possibly the Hull-B.)
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Why not both, they are two different ship.
Hawk is to hunt down ( bounty hunting ) short range no bed... etc..

Stalker is to transport criminals and can be used as bounty hunting, but have no real mean to stop a ship like the Hawk has.. Have a bed..etc..

Fair, but I don't actually really want either one. :) I have other ships that should fill the role without the range limitations, they just don't fill the role now.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Fair, but I don't actually really want either one. :) I have other ships that should fill the role without the range limitations, they just don't fill the role now.
Yeah that was my conclusion to, tho I might get the Hawk back some day.. maybe. ha ha

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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Freelancer MIS for me. Well, what can I say - they strongly resisted arrest??

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