Star Citizen has a griefer problem - Video


Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Either way I have no issues for the two game plays. Personally I like to think of myself as helpful not hurtful.
But with that being said it would be a very boring world virtually and otherwise if we were nothing but a blank sheet of white paper.
Hell just the other day I was visiting admins in Pyro looking at the commodities of each when I stumbled onto a motivated ganker in my own hanger! I thought he was just afk but when I said hello he drew on me and sent me to pixel heaven.
Upset? Hell yeah!...But he was also playing and I should have either turned around and left or ended him when I saw him.
Congratulations to Mr.Pirate wherever you are.
Pyro is an exciting place to live in if you accept the risks :o7:


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
However, I've been a huge fan of games like GTA V and Tarkov for a long while. GTA V had a PvE/PvP toggle, but some of the content was locked behind PvP. Tarkov, well, Tarkov is just a hardcore PvP looter shooter.
This will be a nice and a good solution, but not right now and not in the current state of the geme.
When (if) crafting will became thing like CIG describe it then finding some rare item or blueprint in a PVP intense area will be a prise and for dedicated and skilled PVP player that could be a nice way to make in-game currency... it could also lead to nice party forming to get that reward... but NOW we don't have any crafting and we don't have an in-game proper way to advertise some item is on sell.
Sure you can make some advertisement in the chat and organise some exchange meeting but that is still a shady business with neither of the parts have any assurance that they'll either get the goods or the payments. I mean we already see this kind of behaviour with rescue beacon: most player ignore them because some player use them to setup trap and assault the rescue party...


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I mean we already see this kind of behaviour with rescue beacon: most player ignore them because some player use them to setup trap and assault the rescue party...
I generally ignore sending & responding to rescue beacons, because for the most part they are worthless. I call them worthless, because every time I've needed to use them, I'm in a situation where I'll be dead in only a couple min while in the middle of nowhere. So it would be extremely unlikely that anybody would be able to rescue me in time. If anything, I'd just be sending out my location for somebody to steal my things from my corpse before I can respawn & return to reclaim them. But that's an issue with the speed of the death system vs how fast somebody might actually be able to come to my aid. Which I hope that CIG will eventually fix sooner than later, most likely by extending that timer.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thank you, Glorious Leader!

I've previously made my opinions on this known in regards to Player Vs Player when it lacks the "Verses", dominant vs submissive game mechanics in a multi-disciplinary PvP game and players forcing themselves on others in a disruptive "Player On Player" manner... My opinion on this has not to this point changed:

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